TONS of good stuff today, sweet readers. The New York Times Magazine annual food issue came out this weekend, and there is a pair of tremendous pieces by Michael Pollan (Farmer in Chief) and Mark Bittman (Why Take Food Seriously?). Also, I’m gonna go ahead and say that Culinate’s entire front page (Teaching the Kids to Cook, Vinegar Basics, Tips for Roasting Vegetables, and the Bill McKibben interview) is worth 20 minutes of your time. But beyond that…
Bitten: The $20 Dinner Party
Restaurateur and Shake Shack guru Daniel Meyer creates a $19.24 meal that “make[s] up with abundance, comfort and flavor all that it lack[s] in elegance and refinement.” The $1 potato is a little nuts, but it looks like a good meal besides. (Thanks to Hannah from I Heart Kale for the link.)
Casual Kitchen: A Recession-Proof Guide to Saving Money on Food
Daniel comps his best dough-conserving posts. Excellent ideas and lots of creative thinking abound.Cooking Light: 20/20 - Superfast Chicken Suppers
Quick and dirty menu planning from CL, featuring the almighty chicken. It’s another solid entry in their Superfast series, the rest of which can be found here.
Consumerist: Could You Survive Spending Only $25 A Week For Food?
Consumerist picks up on the $25 meme, and 113 readers (yours truly included) offer hints at hitting budgetary goals. (Along with some pointed criticism, as always.) Look for more on this tomorrow in CHG’s Wednesday article.
Consumerist: Is it Ever Acceptable Not to Tip at a Restaurant/
In a post that’s elicited 425+ comments, over 55% of survey responders believe it’s fine to skip a tip if service is abysmal. I tend to agree (though I’ve never done it). Readers, have you ever left without leaving a gratuity? Why?
Consumerist: People Think Coupon Users are Cheapskates Unless You’re Hot
Yoinks. Apparently my trips to the supermarket sans makeup ARE NOT APPRECIATED.
The Digerati Life: Will Green Food Saver Bags Make Food Last Longer?
At $0.85 a pop, the Debbie Meyer Green Bags come dangerously close to useless – you’re almost paying more for the bag itself than the produce. But never fear - The Silicon Valley Blogger found some simple strategies to prevent premature rottening.
Get Rich Slowly: Once-a-Month Shopping – Save More By Shopping Less
OaMS always seems like a good idea going in, but I imagine I’d miss fruit greatly, and would be bored to tears of spaghetti around Week 3 or so. Still, if you’re organized and need to save money – lots of it – it can be a solid option.Epi-Log: Why Foodies Should Care About the Election
Besides “it’s the most important one in the last 70 years,” there are farm bills, sustainability issues, migrant workers, and free trade agreements to think about. Michael Y. Park has a nice breakdown of the candidates’ food views.
Jezebel: Is Diet Blogging Ultimately Bad for the Soul?
Does diet blogging make us more aware of our health, or more sensitive to our faults? Or maybe, is it a little of both? Feminist blog Jezebel debates both sides, and commenters have A WHOLE LOT to say.
Jezebel: Not So Grrrrrreat - Consumer Reports Comes Down Hard On Sugary Cereals
It’s no secret Lucky Charms isn’t the healthiest food in the galaxy, but CR basically calls it candy.
The Kitchn: On Leaving the Dirty Dishes Until the Next Morning
It’s not laziness. It’s an art form. And I will fight you to the death if you say different.
Main Street: Buy Steak at Pot Roast Prices
Different cuts and cooking methods can turn cheap beef into an infinitely palatable meal. Here, Main Street (THERE’S a term you haven’t heard lately) tells you how.
Money Saving Mom: Ten Simple Ways to Reduce Your Grocery Expenses
Guest poster MaryEllen digs deep and comes up with a few strategies I haven’t seen before, including: buy smaller individual fruits, take perishables from the back of the shelf, and shop early in the morning.Serious Eats: Sweet Deals and Steals - Where Can I Buy Halloween Candy in Bulk Online?
Mmm … bulk candy. What? It’s almost Halloween.
SFGate: Kitchen Essentials - 10 versatile pantry items
A.K.A. “Look Beyond Your Borders.” Mirin, fish sauce, and chipotle peppers are just three international-seeming suggestions from SF writer Tara Duggan.
Time Magazine: Restaurants Face Lean Times in the Economic Downturn
Could the dour economy hail the end of the Casual Dining Chain? Bennigans bit the dust, and Chili’s, Ruby Tuesday’s, and TGIFridays are in danger of losing their leases. Who knows? Your Blooming Onion could be a thing of the past pretty soon. (Thanks to Serious Eats for the link.)
Wise Bread: 8 Nifty Tips for Getting the Most From an All-You-Can-Eat Buffet
Tip #9: Bring your GIANT little brother, who will then carry you home on his calorie-powered back, thus saving $8 in cab fare.
Wise Bread: Lentil Love - How to Sex Up a Simple Staple and Save
Awwww, yeah. Gettin’ down and dirty with some dal.
Zen Habits: Beat the Sugar Habit – 3 Steps to Cut Sweets Mostly Out of Your Life
If sugar is the boogeyman, do we call it the Sugeyman? These questions and more, answered…
Also, check out this week’s Make it From Scratch Festival, featuring some lovely fall colors and Leigh’s Nuyorican Rice and Beans post.
(Photos courtesy of Damron Family, HuffPo, and This Mama Cooks.)
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