Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Vaccine Vacillations

Before you fall prey to this year's mass campaign to fall for the flu shot, perhaps this information about what is actually in the vaccines you take or give to your children without batting an eye.

This is a 2004 report on vaccine ingredients.

This following list of common vaccines and their ingredients should shock anyone.

The numbers of microbes, antibiotics, chemicals, heavy metals and animal byproducts is staggering. Would you knowingly inject these materials into your children?

Acel-Immune DTaP - Diphtheria-Tetanus-Pertussis Wyeth-Ayerst 800.934.5556
* diphtheria and tetanus toxoids and acellular pertussis adsorbed, formaldehyde, aluminum hydroxide, aluminum phosphate, thimerosal, and polysorbate 80 (Tween-80) gelatin Act HIB

Haemophilus - Influenza B Connaught Laboratories 800.822.2463
* Haemophilus influenza Type B, polyribosylribitol phosphate ammonium sulfate, formalin, and sucrose

Attenuvax - Measles Merck & Co., Inc. 800-672-6372
* measles live virus neomycin sorbitol hydrolized gelatin, chick embryo

Biavax - Rubella Merck & Co., Inc. 800-672-6372
* rubella live virus neomycin sorbitol hydrolized gelatin, human diploid cells from aborted fetal tissue

BioThrax - Anthrax Adsorbed BioPort Corporation 517.327.1500
* nonencapsulated strain of Bacillus anthracis aluminum hydroxide, benzethonium chloride, and formaldehyde

DPT - Diphtheria-Tetanus-Pertussis GlaxoSmithKline 800.366.8900 x5231
* diphtheria and tetanus toxoids and acellular pertussis adsorbed, formaldehyde, aluminum phosphate, ammonium sulfate, and thimerosal, washed sheep RBCs

Dryvax - Smallpox (not licensed d/t expiration) Wyeth-Ayerst 800.934.5556
* live vaccinia virus, with "some microbial contaminants," according to the Working Group on Civilian Biodefense polymyxcin B sulfate, streptomycin sulfate, chlortetracycline hydrochloride, and neomycin sulfate glycerin, and phenol -a compound obtained by distillation of coal tar vesicle fluid from calf skins Engerix-B

Recombinant Hepatitis B GlaxoSmithKline 800.366.8900 x5231
* genetic sequence of the hepatitis B virus that codes for the surface antigen (HbSAg), cloned into GMO yeast, aluminum hydroxide, and thimerosal

Fluvirin Medeva Pharmaceuticals 888.MEDEVA 716.274.5300
* influenza virus, neomycin, polymyxin, beta-propiolactone, chick embryonic fluid

FluShield Wyeth-Ayerst 800.934.5556
* trivalent influenza virus, types A&B gentamicin sulphate formadehyde, thimerosal, and polysorbate 80 (Tween-80) chick embryonic fluid

Havrix - Hepatitis A GlaxoSmithKline 800.366.8900 x5231
* hepatitis A virus, formalin, aluminum hydroxide, 2-phenoxyethanol, and polysorbate 20 residual MRC5 proteins -human diploid cells from aborted fetal tissue

HiB Titer - Haemophilus Influenza B Wyeth-Ayerst 800.934.5556
* haemophilus influenza B, polyribosylribitol phosphate, yeast, ammonium sulfate, thimerosal, and chemically defined yeast-based medium

Imovax Connaught Laboratories 800.822.2463
* rabies virus adsorbed, neomycin sulfate, phenol, red indicator human albumin, human diploid cells from aborted fetal tissue

IPOL Connaught Laboratories 800.822.2463
* 3 types of polio viruses neomycin, streptomycin, and polymyxin B formaldehyde, and 2-phenoxyethenol continuous line of monkey kidney cells

JE-VAX - Japanese Ancephalitis Aventis Pasteur USA 800.VACCINE
* Nakayama-NIH strain of Japanese encephalitis virus, inactivated formaldehyde, polysorbate 80 (Tween-80), and thimerosal mouse serum proteins, and gelatin

LYMErix - Lyme GlaxoSmithKline 888-825-5249
* recombinant protein (OspA) from the outer surface of the spirochete Borrelia burgdorferi kanamycin aluminum hydroxide, 2-phenoxyethenol, phosphate buffered saline

MMR - Measles-Mumps-Rubella Merck & Co., Inc. 800.672.6372
* measles, mumps, rubella live virus, neomycin sorbitol, hydrolized gelatin, chick embryonic fluid, and human diploid cells from aborted fetal tissue

M-R-Vax - Measles-Rubella Merck & Co., Inc. 800.672.6372
* measles, rubella live virus neomycin sorbitol hydrolized gelatin, chick embryonic fluid, and human diploid cells from aborted fetal tissue

