Thursday, April 30, 2009

CHG Favorites of the Week

Food Blog/Site of the Week
Recipes for Health at the New York Times
The Gray Lady (or more likely, her interns) (okay, actually Times writer Martha Rose Shulman) has compiled all her healthiest recipes into a single database, crying out to be searched. From risotto to eggplant to stale bread (yes, stale bread), it’s waiting for your clicks.

Food Comedy of the Week
If you like food puns – and I KNOW you like food puns – go here right now. Don’t even read the next thing. Just go. You will laugh your corny butt off for days. Down below: Eddie Cheddar. (Thanks to Jezebel for the link.)

Food Quote of the Week
Continuing with this week’s literary theme, this excerpt comes from Ray Bradbury’s Dandelion Wine, via commenter Wifemommaniac. Sweet:

“RELISH! What a special name for the minced pickle sweetly crushed in its white capped jar. The man who had named it, what a man he must have been. Roaring, stamping around, he must have tromped the joys of the world and jammed them in this jar and writ in a big hand, shouting, RELISH! For its very sound meant rolling in sweet fields with roistering chestnut mares, mouths bearded with grass, plunging your head fathoms deep in trough water so the sea poured cavernously through your head. RELISH!”

Food Movie Clip of the Week
The dinner scene from American Beauty
To know:
1) This is rated R for language.
2) This is a great scene.
3) Kevin Spacey and Annette Bening act their faces off.
4) Asparagus is thrown.

Totally Unrelated Extra Special Bonus of the Week
Shadow Hare
Crime is afoot in Cincinnati! Fortunately, Shadow Hare, his ever-so-slightly prepubescent voice, and several others are here to help. In its way, this is incredibly heartwarming.

Homeopathy Effective for FLU

"Ohio reported that 24,000 cases of flu treated allopathically had a mortality rate of 28.2% while 26,000 cases of flu treated homeopathically had a mortality rate of 1.05%."

Here's a good resource for more infomation.

Read more about homeopathy and FLU

Veggie Might: Steamed Asparagus (Don’t Gild the Lily Shoots)

Penned by the effervescent Leigh, Veggie Might is a weekly Thursday column about the wide world of Vegetarianism.

Sometimes vegetables should just be left alone.

This past weekend, I spent three glorious days in the North Carolina sunshine with my best friend, A., and her husband and two-year-old. It was little C’s birthday, and I just couldn’t resist a circus-themed party.

Friday night before the big event, A. and I were fixing dinner: something light and fast before the hotdogs, cupcakes, and apple juice to come. A is the manager of the local farmer’s market in her area. One of the perks is first dibs on fresh produce while the farmers set up their stalls.

From her fridge, she pulled out a bundle of perfect, young asparagus stalks: the first of the season and the sweetest I’d ever tasted. We ate the thinnest stalks raw as we washed and snapped off the ends of the rest.

C toddled up and A. gave him a stalk. He took the asparagus and munched gleefully. I’ve never seen a kid eat vegetables like that. (I’ve also never typed the word “gleefully” before, but hey.)

“Sautee or steam?” A. asked.

“Steam,” I replied. It seemed like gilding the lily to put those perfect stems of green spring goodness in oil or butter. Turns out asparagus is a member of the lily family. Who knew? (Well, the people at that link and Mark Bittman.)

As you know, I’m a big fan of sautéing vegetables in garlic. How many recipes have I shared with that step? But even I know when to leave well enough alone.

A. seemed to know just how long to cook the asparagus, but I would have had to get help. I don’t trust myself for two reasons; I get impatient, and I get distracted.

I have no patience for standing over a pot of boiling water, even for a few minutes. After a minute has past, you can guarantee I will have wondered off like a two-year-old to see what else is going on, and then the veggies will have overcooked.

According to Mark Bittman’s How to Cook Everything Vegetarian, asparagus should be boiled in a skillet or steamed in a pan with just a bit of water at the bottom “just until the thick part of the stalk can be pierced with a knife.” Well, just how long is that? It depends on how much you’re cooking, of course. In our case, a bunch of about 20 stalks took 3 minutes to steam. A set a timer which let us wander guilt-free.

They were perfect: tender, slightly crunchy, vibrantly green. I know that, classically, asparagus is served with hollandaise or mayonnaise, but I’ve never understood why. Who thought to drench something so light and delicious with such heavy sauces?

We didn’t even think to salt our Carolina-grown spring bounty. If A. salted the water, I didn’t notice.

Our supper of fresh-from-the-farm veggies was one of the easiest and best meals I’ve eaten in a while. It reminded me that, sometimes, it’s best to let food be itself.

Steamed Asparagus
Serves 3 – 4

20 asparagus stalks
1/2 cup of water

1) Wash asparagus and break off woody ends.

2) Put water in sauce pan. Put asparagus in steamer basket or bamboo steamer and place over sauce pan. (You can also use the Mark Bittman methods above.)

3) Bring water to boil.

4) Steam for approximately 3 minutes or until thick ends of stalks are tender.

5) Dress as desired or eat plain. Plain is good. Really good.

Approximate Calories, Fat, and Price* per Serving
Four servings: 15 calories, .1g fat, $.37
Three servings: 20 calories, .13g fat, $.50

Asparagus: 60 calories, .4g fat, $1.50
TOTAL: 60 calories, .4g fat, $1.50
PER SERVING (TOTAL/4): 15 calories, .1g fat, $.37
PER SERVING (TOTAL/3): 20 calories, .13g fat, $.50

*Price is from my local market.

Natural Ways to Help Stop Smoking

A reader was looking for natural alternatives to Chantix/Champix, so I thought I'd provide some information based on methods I've suggested to people over the years that have been very helpful.

I generally suggest that if you are a smoker you add vitamin C to your daily routine. Each cigarette you smoke causes you to lose 100 mg to 500 mg. Vitamin C does help protect your lungs and your health in general.

I also suggest vitamin A (a combined A/beta-carotene product because many cannot convert beta-c to A) because it protects the mining of your respiratory system.

And of course vitamin E (natural only, not soy based or the artificial type, dl tocopherol acetate) because it helps oxygen cross the from the lungs to blood.

Start with a switch to no-chemicals-added tobacco. Many reservation tobacco stores offer these cigarettes under tribal brands. American Spirit is a commercial and pricey brand sold in most stores.

Smokers who use menthol cigarettes do seem to have a harder time quitting according to studies I have read.

We have offered a variety of products:

Homeopathic tablets or drops

Herbal liquid drops and Herbal capsules

Light-activated drops and soaks to help remove the nicotine from the body

If you're interested in learning more about any of the options we have available, just get in touch with us for more information.


Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Dr. Levy on Vitamin C

Viral Poppycock - "For a population of seven million people, Hong Kong has stockpiled 20 million treatment courses of Tamiflu, a medicine to which the new swine flu virus has not yet developed resistance but it’s a toss up which is more dangerous, the swine flu or Tamiflu. Dr. Russell Blaylock writes, “I was in the military during the first swine flu scare in 1976. At the time it became policy that all soldiers would be vaccinated for swine flu. As a medical officer I refused and almost faced a court martial, but the military didn't want the bad publicity. Despite the assurance by all the experts in virology, including Dr. Sabin, the epidemic never materialized. What did materialize were 500 cases of Gullian-Barre paralysis, including 25 deaths-not due to the swine flu itself, but as a direct result of the vaccine.”Courtesy Mark Sircus

Originally posted: Saturday, October 28, 2006


Dr. Thomas Levy is one of the world’s experts in effects of vitamin C on viruses. Here’s what he says “Regarding the bird flu, I have not found any virus for which vitamin C does not exert a virucidal effect, as long as enough vitamin C reaches the virus, such as in any acute infection. I don't know about Tamiflu, but the vitamin C is virtually devoid of negative side effects.”

Although there no studies yet published specifically treating Asian bird flu with vitamin C, immune expert Dr Robert Cathcart, who has treated thousands of cases of life threatening infectious diseases with high dose vitamin C says “Treatment of the bird flu with massive doses of ascorbate would be the same as any other flu except that the severity of the disease indicates that it may take unusually massive doses of ascorbic acid orally or even intravenous sodium ascorbate. I have not seen any flu yet that was not cured or markedly ameliorated by massive doses of vitamin C.”

