New York Times: Nutrition Labels Proposed for Alcohol
Simultaneously terrifying and delightful, this measure could make happy hours significantly less happy. But the truth, she is a good thing, no?
The Simple Dollar: How I Build and Use a Price Book
This grocery shopping technique was mentioned in the Circular Game post, and Trent presents a competent, effective idea for simplifying the methodology. In English: Trent post = good stuff.
Wise Bread: Ice Cube Trays – Your Passport to Huge Savings
Herbs! Tomato paste! Applesauce! Wunderbar.
MSN Money: Money Trouble – It’s Your Own Fault
Financial blogging goddess Liz Pulliam Weston tells us quite bluntly to pull our fiduciary heads out of our economic asses, and then gives a step-by-step plan on how to do so. Refreshing straight-talk and solutions from a woman who’s heard every money-blowing excuse on the planet.
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