In honor of the impending game, today's list is a two-parter. Up first, a gaggle of Super Bowl links. Healthy Tailgating
While the title looks like an oxymoron (a la jumbo shrimp), author Shereen Jegtvig has some out-of-the-box ideas on pre-game parking lot cookouts. Good suggestions for the angina prone, Ditka-lovin’ Superfan in your life. Planning a Low Fat Super Bowl Party
What: Giants/Pats shindig with all the fatty-looking fixings.
Where: Your living room.
How: Substitutions. Fiona Haynes makes up a pretty straightforward menu, but subs in secret healthy ingredients. Guests may never know the difference.
Chowhound: ISO Atkins and low fat friendly Super Bowl munchies...
More healthed-up offerings, only this time from the Chowhound crowd. Scroll past the O'Doul's commentary for solid snack ideas.
eDiets: Super Bowl Survival Guide
While the recipes in this post look okay, it’s way more valuable for the all-important booze rules. (Sneak Preview: Those Bud calories add up by the third quarter. Go with a vodka club instead.)
iVillage: 15 Suggestions for a Healthy Super Bowl Party
Quickie list of waist-watching strategies, with extra exercise tips thrown in for good measure. #6 suggests taking a walk at halftime. Tom Petty and Heartbreakers are playing this time around, so I’m undecided on that one. (Especially after Prince’s command performance last year. Way better than the actual game.)
Serious Eats: Cook the Book
If you’re going a little more gourmet with your hootenanny, Serious Eats is where you want to be. SE’s dedicating their regular Cook the Book series to the Super Bowl, so expect high-class eats along with the very best versions of old school favorites.
And now, on to the regular links.
Frugal Hacks: Wholesome Eating on a Budget
Crystal’s corralled a bunch of links on … well, see the title. While everything’s worth a gander, her own post is aces. This lady is a genius shopper.
Festival of Frugality #110: Mrs. Micah
Nicely organized roundup of this week’s articles, with highlights coming from Mommy Gets Paid (on a hunting hobby that pays off), Paid Twice (on experimenting with new cuts of meat) and Money and Values (on frugality and fine dining).Make it from Scratch Festival: GreenStyleMom
Lots of sweet DIY projects (food and otherwise) this time around. Stop the Ride’s Make Your Own Irish Cream post looks particularly tempting. (Mom, are you out there?)
Serious Eats: Best TV Chef? Worst TV Chef?
Monster comment thread evaluating the gamut of onscreen kitchen gurus.
Worst: Sandra Lee by an overwhelming majority
Best: Alton Brown scores several mentions along with Ming Tsai and Jacques Pepin. (Word.)
UK Mirror: Kids to learn 8 healthy meals for life
British children are being forced to take basic cooking classes in an effort to raise national nutrition awareness. Shepherd’s Pie, represent! Thanks to Serious Eats for the link.
(Photos courtesy of and Flickr member NiinaC.)
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