Antiviral drugs, such as Tamiflu, work by inhibiting something called neuraminidase, produced by viruses and essential for their ability to replicate. So too does vitamin C but this is only one of more than ten ways that vitamin C knocks out viruses, both by inhibiting the virus itself, and by strengthening the body’s own immune response, for example by improving the number of function of immune cells (eg macrophages, lymphocytes and neutrophils), upping interferon and nitric oxide and making more antibodies which target viruses. Vitamin C also has direct antiviral effects and has been shown to inhibit viral replication in laboratory studies, such as HIV-infected immune cells. In the case of HIV viral infection was inhibited by 99% within four days, according to research published by the National Academy of Sciences. (It is really a tragedy that this research hasn’t been followed up with a large scale human trials, but the sad truth is that, even though vitamin C has been shown to outperform AZT in lab studies , there’s no money in it. So it appears that there is sufficient biological plausibility for its role against the flu, but since we don't have the controlled human trials, it’s not proven. It’s a tragedy that these studies aren’t done for life-threatening diseases such as HIV and bird flu, but the sad truth is there’s no money in it because vitamin C is cheap to make and not patentable – unlike drugs such as Tamiflu. Vitamin C, in high doses, has been well proven to be non-toxic in both adults and children over many years. The same cannot be said for this new generation of antiviral drugs.

However, we do know that vitamin C reduces the severitiy of colds and flu. Over 20 controlled trials using at least 1 gram a day against the common cold have been published, showing that the duration is typically decreased by about 25% and symptoms are much less severe. You are going to need much more than this if you contract any kind of flu. One recent human trial found that students who took hourly doses of 1,000 mg of vitamin C for the first 6 hours and then 3 times daily had a decrease in symptoms of 85% compared to students in the control group. In the case of bird flu that might well be the difference between life and death.

It’s highly likely that vitamin C would be effective against bird flu if you can get the dose high enough. Dr Mark Levine, who works for the National Institutes of Health in the US, has shown that you can get plasma levels up to 200mcmol/l with 3 grams of vitamin C six times a day, at which point vitamin C becomes profoundly anti-viral. However, with intravenous infusion of 100g a day concentration goes up to 15,000mcmol/l. No virus has yet been shown to survive at that level.

The ideal amount of vitamin C for any flu is up to ‘bowel tolerance’. Start with 1 gram an hour. If you get diarrhoea halve this dose. If you don’t, double it. There are some forms of vitamin C, notably sodium ascorbate with riboperine, and lipospheric vitamin C that allow even more to be absorbed without reaching bowel tolerance. They are marginally better than straight ascorbic acid. Some people find ascorbic acid too acidic, in which case an ascorbate, such as sodium ascorbate, can be taken. It might be useful to have a supply at hand if an epidemic does break out. There is no harm in having 100 grams a day short-term, stopping once all symptoms are gone. If even this didn’t stop the flu I’d find a doctor who could administer intravenous sodium ascorbate. The trick with any infection is not to get it in the first place by keeping your immune system strong. I take 1 gram of vitamin C twice a day. If Asian flu breaks out I’m doubling that to 4 grams – one every 6 or so hours, and taking 1 gram an hour if I get any symptoms.

Patrick Holford interviews Dr. Thomas Levy –

Despite hundreds of published studies, the true power of vitamin C as an infection fighter is vastly under-appreciated. Dr Thomas Levy, a doctor from Colorado, has painstakingly reviewed all of the research in his book Vitamin C, Infectious Diseases, and Toxins: Curing the Incurable. Here, he tells me of the true proven power of vitamin C.

PH For which infectious diseases has vitamin C been proven to both cure and prevent, if given in sufficient amounts?

TL In the medical literature, more than enough evidence and data has been published to conclude that vitamin C, administered properly, has cured and can continue to cure acute viral hepatitis, measles, mumps, viral encephalitis, chickenpox and herpes infections, viral pneumonia, influenza, diphtheria, tetanus, streptococcal infections, pseudomonas infections and staphylococcal infections. Prevention against the contraction of these infections and other infections involves the daily dosing of lower amounts of vitamin C than the amounts needed to cure a given infection. This prevention can almost always be overwhelmed, however, when a large enough acute exposure of an infectious agent is encountered.

PH Let's take a look at mumps, for example, which is very much in the news as more parents choose not to have their children given the MMR vaccination. What would you recommend?

TL This is a subject of great controversy. In general, I am opposed to vaccinations, since it is clear to me that the proper use of vitamin C can easily cope with the many different agents for which vaccination is offered. However, having a good specific, antibody-armed immune system is desirable as well. Therefore, when the vaccine is preservative-free (particularly from methylmercury in the form of thimerosol), the child is old enough to have a reasonably mature immune system (2 years or older), and the child is not acutely ill and has not recently been ill, then immunisation may be of benefit. However, before the vaccination, I would give the child a gram of vitamin C a day per year of life (2 grams or more) for at least a week before the vaccination and continuing for at least a week after the vaccination. This has the effect of protecting against any acute toxic insults associated with the vaccination, while maximizing the vitamin C-augmented antibody response to the vaccine.

PH How strong is the scientific evidence to support what you are saying and why is this evidence not being acted on?

TL The scientific evidence is very strong. I can only speculate as to why it seems to be ignored, but the entire medical system worldwide is based on doctors regarding very specific and limited sources of information as being the only reliable sources of medical information. Insurance companies generally only cover mainstream treatments. A great deal of money is spent, directly and indirectly, to convince doctors and the public that anything not learned directly in medical school or later provided through very specific channels is simply not to be trusted, much less even properly evaluated.

PH If a person, or child, contracts any of these diseases, how does one know how much vitamin C to take?

TL As Dr Klenner repeatedly described in his many papers, vitamin C must continue to be administered in appropriately high doses until a positive clinical response is seen, and then lower doses can be given. In other words, Dr Klenner would use whatever dose necessary to see a positive clinical response. This meant anything from 35 to 65 grams for a first dose, given intravenously. In terms of oral supplementation, take as much as you can tolerate, starting with 2 or 3 grams every three to four hours.

PH Is there any danger in taking these kinds of amounts?

TL Unless you are a patient with advanced renal failure, the answer appears to be no. In fact, very large studies have clearly defined that vitamin C not only does not cause kidney stones in patients with normal kidney function, it will often help to dissolve stones that were already present before the vitamin C administration began.

PH Your book is immensely thorough and well researched. How are we going to get this vital, life-saving and inexpensive treatment taken seriously? How many more people have to suffer and die unnecessarily?

TL I wish I knew. I wrote the book from both a medical and a legal perspective. I wanted physicians who are brave enough to do what is best for their patients to have as much scientific backing as possible for the vitamin C-based therapies that they choose, especially if they end up having to defend what they are doing in a court of law.

PH What types of vitamin C should be taken?

TL Vitamin C comes as mineral ascorbates, ascorbic acid, sodium ascorbate, and in a liposome-encapsulated form. If administered intravenously, the sodium ascorbate form is always desirable for an acute illness. When not available, the liposome-coated form, called lipospheric vitamin C, appears to have a very high bioavailability with virtually no bowel tolerance dose [ie diarrhoea inducing], which typically impedes the very high oral dosing of vitamin C.

Five Fiction Books for the Frugal Foodie

Thanks, you guys, for all your suggestions from yesterday’s nonfiction food books post. They were wonderful to see. I’d never heard of Laurie Colwin before, and hereby pledge to get on the MFK Fisher tip immediately.

Today, as a follow-up, I thought I’d recommend my favorite food fiction. Like yesterday’s selections, the books might not have much to do with inexpensive, healthy meals, but all include important scenes and plot points involving edibles.

Have you read any of these? What about other novels with stellar food scenes? The comment section is ready and waiting.

Beloved by Toni Morrison
Since main character Sethe is a cook, much of Beloved revolves around her post-Civil War era kitchen, where she prepares a series of biscuits, jams, and simple meals. Aside from that, though, there’s a flashback scene, vital to explaining the rest of the book, in which her family throws the world’s greatest picnic. It begins with a bucket of berries, and ends in luxury, celebration, and bitter feelings that affect the characters for the rest of their lives.

The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck
For some reason, when I think of great literary food scenes, they tend to involve novels in which food is scarce. With no farming jobs to be had in the depths of the Great Depression, GoW’s Joad family heads west, and practically starves along the way. The skimpiness of their meals – when there’s even food to be had - makes a pivotal breastfeeding incident all the more powerful.