Menomune - Meningococcal Connaught Laboratories 800.822.2463
* freeze-dried polysaccharide antigens from Neisseria meningitidis bacteria, thimerosal, and lactose

Meruvax I - Mumps Merck & Co., Inc. 800.672.6372
* mumps live virus neomycin sorbitol hydrolized gelatin

NYVAC - (new smallpox batch, not licensed) Aventis Pasteur USA 800.VACCINE
* highly-attenuated vaccinia virus, polymyxcin B, sulfate, streptomycin sulfate, chlortetracycline hydrochloride, and neomycin sulfate glycerin, and phenol -a compound obtained by distillation of coal tar vesicle fluid from calf skins

Orimune - Oral Polio Wyeth-Ayerst 800.934.5556
* 3 types of polio viruses, attenuated neomycin, streptomycin sorbitol monkey kidney cells and calf serum

Pneumovax - Streptococcus Pneumoniae Merck & Co., Inc. 800.672.6372
* capsular polysaccharides from polyvalent (23 types), pneumococcal bacteria, phenol,

Prevnar Pneumococcal - 7-Valent Conjugate Vaccine Wyeth Lederle 800.934.5556
* saccharides from capsular Streptococcus pneumoniae antigens (7 serotypes) individually conjugated to diphtheria CRM 197 protein aluminum phosphate, ammonium sulfate, soy protein, yeast

RabAvert - Rabies Chiron Behring GmbH & Company 510.655.8729
* fixed-virus strain, Flury LEP neomycin, chlortetracycline, and amphotericin B, potassium glutamate, and sucrose human albumin, bovine gelatin and serum "from source countries known to be free of bovine spongioform encephalopathy," and chicken protein

Rabies Vaccine Adsorbed GlaxoSmithKline 800.366.8900 x5231
*rabies virus adsorbed, beta-propiolactone, aluminum phosphate, thimerosal, and phenol, red rhesus monkey fetal lung cells

Recombivax - Recombinant Hepatitis B Merck & Co., Inc. 800.672.6372
* genetic sequence of the hepatitis B virus that codes for the surface antigen (HbSAg), cloned into GMO yeast, aluminum hydroxide, and thimerosal

RotaShield - Oral Tetravalent Rotavirus (recalled) Wyeth-Ayerst 800.934.5556
* 1 rhesus monkey rotavirus, 3 rhesus-human reassortant live viruses neomycin sulfate, amphotericin B potassium monophosphate, potassium diphosphate, sucrose, and monosodium glutamate (MSG) rhesus monkey fetal diploid cells, and bovine fetal serum smallpox (not licensed due to expiration)

40-yr old stuff "found" in Swiftwater, PA freezer Aventis Pasteur USA 800.VACCINE
* live vaccinia virus, with "some microbial contaminants," according to the Working Group on Civilian Biodefense polymyxcin B sulfate, streptomycin sulfate, chlortetracycline hydrochloride, and neomycin sulfate glycerin, and phenol -a compound obtained by distillation of coal tar vesicle fluid from calf skins

Smallpox (new, not licensed) Acambis, Inc. 617.494.1339 in partnership with Baxter BioScience
* highly-attenuated vaccinia virus, polymyxcin B sulfate, streptomycin sulfate, chlortetracycline hydrochloride, and neomycin sulfate glycerin, and phenol -a compound obtained by distillation of coal tar vesicle fluid from calf skins

TheraCys BCG (intravesicle -not licensed in US for tuberculosis) Aventis Pasteur USA 800.VACCINE
* live attenuated strain of Mycobacterium bovis monosodium glutamate (MSG), and polysorbate 80 (Tween-80)

Tripedia - Diphtheria-Tetanus-Pertussis Aventis Pasteur USA 800.VACCINE
*Corynebacterium diphtheriae and Clostridium tetani toxoids and acellular Bordetella pertussis adsorbed aluminum potassium sulfate, formaldehyde, thimerosal, and polysorbate 80 (Tween-80) gelatin, bovine extract

US-sourced Typhim Vi - Typhoid Aventis Pasteur USA SA 800.VACCINE
* cell surface Vi polysaccharide from Salmonella typhi Ty2 strain, aspartame, phenol, and polydimethylsiloxane (silicone)

Varivax - Chickenpox Merck & Co., Inc. 800.672.6372
* varicella live virus neomycin phosphate, sucrose, and monosodium glutamate (MSG) processed gelatin, fetal bovine serum, guinea pig embryo cells, albumin from human blood, and human diploid cells from aborted fetal tissue

YF-VAX - Yellow Fever Aventis Pasteur USA 800.VACCINE
* 17D strain of yellow fever virus sorbitol chick embryo, and gelatin

Not manufactured at the time, GARDASIL contains a sterile preparation for intramuscular administration. Each 0.5-mL dose contains approximately 20 mcg of HPV 6 L1 protein, 40 mcg of HPV 11 L1 protein, 40 mcg of HPV 16 L1 protein, and 20 mcg of HPV 18 L1 protein.

