Blog of the Week
Frugal Dad
Thoughtful, well-written and often funny, Frugal Dad’s four-month-old site is quickly becoming a go-to for folks interested in everything from finance to square-foot gardening. Check out his 7-day turnaround plan for some neat ideas on how to kick-start a savings strategy, and don’t forget to chime in on his latest post about Kids and Allowance. The salary chart is genius.Comedy of the Week
“Soup Nazi” from Seinfeld
Oo! Someone code-named AlasforAlas comped the best moments from the legendary “NO SOUP FOR YOU” episode! In a related story, the real-life Soup Nazi used to run his store a few blocks from my workplace, and he was really a pretty intimidating guy. But man, that soup was worth it. Especially the seafood bisque.
Organization of the Week
charity: water
This Jennifer Connelly-supported philanthropy helps provide clean drinking water and safe wells to communities around the world. Why water? Well, according to the site, “Unsafe water and lack of basic sanitation causes 80% of all sickness and disease, and kills more people every year than all forms of violence, including war.”
Quote of the Week
Ross: I honestly don't know if I'm hungry or horny.
Chandler: Stay out of my freezer.
Untried Cheap, Healthy Recipe of the Week
Magnificent Mussels at Kitchen Wench
Mussels are some of the most abundant and environmentally sustainable kinds of seafood out there, and this easy, tasty-looking recipe will make you want to buy a billion. Seriously. Look at that picture. Couldn't you even eat the shells?
Video of the Week
“Sodajerk” by Buffalo Tom
Continuing with our “My So-Called Life” theme from last week, it’s Buffalo Tom’s best single, which appeared on the show’s soundtrack, as well as almost every mix tape my friend H ever made. Boy, do I miss these guys. Big Red Letter Day was such a stellar record, and they apparently released a new one last year, which I definitely need to get on.
Totally Unrelated Extra Special Bonus of the Week
“Bowie in Space” by Flight of the Conchords
New Zealand’s fourth most popular novelty folk band, the Conchords are the funniest musical act to come along since Weird Al was still wearing specs. Stick with “Bowie” through the preamble – it’s funny, but the song is killer. For supplemental extra-credit listening, try “Albi the Racist Dragon” and “Business Time.”
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