Harry Potter and the Sorceror’s Stone by JK Rowling
Yes, the Harry Potter series is fundamentally about kid wizards learning their craft, coming of age, and overcoming evil. But a good part their characterization comes from Rowling’s early descriptions of their relationships with food: Harry’s amazed at the surplus, Hermione's bewitched by its quality, and Ron’s just hungry. Later, the surplus of butterbeer and field trip takeout (such as it is) hints at the kids’ maturation. Good stuff. (Plus, Bertie Bott’s Beans, anyone? I’ll take one in vomit flavor.)

The Namesake by Jhumpa Lahiri
On the whole, this book rules. As something that will make you immediately want an Indian buffet shoveled straight into your mouth, it rules even harder. I’m sorry I can’t be more specific, but my drool is shorting out my keyboard.

A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith
Many suspect the story of Francie Nolan’s BK childhood is actually Smith’s own thinly disguised biography. Either way, her perseverance in the face of occasionally crushing deprivation will charm your face off (and make you appreciate coffee a lot more). Also, if there’s a greater fictional mom than Katie Nolan, I’d like to know.

Also of Note

Bunnicula by Deborah Howe, James Howe, and Alan Daniel
A vampire bunny? That only eats vegetables? In a story told by a dog? Yes please. Growing up, this was one of my favorite books. Has anyone read it lately? Does it hold up?

The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls
Much like A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, this modern memoir focuses on the author’s poverty-stricken childhood, though in a series of locations instead of just NYC. As Walls becomes increasingly frustrated by her parents’ inability to provide the basics (shelter, food, etc.), I became increasingly grateful for how good I had it in comparison. Powerful.

Remembering Needleman by Woody Allen (short story)
If only because it has one of the greatest opening lines in literature: “It has been four weeks and it is still hard for me to believe Sandor Needleman is dead. I was present at the cremation and at his son's request, brought the marshmallows, but few of us could think of anything but our pain.”

Somewhat of Note

The Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd
Can you dislike a book overall, but really dig the way it does one thing? Okay, good. Because I appreciated SLoB’s food scenes. The honey-making was particularly interesting, not least because I never considered the cleanup involved. Never, EVER spill that stuff.

Not of Note

Blood Meridian by Cormac McCarthy
Do not read this while eating. I mean it.

(Images courtesy of A Guy's Moleskin Notebook, stupid fool yet again, and UMBC.)

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


UPDATE: 10 August - Since this article was posted in April we have added numerous articles regarding this issue so please that the time to look for these new and important posts: Search for Flu, Swine Flu, Vitamin C, Dr. Levy, FluMist, Tamiflu, Relenza, Flu Shot or related titles.
Suggestion from orthomolecular expert Dr Phil Bate -

Besides washing your hands and wearing a mask (which isn't much good).

Vitamin C is a viricide, but it has to be taken often and in amounts to kill the virus. That means that it has to be taken at least every four hours if you are possibly exposed, and in at least 2000 mg to saturate the bloodstream.

Of course, avoid places with lots of people during this period. If you are going out during the day, take 2000 mg of C before any exposure. During exposure and immediately exposure, take C every two hours, and at the end of possible exposure.

If you get any flu symptoms, start taking 2000 mg every two hours until you get diarrhea, and then back off to just below this amount for that time until the diarrhea stops. (Start with 2 every 3-4 hours, etc)

Masks get moist and this creates a breeding ground for bacteria.

Both vitamin C and vitamin A are good to have on hand. Vitamin A in the proper high dose range for short periods will protect you from pneumonia that often accompanies flu.

Otherwise, take all precautions and avoid using Tamiflu and Relenza

Meanwhile the FDA and CDC are pushing Tamiflu and Relenza as reported in Medscape News.
FDA Okays Emergency Use of Antiviral Drugs, Diagnostic Test for Swine Flu
by Robert Lowes

April 28, 2009 — State and local public health agencies will have more leeway to treat swine influenza with antiviral medications under an emergency order issued yesterday by the US Food and Drug Administration. The order also will authorize and widen the use of a diagnostic test that, unlike others in use, can precisely identify the new strain of swine flu.

To date, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have confirmed 64 cases of swine flu in the United States. Worldwide, confirmed cases have emerged in Canada, New Zealand, Scotland, Israel, Spain, and Mexico, which appears to be epicenter, since travel to Mexico figures into many infections elsewhere. In addition, Mexico is the only country where the influenza has resulted in death; authorities there say 152 deaths were likely caused by the virus. In the 6 other countries, infected patients generally have experienced only mild symptoms.

The FDA's Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) relaxes current restrictions on 2 antiviral medications — zanamivir (Relenza) and oseltamivir (Tamiflu) — that the CDC recommends for preventing and treating swine influenza A (H1N1). Oseltamivir currently is approved for patients aged 1 year and older. Under the EAU, healthcare providers can administer oseltamivir to patients younger than 1 year and provide alternate dosing to patients aged 1 year and older.

The EAU did not alter the age parameters for zanamivir, approved to treat acute, uncomplicated cases of influenza in adults and children older than 7 years who have been symptomatic for fewer than 2 days, as well as prevent influenza in adults and children aged 5 years and older.

However, the FDA order allows both drugs to be distributed by a wider range of healthcare workers, including volunteers, in accordance with state and local law. In addition, both medications can be distributed without complying with the usual label requirements.

The FDA order follows a decision by the Department of Health and Human Services on Sunday to distribute one fourth of its stockpile of oseltamivir and zanamivir to state governments.

The EUA also authorizes the use of a diagnostic test called a reverse-transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) swine influenza panel to test for the virus and allows the CDC to distribute it to public health agencies. Two other available tests — rapid influenza antigen and immunofluroscence — can detect the new swine influenza virus, but they only identify probable cases because they cannot distinguish between seasonal influenza A and swine influenza, which is a subtype of A. In contrast, RT-PCR can conclusively confirm a case of swine influenza.

Journalist Robert Lowes is a freelance writer for Medscape.
Medscape Medical News © 2009 Medscape, LLC

Five Nonfiction Books for the Frugal Foodie

Sweet readers, this week’s a little out of whack with the ant situation. So, instead of today’s regular post, I thought I’d offer up a few of my favorite nonfiction food books. They’re fairly standard reads amongst chowhounds, and don’t concentrate specifically on healthy, low-budget cooking, but all have wonderful qualities nonetheless. I wouldn’t hesitate suggesting them to anyone. (Er, which is why they're here.)

If you’ve ever perused these guys, or have any ideas for good reads, please go crazy in the comments section. After all, reading is FUN(damental).

In no particular order…

A Cook’s Tour by Anthony Bourdain
I never considered myself a particularly daring eater, or imagined cuisine as a huge part of any vacation. But Bourdain helped change that. Cook’s Tour is about food and culture – namely, how discovering one is key to understanding the other. He describes Vietnamese food in such a way that I can’t believe I’ve never been. There’s a reverence not present in Kitchen Confidential, too, which balances Tony’s occasional bouts with ennui and annoyance.

In Defense of Food by Michael Pollan
On its own, In Defense of Food is a really neat guide for everyday eating. As a companion to the more analytical Omnivore’s Dilemma, it’s invaluable. It counters OD’s occasionally relentless skepticism with optimistic solutions, as well as simple, vital messages. (“Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.”) Read it first if you can.

Fast Food Nation by Eric Schlosser
I plowed through this book years ago, and it’s a tribute to its effectiveness that I’ve rarely stepped into a fast food restaurant since. Having worked at both McDonald’s and Wendy’s, I knew about the food prep and employee relations, but the mass production methods used to keep prices down … great scott. (P.S. If you are parent to a socially concerned teen, this will absolutely rock his/her world.)

Heat by Bill Buford
Buford took a year off to learn how to cook under Mario Batali, Marco Pierre White, and various butchers and pasta-makers all over Europe. The result is Heat, which perfectly captures the fascination, frustration, and triumph facing novice denizens of the kitchen. Dude can really write, too, which helps.

I’m Just Here for the Food by Alton Brown
If you can imagine Good Eats in print, I’m Just Here for the Food is for you. Half cookbook, half science manual, you won’t find better explanations of the physical and chemical processes involved in getting a meal to the table. It’s Wired for foodies, or Cook’s Illustrated for nerds.

