Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Suspicious SOY

For quite a number of years I have been trying to educate people, mainly women, about the hazards of soy.

This is not always a popular position, especially because so many people are hawking that soy is the wonder food. Problem is that back as far as the 1950s folks in the know warned about soy.
So today, reading a fitness magazine for women I about fell off my office chair when I read this new report from the Journal of Nutrition.

(I guess someone is either reading my books and articles or has attended one of my classes.)


Calcium is essential for good bone health, muscle strength and normal cell function. Calcium helps build bone mass when you are young and helps maintain it as you age. It's important in the prevention of osteoporosis and fractures. Calcium alone won't prevent bone thinning but it's a critical part of a healthy bone program. High protein intake can either increase or decrease calcium absorption. Taking the proper form of calcium for your physiology along with balanced protein based on your body weight will help increase calcium absorption.**

University of Connecticut researchers found that the type of protein you eat affects calcium absorption.

Substituting soy protein for meat protein decreased calcium absorption.

Soy contains estrogen-like compounds called isoflavones that can slow calcium absorption. Many women consume soy in an effort to compensate for declining estrogen levels.

This may be a mistake.
I'll be hosting an upcoming seminar on Women's Health in about a month. I think the timing works well because it follows on Rally for the Cure. This program will be an opportunity to learn about why mammogram promotes breast cancer, how to create an anti-cancer food plan, how to eliminate cancer promoting hazards from your environment, and other helpful information. This will be along with a discussion on proven natural health approaches to support your health and improve elimination of toxic substances from your body and environment.

A follow-up CD and / or booklet will be made available.

Contact us for more information.


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