Casual Kitchen: The Granola Blogroll – The Ultimate Authority on Great Granola Recipes
Holy moly. Dan’s created THE granddaddy, mother-of-all granola recipe lists, starting with a rolled oats/coconut concoction and ending on a massive, colon-blowing pile of deliciousness. Fibertastic.
Chow: Who Makes Trader Joe’s Food?
What? It’s not a dude named Joe, who also trades things? (But seriously folks, I'm here all week.)
Culinate: COFP – Clean Out the Fridge Pasta
The Boyfriend and I have kitchen sink pasta at least once a week, using whatever meats (ground turkey, chicken) and veggies (peppers, mushrooms) we have hanging around. It's makes for a quick, rounded, fairly healthy meal, AND there are about four dishes to do afterward. Bonus.
Festival of Frugality #115: Broke Grad Student
Featuring CHG's own Make Your Own Mix, Fat Man Skinny Wallet with Portion Control the Bento Way, Thrifty Mommy's Top 10 Times Not to Shop, and a hilariously appropriate picture of Ramen.Get Rich Slowly: An Easy Way to Go Organic
Turns out that milk, apples, peanut butter, ketchup, and potatoes might nab the most bang for the buck when it comes to organic foods. That sounds like everything Ma ever packed in my lunch box. (Nice work, G!)
Kitchenography: Best Recipes of 2007
Ooo! Nice comp of top ten lists from LA Times, Seattle Times, Chicago Tribune, Food and Wine, Atlanta Journal Constitution, and more! Shrimp Tacos with Pumpkin Seed Sauce? Enticing…
Like Merchant Ships: Laying Down the Skillet
Meredith revises her game plan for meal prep after a week of 50s-style cooking. Includes a few nice links and suggestions for creating your very own menu strategy.Money Making Mom: Wheat prices set to soar – What’s your plan of attack?
See, this is why I read this blog. Between the Ohio/Texas showdown and reading about Sunday’s episode of The Wire, I had no idea a wheat shortage was lurking around the corner. Great heads up from Crystal & Co, and be sure to read the comments for fantastic storage ideas. (P.S. Speaking of The Wire, will anything good ever, EVER happen to Dukie? That poor kid is the most tragic figure of the whole show.)
Mom Advice: Baby Steps – Storing Your Stockpile
Tips of making the most of tiny spaces. As a Brooklynite with three roommates who’s confined to approximately 15 sq. feet of apartment, this resonates.
New York Times: My Forbidden Fruit (and Vegetables)
“But consumers who would like to be able to buy local fruits and vegetables not just at farmers’ markets, but also in the produce aisle of their supermarket, will be dismayed to learn that the federal government works deliberately and forcefully to prevent the local food movement from expanding.”
The Simple Dollar: Investing in Yourself – Diet
Everything I’ve ever meant to say on this blog, in one simple post. Tremendous. (Trent-mendous?)Slashfood: Oh, those crazy kids!
Score one for non-violent protest: to voice their disapproval over a shortened lunch period, 29 New Jersey eighth graders paid for their meals entirely in pennies. 6,000 pennies. Genius.
Time Magazine: The World’s Growing Food-Price Crisis
Oh, yikes. This can’t be good. (Perhaps an understatement.)
Wise Bread: 5 Sleek Marketing Ploys Aimed at Getting More of Your Grocery Money
Linsey Knerl is one of WB’s most prolific food bloggers, and her articles are generally thorough, well though out affairs. This one is an excellent rundown of supermarket ploys, including 100-calorie packets, meal kits, foods labeled “humane,” overblown health claims, and “soups for the cure.”
(Photos courtesy of Flickr members ComeUndone, Unique_Snowflake, and flyzipper, as well as msnbc.)
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