Also of note

Garlic and Sapphires by Ruth Reichl
Reichl’s kind of like an eccentric aunt who dresses up, goes to fancy restaurants, and ruminates on their merits for page after page. Funny, warm insider's look at big-city food criticism.

The Omnivore’s Dilemma by Michael Pollan
Though it can get a bit dry, OD’s a must-read for those interested in how our food industry can possibly function. Factory farms are scary, scary things.

Kitchen Confidential by Anthony Bourdain
Hilarious, hyperbolic behind-the-scenes glimpse into the everyday running of a restaurant, by the man himself.


Julie and Julia by Julie Powell
I’m about halfway through so far. It’s okay. Julie can definitely write, but the book seems more about her crappy apartment than the food. Still, I can relate to the crappy apartment parts. And I WILL be seeing the movie. Meryl Streep as Julia Child, yo.

Would like to read, but haven’t gotten around to yet

Animal, Vegetable, Mineral by Barbara Kingsolver

Food Matters by Mark Bittman

How to Pick a Peach: The Search for Flavor from Farm to Table by Russ Parsons

What about you guys? What are you reading? What are your opinions on the books mentioned? Do tell.

(Photos courtesty of Chrismasto, NY Bookworm, and Spill.)

Monday, April 27, 2009

What's Keeping You Healthy and Protected from the Flu?

“There is no evidence that any influenza vaccine thus far developed is effective in preventing or mitigating any attack of influenza. The producers of these vaccines know that they are worthless, but they go on selling them anyway.”- Dr. J. Anthony Morris (former Chief Vaccine Control Officer of FDA)

Here are some helpful things I suggest -

Homemade chicken soup with garlic and carrots is a very good food.

We are also suggesting the following use of the ALLI-C and ALLI-DERM garlic products we use and recommend - ORDER ALLI-C AND ALLI-DERM ON REFERRAL FROM DR. GAYLE EVERSOLE VIA THE LINK IN THE RIGHT COLUMN ON THIS PAGE.
“Although this is a new flu virus strain it appears to be related to a simple H1N1 virus line. Symptoms in patients infected in the USA and Europe appear to be relatively mild and include a sore throat, sneezing and coughing. Swine flu appears to be very easily spread by coughing, sneezing or coming into contact with someone who is already infected. Stabilised Allicin as found in Alli-C is an excellent natural antiviral agent that has been proven in double-blind placebo controlled studies to both PREVENT the onset of viral disease and to remove symptoms in people already infected.

I would ask people to supplement with 4 Alli-C capsules daily to act as a preventative. Try to avoid contact with those who are showing active infection and wash your hands thoroughly with soap and then apply a protective layer of Alliderm gel. This has been proven to prevent infectious organisms from populating the hands and face. You may also take some Alliderm gel and rub it around your nose and then insert a little into each nostril for further protection. Taking these simple and cost effective actions each day should prevent the onset of infection and keep your immune system boosted whilst this pernicious virus is trying to infect us all.”

Peter Josling
Director and formulator of Alli-C and Alliderm

and from Randall Neustaedter OMD
The flu is in the news again. This time it's the swine flu, scarier sounding than bird flu. Scary enough to cause worldwide panic. The news is brimming over with dire reports. And mega-pharmacy Hoffman-La Roche is ready in the wings with millions of doses of its drug Tamiflu to sell for a hefty profit.

The best preventive for the flu is to eat a healthy diet of whole foods and to take a few supplements that maintain a strong immune system.

For children - Immune System Supplements for Kids

Children can take a few simple, specific supplements to maintain a strong and vital immune system during the fall and winter months when colds and flus predominate.

An omega-3 fat supplement in the form of fish oil capsules or liquid fish oil will establish healthy cell membranes that prevent inflammation and resist toxins and attack by pathogens.

Vitamin D is essential for kids as well as adults to maintain immune function. Vitamin E will ensure that fatty acids are maintained at optimum efficiency once they are absorbed into cells. In addition, vitamin E has anti-inflammatory effects and increases resistance to infection. Use only natural vitamin E (d-alpha-tocopherol), not the synthetic form (dl-alpha-tocopherol). A mixed tocopherol form of vitamin E is best because children need the gamma as well as the alpha forms. An appropriate dose is 100 mg for children under two and 200 mg for children aged 2-12.

Vitamin A is needed for proper mucous membrane function. It is essential for the growth and repair of body tissues, and for efficient digestion of protein. Vitamin A promotes good eyesight, strong bones and teeth, and a vital immune system. White blood cells, T -lymphocytes, and every cell in the important mucosal barriers of the respiratory, digestive, and urinary tracts require vitamin A.

A diet containing significant amounts of fruit and fat will help ensure adequate vitamin A intake. Whole milk products, butter, and free range eggs will help maintain necessary levels of this important nutrient. Use organic sources. For those who may not be getting enough vitamin A, a supplement is essential.

The recommended daily amount (RDA) of vitamin A is 1,000-2,000 IU for children, depending on their age (1,000 at one year of age, 2,000 by age nine). Primitive diets probably maintained 10 times that amount. One egg contains 300 IU, one cup of whole milk or whole milk yogurt contains about 225-250 IU of vitamin A. One tablespoon of butter contains 350 IU of A. The amount of vitamin A may vary by the season and the feed of the animals.

Colostrum is great for children as well as adults.

Zinc stimulates immune function, prevents infections, and acts as a cofactor in many enzyme reactions, including the creation of antioxidants. Normal dosage is 10-20 mg. per day. If zinc supplementation is continued over a prolonged period of time, it should be given in conjunction with copper in a ratio of ten to one to prevent copper deficiency.

Vitamin C has anti-inflammatory effects, antioxidant activity, and antibiotic qualities. A daily supplement of vitamin C during the winter months will round out the immune system prevention program. Use 500 mg for children under 3 years old and 1,000 mg for older children.

The easiest way to give supplements to children is through powdered sources mixed in a blender with fruit, fruit juice, yogurt or milk (rice milk for younger children and children with milk sensitivities), and honey (for children over 12 months old). Capsules can be opened and dumped into the blender. Children can chew oil-based supplements in soft gels or you can stick a pin into them and squirt out the contents onto something they will eat.

Immune Supplements for Children—Daily Dosage

1- to 2-year-olds, 3 to 12-year-olds

Fish oil 1 tsp per 50 pounds body weight
Vitamin D 1,000, IU 2,000 IU
Colostrum ½ teaspoon, 1 tsp
Zinc 10 mg, 20 mg
Copper 1 mg, 2 mg
Vitamin E (d-alpha-tocopherol or mixed tocopherols)
100 IU, 200 IU
Vitamin C 500 mg, 1,000 mg

Profiteering from Flu Pandemonium

Swine Flu: Bringing Home the Bacon
— By James Ridgeway | Mon April 27, 2009 Mother Jones

As the world gears up once again for a flu pandemic that may or may not arrive (it actually seems possible this time), we might want to remember some of the lessons of the last flu scare. One of these is that there are winners as well as losers in every high-profile outbreak of infectious disease. First and foremost among them, of course, is Big Pharma, which can always be counted on to have its hand out wherever human misery presents an opportunity to rake in some cash.

In 2005, I reported on the bird flu scare for the Village Voice in a piece called “Capitalizing on the Flu.” We can realistically hope that our current federal government will improve upon the bungled effort made by the Bush Administration to prepare for the onslaught of avian flu—which fortunately didn’t materialize. But certain aspects of the crisis are likely to be repeated, and profiteers will surely waste no time in gathering at the trough.

Then, as now, one of the two effective antidotes was a drug called Tamiflu. But this silver bullet came with side effects, as well as a high price tag. As I reported in 2005:
With no vaccine in sight, the U.S. government, along with others, is belatedly stocking up on Tamiflu, a drug that supposedly offers some defense against bird flu. But last week Japanese newspapers told how children who were administered Tamiflu went mad and tried to kill themselves by jumping out of windows. In a cautionary statement the FDA noted 12 deaths among children, and said there are reports of psychiatric disturbances, including hallucinations, along with heart and lung disorders. Roche, the manufacturer, is quoted by the BBC as stating that the rate of deaths and psychiatric problems is no higher among those taking its medication than among those with flu. The company is increasing Tamiflu production to 300 million doses a year to meet demand.

