Oprah's doctors, Oz and Roizen, are linked to RealAge, an on-line actuarial questionnaire that evaluates your lifestyle to give you an age that reflects how healthy your choices are. You may end up older or younger than your chronological age as a result of their quiz.
I took it once when they first published it and came out about 20 years younger than my chronological age.
Then along came one of their daily facts I disagreed with, and so did the science.
Do you think they would correct the error of their ways? No way, Jose!
Now it appears - according to some data dug up by Public Citizen, that the folks who bring you the RealAge questionnaire also sell your info and email to pharmaceutical companies.
Website Collects Medical Data and Uses That Data for Drug Company Solicitations
Online Age Quiz Is a Window for Drug Makers
A word to the wise: You'd better skip this test.
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