I'm going to our Grange's Annual Christmas Party later today and I was thinking about the dish I'm going to take for the Pot Luck Dinner, while mixing up a morning smoothie in my blender, and listening to a Ritchie Havens interview and songs.
The reason I got thinking about it is because I received a new recipe this morning from World's Healthiest Foods and it was enticing enough to me to try it. The enticement was Tahini.
And while I am slowly sipping this smooth and yummy drink right now I'm thinking of the woman from Estonia who is a regular reader of my blog. She has a wonderful blog that you'll find in my interesting link's section in the right hand column, just look for Riina.
As an aside, Riina is from the lovely country of Estonia and it is wise at this time in US history to learn from the ways Estonia recovered from financial collapse when the Soviet Union fell.
I also have to say that I am always adding to recipes with my old fashioned approach to building up the nutrient quotient based on my 1970s college days and living on Adelle Davis Pep-Up. So what I have in the end is different than the basic recipe.
I left out the raw honey, added hemp protein powder, lecithin, adrenal support vitamin powder and Goji Juice Crystals (order from the Rich Nature link in the right hand column of Natural Health News). And I am just lucky enough to have some fresh squeezed organic Valencia orange juice that makes it much more delightful, as are the strawberries, lecithin and hemp, et al.
I hope you enjoy yours!
And now if you'd like to try this Strawberry Smoothie
Prep and Cook Time: 5 minutes
* 4 large strawberries
* ¼ cup low fat plain yogurt
* 1 cup fresh orange juice
* 1 TBS tahini
* 1 medium size banana
* ½ tsp vanilla
* 1 TBS honey
1. Remove stems from strawberries and wash.
2. Blend all ingredients in blender until smooth.
Serve 2 8oz glasses
Nutritonal Data
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