There are other reasons people are leery of Tamiflu. Given the rip-offs in Iraq and after the hurricanes, people are understandably interested in knowing just who is going to get rich off the plague. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, himself former CEO of drug company Searle, currently owns stock in the one company that owns Tamiflu patents—to the tune of at least $18 million. Rumsfeld says he understands why people might question his holdings, but selling them would raise even more questions. So he is hanging on to what he’s got.

A report by Citicorp at the time described which pharmaceutical manufacturers and other comapnies stood to make money:
Winners could include drug makers such as Gilead Sciences, Roche, GlaxoSmithKline, and Sanofi-Aventis. Other possible winners are hospital chains such as Rhoen Klinikum, cleaning-products makers such as Henkel, Ecolab, and Clorox, as well as home entertainment companies such as Blockbuster and Nintendo….

In order for the pharmaceutical companies to profit from making flu vaccine in the administration’s $7.1 billion pandemic flu plan, Bush now is proposing to ban liability suits against them except in cases of willful misconduct. As for those injured by a flu vaccine, possible lawsuits remain an open question….

With a worldwide market estimated at more than $1 billion, there’s big money in a flu plague. Kimberly-Clark’s Chinese subsidiary is already ramping up manufacture of new lines of medical masks, wipes, and hand-washing liquids, according to Business Week, with consulting firms Kroll and Booz Allen Hamilton selling flu preparedness advice to companies and governments. “Crisis is an opportunity as long as you see it first,” Pitney Bowes’s Christian Crews tells the magazine.

Of course, that was then, and this is now. In the coming days we’re bound to discover who’s pulling in the pork this time. But even before the U.S. markets open this morning, early indications aren’t hard to find: “Fears of a potential pandemic are bringing down stock markets around the world today,” public radio’s “Marketplace” reports from London, ”but two big pharmaceutical companies are getting a boost from the news”:
Shares in Switzerland’s leading drug maker, Roche, are up nearly 4 percent this morning. The company says it’s scaling up production of Tamiflu. The drug’s been show to be an effective vaccine against the virus.

In the U.K., GlaxoSmithKline, which manufacturers its own vaccine against deadly flu viruses, is also gaining in the markets. Glaxo’s drug is called Relenza….

Both drug makers have been approached by the World Health Organization about their readiness to deploy stocks in the case of a pandemic. Roche says it stands ready with 3 million treatments, but warned further production could take up to eight months.

Monday Megalinks: Defi-ant Edition

Usually on Mondays, I post delicious, inexpensive, highly nutritious recipes guaranteed to knock your sock off / tempt your tastebuds / put your undies in a bundle.

But I have ants. Again.

Why? WHY?!? Why, on the first semblance of a sunny day, do they take the opportunity to turn my kitchen into their own personal Ant-igua? WE ARE CLEAN PEOPLE. Ack.

Anyway, it means the galley has been thoroughly off-limits the last few days, since we’ve laid down some highly toxic chemicals designed to nuke them from orbit. (It’s the only way to be sure.) With luck, I’ll have a new recipe up on Friday. In the meantime, here’re the Megalinks, which would normally appear tomorrow.

Casual Kitchen: How to Fight Back Against /Just Say No to Overpriced Cereal Parts 1 & 2
Dan ruminates on the high health costs of low-nutrition breakfast cereals, then explains how to purchase them intelligently. Bonus feature: the ingredient rundown for Cocoa Puffs, in which three of the first four components are some kind of sugar.

Consumer Reports: Save Money on Organics
If this quick, by-the-book piece on organics was link-less, it wouldn’t be up here. Fortunately, there are several helpful suggestions for relevant sites. Sweet.

Get Fit Slowly: The Importance of Finding Fun in Exercise
I hate exercise, yet I know now, at 31-years-old, I have to get on the ball. Maybe this post will lessen your loathing as much as it did mine.

Heavenly Homemakers: Feeding the Family – Hey, Mr. Produce Man
Instead of buying by the bag, HH calls up her supermarket manager and arranges to purchase produce by the case. This way, he gets rid of quick-rotting foods, and she gets a discount on fruits and veggies for her growing family. I’ve never heard of this before, but it sounds like a solid shopping strategy. (Thanks to Like Merchant Ships for the link.)

Jezebel: Aack! Hungry Girl Turns Us Into a Nation of Cathy Comics
The title sums up my opinion of Hungry Girl almost exactly, but the full post is worth reading for Sadie’s acute observations of the HG phenomenon, as well as its detractors.

Miami Herald: Putting Your Pantry to Work
Doth your pantry overflow with half-empty bags of barley and near-containers of corn flour? Jeanne Besser has recipes and a few tips for kicks.

New York Post: Gourmonsters
Last week, I praised the Post for writing a relevant article aimed at people who appreciate multi-sentence paragraphs. This week, they’re back to form with this sour grapes denunciation of several prominent food figureheads, including my bald fake boyfriend, Michael Pollan. Boo.

New York Post: CHECK! (CAREFULLY!)
Some Big Apple restaurants are charging patrons for water, butter, and bread. It’s bad form and worse PR. (Okay, Post, you’re back in semi-good graces for this one…)

New York Times: Take 1 Recipe, Mince, Reduce, Serve
Recipes in 140 characters or less on Twitter. That’s 2x as long as these 2 sentences.

QueerCents: When the economy gets tough, people cook (in rented kitchens)
If you’ve ever dreamed of starting a food business, an incubator kitchen might be of some interest. Nina breaks down a recent LA Times article about the phenomenon, and offers some of her own insight.

The Simple Dollar: Five Frugal Food Tactics from Trent’s Kitchen
Go for the first two tactics: Trent has his own homemade recipe for cream-of-whatever soup, as well as an inventive use for leftover fruit juices.

Slashfood: When Should You Eat the Rind?
When it comes to cheese, I’m happy when I don’t eat the wrapper.

Slate: Scratch That - How cost-effective is it to make homemade pantry staples?
Bagels, cream cheese, yogurt, jam, crackers, and granola: are they cheaper to make at home? Is the (presumable) compromise in taste worth it? Jennifer Reese explores.

Wall Street Journal: Food Firms Cook Up Ways to Combat Rare Sales Slump
“In the last quarter of 2008, consumer spending on food fell by an inflation-adjusted 3.9% from the previous quarter -- its steepest drop in 62 years.” The WSJ explores how Campbells (maker of its namesake soup and dozens of other products) is working to combat the difference. Taken as a microcosm of the larger industry, this is really interesting stuff.

Wise Bread: How Many Will Lose Money on Those Frugal Gardens This Year?
Do you plan on saving $1 billion Euros this year by planting your very own backyard garden? WB bursts your bubble.

(Images courtesy of Qwipster, Stuff Hollywood Assistant Like, and Meet Me There.)

From Here to Bea-ternity

Hey folks,

Regular post coming soon. In the meantime, take a break from the frugal/healthy thing to raise a slice of cheesecake for one of Hollywood's last great broads.


FLU: Recombinant Preparedness Alert

We suggest you consider keeping lemon and thyme essential oils for diffusion in your home and at work, you may contact us to purcahse high quality pure therapeutic essential oils. Keep adequately hydrated.

Use the SEARCH window to locate the many articles we have posted on flu and flu vaccines at Natural Health News

Swine Flu Epidemic & Avianized Flu Pandemic
Dr Bill Deagle MD DABFP AAEM A4M
Zoonotic Vectors of Swine and Avian Flu

The swine flu is common in the agribusiness, and antibodies to swine flu are present in 20% of vetenarians and 5% of pig farm workes, and rarely kills pigs. However, this swine flu that has presented in Mexico, Texas, California, Queens NYC, London, Italy, etc. has genes of swine, avian, human, and asian flu.

This is without any doubt a pandemic flu with a current case fatality estimated at
10% plus, and rapidly is leaping across North America and to Europe.

Since 1997, the H5N1 flu has spread to all continents. Genetics showed that six strains had high pathogenic case fatality rates in the range of 70% average from 25% to 100% case fatality rates in humans, with some clusters of human to human spread, with close physical contact.

