What New Mexico refused to do to protect its citizens from the known damage of aspartame has now become law in the Philippines.
from the Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Commerce (Spain)
Philippines forbids the import and use of aspartame
A law promulgated by the Philippine congress has forbidden the importing and use, in the country, of aspartame, a sweetener that is between 180 to 200 times more potent than sugar, as well as banning distribution of four makes of saccharine, the most important brand names in the country known as: Equal, NutraSweet, Equal-Measure y
According to the said Law aspartame gives rise to a total of 75% of the negative effects reflected in consumers and other users according to the north American administration of food and alimentation, among others, brain tumours, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Parkinsons, Alzheimers and
diabetes among others.
The ban affects all use of this product in any type of consumable and infringement will carry penalties that go from 9,000 euros to 90,000 euros.
Spanish Institute of External Commerce (ICEX). Paseo de la Castellana 14-16, 28046 MADRID. | 902 349 000
[*] All these are the brand names for aspartame. Aspartame is listed as E951 in the Codex Alimentarius.
Filipinas prohbe la importacin y uso del aspartamo
Una ley promulgado por el congreso de Filipinas ha prohibido la
importacin y el uso del aspartamo, un edulcorante entre 180 y 200
veces ms potente que el azcar, en el pas, as como ha prohibido la
distribucin de cuatro marcas de sacarina, de las ms importantes del
pas: Equal, Nutrasweet, Equal-Measure y Spoonful.[*] Segn dicha ley
el aspartamo da lugar a un total del 75% de los efectos negativos
reflejados por los consumidores y usuarios segn la administracin
norteamericana de comida y alimentacin, entre otros, tumores
cerebrales, esclerosis mltiple, epilepsia, sndrome de fatiga crnica,
parkinson, alzheimer y diabetes entre otros. La prohibicin afecta al
uso de este producto en cualquier tipo de consumible y la vulneracin
de la misma acarrear penas que van desde los 9.000 euros a los 90.000
Instituto Espaol de Comercio Exterior (ICEX). P de la Castellana
14-16 28046 MADRID | 902 349 000
[*] Todas estas marcas son de aspartamo. Aspartamo se encuentra en
el Codex Alimentarius bajo el nmero E951.
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