Oh my gosh, there were so many good posts this week. It was difficult to get them all in and make this less than a a 30,000-word, Dostoyevsky-type tome, so I kept the commentary to a minimum. Behold!AM New York: New York waiter's worst nightmare? Europeans
Ah, tipping. Different the world over. I tried tipping a bartender in Dublin once, and she almost decapitated me with her eyes. (Thanks to Eater for the link.)
60 in 3: Rule #1 of Healthy Eating – The Variety Counts Rule
Oh man, is this ever true. Salad only goes so far. (Thanks to Get Fit Slowly for the link.)
Being Frugal: Grocery Shopping for a Month and Month of Menus – Recipe Links
To combat rising gas and food prices, shoppers like Lynnae are cutting down on their trips to the supermarket. Look and learn, my sweets!
Chow: Drinking While Pregnant
“Should the partner of a pregnant woman give up drinking as a gesture of support?” My heart says yes, but my "take pity on the men" lobe says no.
Consumerist: America’s Most Unhealthy Drinks Exposed
Dude. Jamba Juice? Just have a chocolate sundae instead.
Consumerist: Now It’s Serious – Shrink Ray Hits Beer
Culinate: Feeding the Allergic
POST OF THE WEEK. No doubt.The Digerati Life: Cutting Food Costs – Consumers Switch to Spam
Hm, after reading this, I believe I’ll have and order of spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, beaked beans, spam, spam, spam, and spam. Lovely!
Frugal Hacks: Cheerful Frugality Cooks Breakfast
Lots of nifty links to wholesome day-starters. Meredith rules. (Again.)
Get Fit Slowly: Food, Drink and Decadence – How the French Stay Thin
Cheese? Wine? Chocolate? ALL THE TIME? Yarg. This is way more infuriating than that Jerry Lewis thing.
Get Rich Slowly: How to Make Your Own Small-Batch Strawberry Jam
Nice! JD’s wife Kris (love the name) is getting busy with some pectin. Hm. That sounds way lewder than I meant it to.
Get Rich Slowly: Unit Pricing – Get More Food for Less Money
Super guest-post breakdown on the wonders of math. Seriously kids, stay in school.
Gothamist: A Night of Food and Feting: The 2008 James Beard Awards
The Night of 1000 Cooking Stars! And Kim Cattrall.
Health Assist: The See-Food Diet
I’ve seen these before, but this is the best pictoral representation of 300-calorie foods yet. Definitely worth a look. (Thanks to Get Fit Slowly for the link.)
The Kitchn: Cooking Without Recipes - Understanding Flavor
Witness the roundess! Observe the mid notes! BEHOLD THE UMAMI!The Kitchn: What Was the Best Wedding Meal You Ever Had?
Martha Stewart Living: 10 Takes on Potato Salad
PHENOMENAL POTATO POWER! Itty bitty mayonnaise. (Thanks to The Kitchn for the link.)
MSNBC: Joy’s Fit Club
I am a total, 100% wuss for Before-and-After weight loss stories. Seriously, these people are inspiring. Check out the One Family’s Mission entry, and I swear you’ll want to be adopted by them.
New York Magazine: The 100-Cereal Taste Test
Did you ever notice how some cereals look like rabbit food? Or rabbit poop? Just sayin’.
New York Times: Finding the Hits, Avoiding the Errors
The best ballpark food from around the country. Note: Avoid Yankee Stadium pretzels at all cost. They’re mass-produced by Satan.
New York Times: Recipe Deal Breakers: When Step 2 Is ‘Corral Pig’
How complicated does a recipe have to get before you’re all like, “Forget this. I’m getting Chinese”?
Serious Eats: Ed Levine’s Serious Diet
Food writer/lover/conqueror shares his best tips for eating well. Hint: bananas are involved.

Oo! Oo! Freezer pops! How can anyone not love a blue tongue?
Serious Eats: What Lunch Box Did You Have? What Was in it?
PB&J, raisins, and milk. Everyday. Six years. I had great digestive health as a kid.
Vegan Teacher Fired Over Peeps Lesson
Chick-loving (as in “chickens” not “hot ladies”) vegan gets a little militant with his anti-meat lectures.
(Photos courtesy of Jupiter Images, dailyllama, Elegant Eating, and scrivenings.)
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