Defiencies in two amino acids needed to allow rapid attachment to human cells was found in all strains, but can be acquired by recombinants with H9N2 or H7N3 or H3N2 etc. endemic human stains that can also coinfect pigs, birds, agricultural animals, and animals in the wild.

Until fall 2008, the avian flu did not optimally replicate unless it was at 106 degrees or higher, but now it has acquired the capacity to replicate easily at 98.6 Farhenheit.

Drug resistance to Amantadine, Tamiflu also are the predominant strains. The current swine flu is analagous to a early 20th century steamer trunk, with stickers showing the visited countries and coastal cities. It has stamps from Asia, North America, Avian, Swine and Human genetics. This is a "Lab Creation".

Now, we must understand that this virus is behaving as if it is more lethal per case that usual flu, and can recombine in pigs, wild and domestic birds, and other animals and can thus acquire PB2 deletions, NS1 gene polymorphisms, and the polybasic six amino acids that allow it to grow in brain and CNS as well as any other target organ in human and animal hosts.

The NS1 deletion of four amino acids bypasses IL4, and thus is much more lethal with massive cytokine release at end stages. Because Avian H5N1 and the 1918 Swine Flu targeted young healthy people, the release of cytokines was more violent in the most healthy.

This first wave is likely to recombine and after Phase 1 gene to population insertion, Phase 2 will result in new superstrains with additional genetic polymorphisms allow transfer efficiently to humans. Phase 2 is the bioreactor phase.

In the emergent or Phase 3, new viral Clades of Swine /Avian hybrids will then have more efficient spreading and higher spontaneous lethality.

WHO Watchdog and Author of Pandemic FLU!
Human Life International invited Dr Bill Deagle MD to speak, March 1997, to the International Board of Doctors and Scientists. After a two hour talk, the board sat me down for a presentation of a foot of documents. Included were three distinct biological programs. The first was a plasmid anti-HCG contaminated Tetanus Vaccine, to cause first trimester sterility by spontaneous induced miscarriage in the target populations of Subsharan Africa, Phillipines, and other target WHO UN high density population countries. The second program was the US Special Virus Project, with mycoplasma RNA oncogenic viruses to cause immune failure, and premature death. It was knows as the AIDS syndrome, and was a recombinant of Visna, Green Monkey and Feline leukemia retro-RNA viruses carried by host mycobacteria. Most important as the large packet of documents on the Avian Flu Project, funded by the Rothchilds and oversean by the WHO and UN. They were in process of obtaining gene fragments from deceased whalers in Alaska with the CDC and Natl Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease, supercomputer remodeled and bioengineered resurrection of the 1918 Swine Flu. They planned to insert into the genome Avian genes and spray into Asian bird populations, which would later be a gene pool when spread was complete to all continents for a new Swine-Avian Flu Pandemic.

We now see the H1N1 flu in Mexico, Canada, UK, Italy, USA and perhaps other locations, rapidly evolving. This wave is quite lethal, but with the H5N1 genetics in the wild, it is likely to come in future waves with yet more lethal genes and more rapid spread. Certainly, in the next 7 days, the presence in multiple countries, US Pandemic Flu Alert, WHO raised from 3rd to 4th level, and the pronouncements for a decade plus of coming Pandemic Flu, this was totally a UN WHO plot to release a virus that would cull the human herd.

This is - Global 2000, NSSM 1974 population threat alerts, 1996 UN Population control documents - all calling for massive reduction in World Human Populations. Last week, the UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown called for a reduction from 60 to 30 million.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Vitamin D and Viral Protection

Vitamin D Prevents Common Cold, Flu
by Jeffrey Dach MD

Are you sneezing, with a runny nose, and aches and pains? You may have the common cold. Rather than go through a week of misery, better to prevent Colds with Vitamin D.

A new study published Feb 23 in the Archives of Internal Medicine showed that Vitamin D prevents the common cold. In this study, patients with low vitamin D levels had 40% more flu episodes.

These findings suggest Vitamin D helps the immune system fight off viral illness like the flu. Vitamin D is actually a hormone which attaches directly to cellular DNA and is involved in prevention of autoimmune diseases. Low vitamin D levels have been linked to multiple sclerosis, heart disease, and increased rate of cancer. In fact, low vitamin D levels have been associated with increased over-all mortality. Read more about Vitamin D, click here:

Vitamin D Deficiency, the Ignored Epidemic of the Developed World
by Jeffrey Dach MD

References and Links Association Between Serum 25-Hydroxyvitamin D Level and Upper Respiratory Tract Infection in the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. Adit A. Ginde, MD, MPH; Jonathan M. Mansbach, MD; Carlos A. Camargo Jr, MD, DrPH Arch Intern Med. 2009;169(4):384-390.

Background Recent studies suggest a role for vitamin D in innate immunity, including the prevention of respiratory tract infections (RTIs). We hypothesize that serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25[OH]D) levels are inversely associated with self-reported recent upper RTI (URTI).

Methods We performed a secondary analysis of the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, a probability survey of the US population conducted between 1988 and 1994. We examined the association between 25(OH)D level and recent URTI in 18 883 participants 12 years and older. The analysis adjusted for demographics and clinical factors (season, body mass index, smoking history, asthma, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease).

Results The median serum 25(OH)D level was 29 ng/mL (to convert to nanomoles per liter, multiply by 2.496) (interquartile range, 21-37 ng/mL), and 19% (95% confidence interval [CI], 18%-20%) of participants reported a recent URTI. Recent URTI was reported by 24% of participants with 25(OH)D levels less than 10 ng/mL, by 20% with levels of 10 to less than 30 ng/mL, and by 17% with levels of 30 ng/mL or more (P < .001). Even after adjusting for demographic and clinical characteristics, lower 25(OH)D levels were independently associated with recent URTI (compared with 25[OH]D levels of 30 ng/mL: odds ratio [OR], 1.36; 95% CI, 1.01-1.84 for <10 ng/mL and 1.24; 1.07-1.43 for 10 to <30 ng/mL). The association between 25(OH)D level and URTI seemed to be stronger in individuals with asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (OR, 5.67 and 2.26, respectively).

Conclusions Serum 25(OH)D levels are inversely associated with recent URTI. This association may be stronger in those with respiratory tract diseases. Randomized controlled trials are warranted to explore the effects of vitamin D supplementation on RTI.

Adit A. Ginde; Jonathan M. Mansbach; Carlos A. Camargo Jr.
Association Between Serum 25-Hydroxyvitamin D Level and Upper Respiratory Tract Infection in the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. Archives of Internal Medicine, 2009; 169 (4): 384 DOI: 10.1001/archinternmed.2008.560
Vitamin D Deficiency May Increase Risk Of Colds, Flu
ScienceDaily (Feb. 24, 2009) — Vitamin D may be an important way to arm the immune system against disorders like the common cold, report investigators from the University of Colorado Denver (UC Denver) School of Medicine, Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) and Children's Hospital Boston.

Study participants with the lowest vitamin D blood levels – less than 10 ng per milliliter of blood – were about 40 percent more likely to report having a recent respiratory infection than were those with vitamin D levels of 30 or higher. The association was present in all seasons and even stronger among participants with a history of asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), including emphysema. Asthma patients with the lowest vitamin D levels were five times more likely to have had a recent respiratory infection; while among COPD patients, respiratory infections were twice as common among those with vitamin D deficiency.
Vitamin D may protect against common cold.
Deficiency of vitamin D is common, particularly in winter. People with low blood levels of vitamin D more likely to report a recent cold By Theresa Tamkins,Vitamin D may protect people -- especially those with asthma and other chronic lung conditions -- from colds and other respiratory tract infections, according to the largest study to date to look at the link.
People with low blood levels of vitamin D were more likely to have had a recent cold.
Too Little Vitamin D May Mean More Colds and Flu
By Alan Mozes, HealthDay Reporter MONDAY, Feb. 23 (HealthDay News) --
Forget the apple. The largest study of its kind to date shows that vitamin D each and every day is what will keep the doctor away when it comes to the common cold or the flu.
Vitamin D Deficiency, the Ignored Epidemic of the Developed World
by Jeffrey Dach MD

Supplements 'reduce malaria toll'

UPDATE: Stephen Fisher, a missionary in Zambia is very successful using iodine to treat people with malaria. He used 20 drops of Iodine in a half glass of water given 4 or 5 times during the first day and then decreased the dose to 10 drops of Iodine 4 times a day for 3 more days. Higher dosages can be administered for much longer since iodine is a nutritional medicine that is needed by the body. Such a protocol can be used for the swine flu or any other type of influenza. Many natural and integrative providers use higher dosages of other iodine forms, namely Lugol’s and Iodoral for cancer treatment.
Ashton Kutcher, Demi Moore, Quincy Jones, Oprah, Ryan Seacrest, Ted Turner and CNN all chipped in to purchase mosquito nets. Nets have been known for a very long time to be very useful in the prevention of malaria. The One World Campaign against malaria is underway, yet there is an important missing piece.

