Blog of the Week
Use Real Butter
Suggested by my friend Michele, Use Real Butter is a food blog in the Smitten Kitchen vein, meaning the writing is nifty and the pictures … oh, the pictures. Look at the photos in this post. And this one. And why not this one, while you’re at it? If you don’t start salivating immediately, you might not be human.
Organization of the Week
Your local house of worship
Whether you’re happily secular or a card-carrying member of the God Squad, churches, temples, and mosques must be acknowledged and lauded as prime combatants of hunger and poverty. Peruse the activities at your local shrine to see how you can pitch in.
Quote of the Week
“Tell me what you eat, and I will tell you what you are.” -Anthelme Brillat-Savarin
Sketch of the Week
Coffee Talk with Linda Richman
Mike Meyers! Madonna! Roseanne! BARBRA! Classic early-‘90s SNL piece with myriad references to both coffee and butter (thus qualifying it for this site). No one knew Ms. Streisand was coming, so the reactions at the end are genuine.
Tip of the Week
If you’re prepping a big holiday meal, create a menu and grocery list at least two weeks ahead of time. I did this for Thanksgiving, managed to buy almost everything on sale, and cut $50 off our bill from last year.
Untried Cheap, Healthy Recipe of the Week
Red Lentil Soup with Garam Masala by Sassy Radish
Colorful, comforting, filling, healthy and cheap. This could be the perfect food.
Video of the Week (Food Division)
“Feed Me” by Audrey II and Seymour Krelborn (Levi Stubbs and Rick Moranis)
A terrible lesson about the cannibalistic consequences of gluttony, brought to you by the sick, sick minds behind Little Shop of Horrors.
(Photos courtesy of Flickr.)
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