Each 0.5-mL dose of the vaccine contains approximately 225 mcg of aluminum (as amorphous aluminum hydroxyphosphate sulfate adjuvant), 9.56 mg of sodium chloride, 0.78 mg of L-histidine, 50 mcg of polysorbate 80, 35 mcg of sodium borate, and water for injection. The product does not contain a preservative or antibiotics.
NB: L-histidine can be problematic for certain individuals. Currently reports are coming in about deaths from this vaccine because of blood clots.

For more information:

Vaccine Liberation Information

And consider this comment -
Have they forgotten that people are advised to take flu shots each year? Just think about it, mercury every year getting into your body, i.e. on top of all the mercury and heavy metals that we already ingest, breathe-in, etc.

These health experts at the CDC are supposedly too dumb to realize that, even if the mercury in one shot is below level, people are getting this poison with EACH yearly shot? I don't think so.

Stupidity...and malice aforethought.

Dr. Doyle

Flu Shots With Mercury Pose No Problems - CDC
The China Post

TAIPEI, Taiwan -- Officials at the Department of Health (DOH) urged parents to let their young children receive the free injection of anti-influenza vaccines despite the controversy over the mercury in the vaccines. DOH officials said the annual flu vaccines will be given to children under two years old and others over 65 for free.

The officials made the call after the annual free flu vaccination program kicked off yesterday, providing flu shots for groups of people considered to be at high risk of influenza with government funds. But many parents became hesitant after learning from media reports that there is mercury in the vaccines.

Shih Wen-yi, a deputy director of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) under the DOH, confirmed the reports. But he and other medical experts stressed that mercury is well below the hazardous limit.

Chen Ding-shin, a member of the Academia Sinica and former superintendent of the National Taiwan University Hospital, pointed out that mercury is used in the flu vaccines to help stabilize bacteria, but will pose no threats to health.

He said the chemical is also used in many other vaccines, including the hepatitis B vaccines which are also in large demand in Taiwan. Other medical experts also said that giving flu vaccines free of charge is a well-intended move taken by the government to help fight the life-threatening flu in the winter season.

Shih stressed that no medical records had shown negative effects from flu vaccines containing mercury, though the international trend is gradually shifting to mercury-free vaccines.

The CDC has advised flu vaccine recipients allergic to eggs to stay at the same place where they receive their shots for at least half an hour to make sure that they develop no allergic reaction to the vaccine.

Shih explained that the CDC did not caution against mercury because there are extremely few people allergic to the chemical. He also emphasized that the DOH has provided over 80 million flu vaccines containing mercury over the years and no cases with negative effects involving the chemical was reported.

The free vaccine program is available for people over 65 years of age or children aged between six months and two years. First-line medical professionals, hospital volunteer workers, community pharmacists, medical lab workers, school nurses, crews of international airlines, quarantine workers, poultry farmers and bird raisers, nursing home residents, people suffering from severe injuries or diseases, as well as first-year and second-year primary school students are also covered in the free flu shot program.

According to Shih, there will be 2.73 million doses of free flu vaccine available for adults and 320,000 doses for children this year. People need not to rush in an attempt to receive their shots on the first days of the program, since there is adequate supply and the free vaccines will be available for a long period over the next two months.

Shih said Taiwan usually enters flu season around the end of November, with the number of flu cases reaching a peak around mid-December. After analyzing all reported flu cases between 2000 and 2006, the CDC said the incidence of flu turning into serious disease is much higher for children under 12 years and people over 65. The mortality rate for these two age groups is several times higher than other age groups.

CDC experts said the best way to prevent flu is to get flu shots. Paid flu shots are also available at major hospitals Some hospitals around the country have also started offering vaccines for ordinary people for between NT$530 and NT$630 per dose.

Medical specialists said that parents or other people concerned about the mercury issue may have their children and elderly family members taken mercury-free doses and pay the bills themselves.

Patricia A. Doyle DVM, PhD Bus Admin, Tropical Agricultural Economics Univ of West Indies Please visit my "Emerging Diseases" message board at: http://www.emergingdisease.org/phpbb/index.php Also my new website:
http://drpdoyle.tripod.com/ Zhan le Devlesa tai sastimasa Go with God and in Good Health

Remember that there is a supposed ban on mercury, yet today WalMart gets acknowledged for hawking mercury containing CFL light bulbs and not telling you they contain hazardous waste (mercury, a heavy metal that is heavily toxic).


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