In addition to mosquito nets, two inexpensive vitamin and mineral supplements reduce the incidence of malaria by one-third.

Think of how much impact mosquito nets along with vitamin A and zinc could have.

Note that vitamin A is a fat soluble vitamin and it is rare that it is taken in large enough quantities to be poisonous to the human body. In certain instances very high doses of vitamin A are used to fight lung infections and pneumonia or other similar health issues. This can actually be up to 250,000 units daily over no more than 3 days. In excess, zinc may have untoward effects. Because it is a difficult mineral to absorb, it is best taken with food and in frequent small doses, usually up to about 50-60 mg a day.

Originally posted February 2008

This report caught my interest because we are sponsoring a Veteran's Resource project and one of the items we report is that Lariam, a fluoride based drug our young men and women in Iraq are forced to take.

We also read about how Bill Gates is spending millions on vaccines that are really worthless in this fight, yet makes no allowances for the real science behind supplements for health, including the ones that help in HIV/AIDS.

Wouldn't it be great if we gave all our military folks vitamins instead of deadly drugs...and the same for the children of Africa.

Malaria is spread by mosquitoes
Cheap dietary supplements could protect young children from malaria, research suggests.
The study, published in Nutrition Journal, found giving children vitamin A and zinc cut incidence of illness by a third.

Malaria remains a major killer in many parts of the world - in sub-Saharan Africa it is estimated to account for a million child deaths a year.

Resistance to drug treatments is an increasing problem.

And efforts to kill the infected mosquitoes that spread the disease have been hampered by the use of ineffective insecticides.

Many people living in malaria endemic areas suffer from malnutrition so researchers in Burkina Faso experimented with adding vitamin A and zinc supplements to the diets of children aged from six months to six years.

Half of the children were given a placebo. After six months the scientists observed a 34% decrease in incidence of malaria in those children taking the supplements.

Among those children who did catch the illness, those taking supplements were more resistant to the disease and suffered fewer fever episodes.

The researchers, from Institut de Recherche en Sciences de la Santé, believe the combined supplements boosted the children's immune system, making them more naturally resistant to malaria.

They believe the supplements could be an effective long term strategy to reduce the impact of malaria.

Caution required

Dr Ron Behrens, an expert in tropical diseases at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, said zinc supplementation had also been shown to have a positive impact on respiratory disease and cholera.

However, he said use of supplements might only work in communities with specific nutritional deficiencies - and those deficiencies might only exist at certain times of year.

For instance, vitamin A deficiency was a problem in West Africa during the rainy season, but not when palm oil was in plentiful supply.

Dr Behrens also warned that too much zinc could have a negative impact on the body's ability to make use of other minerals, such as copper and selenium.

Vitamin A in excess had been shown to be toxic, he said, causing brain swelling and other complications.

"Neither of these micro-nutrients is totally safe. They should be used like pharmaceuticals, and not seen as cure alls," he said.

FLU News

UPDATE: US declares public health emergency for swine flu
Tamiflu Caution
Tamiflu/Relenza Hazards
Thieves Vinegar
Millenium CF
The important thing in a pandemic: DON'T PANIC. PREPARE. BE SMART.
We encourage to to think carefully and cautiously before you consider flu vaccines. Ask questions and get all the information as required by informed consent laws. Flu vaccines have been related to greater incidence of the viruses and extremely serious side effects. We do not support vaccination as our personal choice based on the evidence. Viruses are always changing. Act to build and keep your immune system strong.

What Does The Swine Flu Outbreak Mean?
by DemFromCT (
Sat Apr 25, 2009

Well, that's a loaded question, and the short answer is, we don't know yet. But here's a little that we do know about pandemics.

A pandemic is defined as: a new virus to which everybody is susceptible; the ability to readily spread from person to person; and the capability of causing significant disease in humans, said Dr. Jay Steinberg, an infectious disease specialist at Emory University Hospital Midtown in Atlanta. The new strain of swine flu meets only one of the criteria: novelty.

History indicates that flu pandemics tend to occur once every 20 years or so, so we're due for one, Steinberg said.

"I can say with 100 percent confidence that a pandemic of a new flu strain will spread in humans," he said. "What I can't say is when it will occur."

Point number one: this is a novel, never before seen virus. Humans do not have protection, though there may be some cross protection. So, that makes it dangerous and worth watching.

Point number two: we don't know anything about how easily this particular virus spreads from person to person. That's partly because we know more about the few US cases and less about the many Mexican cases. We don't know how many reported suspected cases in Mexico are actually swine flu. Only a handful of cases in Mexico have been confirmed by US and Canadian laboratories. That still leaves us with worry, but not hard fact.

Point number three: that's about how much illness it causes. In the US, not much. For Mexico:

"Public health officials in Mexico began actively looking for cases of respiratory illness upon noticing that the seasonal peak of influenza extended into April, when cases usually decline in number," the medical alert said. "They found two outbreaks of illness — one centered around Distrito Federal (Mexico City), involving about 120 cases with 13 deaths. The other is in San Luis Potosi, with 14 cases and four deaths."

Authorities also detected one death in Oaxaca, in the south, and two in Baja California Norte, near San Diego, California.

So what do the authorities say? They say this:

"Our concern has grown since yesterday in light of what we've learned since then," said Richard Besser, acting director of the CDC, during a conference call today with reporters. "This is something we're worried about and taking very seriously. We are moving quickly, being very aggressive in our approach."


"This has a sense of urgency about it," [William] Schaffner, chief of preventive medicine at Vanderbilt, said in a telephone interview today. "They are asking us who work in hospitals to go to our emergency rooms and our pediatric wards to gather specimens and start testing them."

But none of that means this will develop into a pandemic. It does mean we are closer now than at any time in recent memory (and it could still fizzle out. Remember, we still don't know a lot about Mexico's cases, the vast majority of which have not been analyzed.) So, as we follow the news, let's review our flu and pandemic prep advice. Here's the basics: avoidance.
~Avoid close contact. Avoid close contact with people who are sick. When you are sick, keep your distance from others to protect them from getting sick too.

~Stay home when you are sick. If possible, stay home from work, school, and errands when you are sick. You will help prevent others from catching your illness.

~Cover your mouth and nose. Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing or sneezing. It may prevent those around you from getting sick.

~Clean your hands. Washing your hands often will help protect you from germs. (Natural Health News note: Avoid using anti-bacterial soap and alcohol based hand sanitizers, use plain castile soap like Dr. Bronner's super baby mild, and keep skin lubricated with toxin-free natural lotion.)

~Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth. Germs are often spread when a person touches something that is contaminated with germs and then touches his or her eyes, nose, or mouth.

~Practice other good health habits. Get plenty of sleep, be physically active, manage your stress, drink plenty of fluids, and eat nutritious food.

You can always add

~Don't travel to countries in the midst of a novel flu outbreak. (of course, the official CDC advice is go, but practice 1-6).

Here's a status note from Reuters:
The experts will not necessarily issue firm recommendations on Saturday. Once more details are clear about the virus and its risks, the emergency panel could recommend a change in the WHO's pandemic alert level — currently at 3 on a scale of 1 to 6 — or recommend travel advisories to control the flu's spread.

and from Bloomberg:
The World Health Organization is set to declare the deadly swine flu virus outbreak in Mexico and the U.S. a global concern, potentially prompting travel restrictions, said a person familiar with the matter.

An emergency committee of the WHO in Geneva will declare the outbreak "a public health event of international concern" in a 4 p.m. teleconference today, said the person, who spoke on condition of anonymity because the meeting is confidential. In response, WHO Director-General Margaret Chan may raise the level of pandemic alert, which could lead to travel restrictions aimed at curbing the disease's spread.

You can take a look at the CDC and WHO visualization of how pandemics develop and are classified. Take a look, just so you're more familiar with it, as it may come up in the weeks ahead.

Along the top are the WHO phases. We are currently in phase 3, and that corresponds with the Pandemic Alert Period. Skip the USG stages because they are not widely used. At the bottom, CDC has corresponding "intervals" for the graph, and they correspond to functional "what do I do and when" information about a potential pandemic. Moving from WHO phase 3 to 4 ("you are here") means moving from CDC interval "investigation" to "recognition". That's exactly where we are — investigation. But even so, should something untoward develop there'd be time do some preparation before we moved into the "initiation" and the "acceleration" interval, even if this goes sour some time in the near future.

However, moving from investigation to recognition (i.e., WHO phase 3 to 4, or moving to the right of the big red line) would trigger all sorts of changes and alarms and trip wires in pandemic plans developed by companies and countries, and that might have an effect on travel advisories. Some multinationals might call for ex-pats to return home, just as one example. Airlines and tourism might take an economic hit (that happened to Canada during the SARS epidemic in 2003, and Canadians are still sore at WHO for acting (in their view) too precipitously in issuing travel advisories.

All this is given to give you a flavor of the complex decision making that needs to go on. WHO will be meeting in emergency session to do just that, but it's not as easy as simply saying "be cautious", not when so many factors come into play. And for a look at school closures, I refer you to this previous post when we talked about exercises and seasonal cases in Hong Kong that closed their schools.

In the meantime, we'll be tracking it here, along with the rest of the country, and we'll update periodically as needed. And if you want to know what preparations you can take, go here. get pandemic ready.

It's a site we set up with Idaho's Emergency management team exactly for that reason.

Or download this flu prep manual.

Pandemic Influenza
Preparation and Response: A Citizen's Guide

We put it there so you could. This is an excellent opportunity to think about the unthinkable. And if nothing develops, you'll be better prepped for the next natural disaster that does happen.

† † †

WHO warns of flu pandemic as Mexico City frets
Sat Apr 25, 2009 9:05pm BST

By Catherine Bremer and Stephanie Nebehay

MEXICO CITY/GENEVA (Reuters) - A new flu strain that has killed up to 68 people in Mexico could become a pandemic, the World Health Organisation warned on Saturday, as Mexico's crowded capital hunkered down in fear of the disease. . . .

"It has pandemic potential because it is infecting people," WHO Director-General Margaret Chan said in Geneva.

"However, we cannot say on the basis of currently available laboratory, epidemiological and clinical evidence whether or not it will indeed cause a pandemic. . . .

The new flu strain — a mixture of swine, human and avian flu viruses — is still poorly understood and the situation is evolving quickly, Chan said.

As far away as Hong Kong and Japan, health officials stepped up surveillance of travellers for flu-like symptoms, and the U.S. Centres for Disease Control and Prevention said it was actively looking for new infections in the United States.

"We are worried and because we are worried we are acting aggressively on a number of fronts," the CDC's Dr. Anne Schuchat told reporters. "The situation is serious."

Courtesy: Perelandra

Read how sauerkraut, a valuable fermented food, can help fight flu and build your immune system.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Pasta with Turkey Sausage and Broccoli Rabe: A Psychic Phenomena

I thought I was a genius.

I thought I was doing something new.

I thought, when I paired turkey crumbles with rapini and piled them into a mound of al dente rotini WITHOUT USING A RECIPE, that I was the first person in the HISTORY OF THE WORLD to try that combination.

I was wrong.

Though the type of pasta and some of the ingredient quantities were slightly different, 20 seconds of research revealed that Giada DeLaurentiis has the exact recipe up on the Food Network site – the same cooking procedure, even. It’s called Orecchiette with Turkey Sausage and Broccoli Rabe, and it has over 100 reviews, making it not quite unknown, either. Doy.

On one hand, this meant I could use her cooking directions as a guide to write my own. On the other hand, it meant I hadn’t discovered the recipe that would win me $12 billion on some kind of Grand Poobah Pasta Cooking Challenge. Giada had already done the dirty work, probably years ago. Dang.

But it wasn’t all bad, see. A few seconds after realizing the similarities, a great feeling of triumph washed over me: I had inadvertently duplicated a real-life professional recipe. One that’d actually been published. Online. In BOOKS, even. When you’re still learning the ropes, that’s a victory on par with golf’s U.S. Open, only waaaaay less boring.

In the end, I may not be a great chef, or a particularly creative one. But I AM, apparently, an accidental psychic, and that’s okay by me. Happy weekend, folks.

Pasta with Turkey Sausage and Broccoli Rabe
Inadvertently adapted from Giada DeLaurentiis.
Serves 3

1 bunch broccoli rabe, stems trimmed
9 ounces rotini, penne, or other small-ish pasta
1 to 1-1/2 tablespoons olive oil
2 links Italian-style turkey sausage, casings removed (I used sweet. – Kris)
3 garlic cloves, minced
Pinch dried crushed red pepper flakes
2 to 3 tablespoons grated Parmesan

1) Bring a big pot of water to a boil. (While this is happening, fill a bowl with cold water and a few ice cubes.) Once the water pot starts boiling, add salt. Add broccoli rabe. Cook 1 minute. Using tongs, transfer rabe to the ice bath. (DON'T DRAIN THE POT.)

2) Once the cooking water is boiling again, add the pasta. Cook until al dente. Drain, saving about 1/2 cup cooking water.

3) In a big pan or skillet, heat oil over medium heat. Add sausage. Brown it, breaking it up with the back of your spoon. It should take 10 or 12 minutes. Add garlic and pepper flakes. Cook 2 minutes, stirring occasionally.

4) Drain broccoli rabe. Add it to sausage. Stir. Add pasta. Stir again. If using, add cooking water now. Add parmesan. Stir until thoroughly combined. Serve.

Approximate Calories, Fat, and Price Per Serving
490 calories, 13.7 g fat, $1.04

1 bunch broccoli rabe, stems trimmed: 60 calories, 0 g fat, $0.99
9 ounces rotini, penne, or other small-ish pasta: 913 calories, 4.6 g fat, $0.37
1 to 1-1/2 tablespoons olive oil: 149 calories, 16.9 g fat, $0.18
2 links Italian-style turkey sausage, casings removed: 280 calories, 16 g fat, $0.99
3 garlic cloves, minced: 13 calories, 0 g fat, $0.15
Pinch dried crushed red pepper flakes: negligible calories and fat, $0.02
2 to 3 tablespoons grated Parmesan: 54 calories, 3.6 g fat, $0.43
TOTAL: 1469 calories, 41.1 g fat, $3.13
PER SERVING (TOTAL/3): 490 calories, 13.7 g fat, $1.04

CHG Favorites of the Week

Hey, folks. Apologies for the out-of-whack posting this week. Today’s regularly-scheduled recipe will be up in a few hours, but first here’s a day-late FotW. Hooray disorganization!

Food Blog of the Week
Dotti’s Weight Loss Zone
A favorite of Weight Watchers participants, DWLZ is one of the most helpful sites on the entire ‘net for folks interested in dropping a few pounds. While the pages are a tad anarchic, there are resources GALORE, from extensive restaurant nutrition information to a million, billion healthy recipes to inspirational articles out the wazoo. Absolutely worth a few hours. P.S. Dotti herself is a sweetheart.

Food Comedy of the Week
"Taco Man" from The State
After years of waiting, The State is finally out on DVD in July. Michael Ian Black fans, rejoice.

Food Quote of the Week
Ted: Chinese?
Barney: I don't like Chinese.
Ted: Indian?
Barney: I just said I don't like Chinese.
Ted: Indian isn't Chinese.
Barney: Weird meat, funny music, side of rice. Why are we splitting hairs?
Ted: Mexican?
Barney: I just said I don't like Chinese!
-How I Met Your Mother

Food Movie Clip of the Week
“Dinner in Prison” from Goodfellas
Two-and-a-half minutes of nearly curse-free Scorcese goodness. Watch and tell me you don’t want to slice garlic that way from now on.

Totally Unrelated Extra Special Bonus of the Week
Marquee Fail
We’ve linked to the FAIL blog before here on CHG, but this just cracked me up.

Totally RELATED Extra Special Bonus of the Week
Food Inc. trailer
This is gonna blow some minds.

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