Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Tamiflu dangers reported

OTTAWA (Reuters) - Canada has asked Swiss drug maker Roche AG to warn consumers of possible health risks linked to its influenza drug Tamiflu, the health department said on Wednesday.

Ottawa took the step after receiving international reports of side-effects such as hallucinations and abnormal behavior, including self-harm. The reports include cases involving children and teenagers, primarily in Japan.

"Health Canada has requested that the manufacturer ... update the Canadian prescribing information for Tamiflu to include this new information," the department said in a statement.

According to Health Canada, there have been 84 reports as of November 11 of Canadian patients having adverse effects when using Tamiflu. Ten of those cases involved fatalities...

In the same breath

We can see a skunk as plain as the nose on your face here. And are you going to swallow this hype before you get the facts?

No fluoride for infants, but it is ok for your toddler. And then, guess what, you can get the killer pill Celebrex for your baby because fluoride gave this child arthritis.

And if you believe you are not already over-dosed with toxic fluoride, think again.

Fluoride DOES NOT prevent cavities. In most places, Seattle for example, the cavity rate has increased every year since they added fluoride to the water. Does this sound like prevention to you?

And now that the source is fertilizer waster, containing numerous toxic heavy metals like lead and arsenic,one has to wonder what junque science report the dentists and Pfizer fed the FDA this time. It all conmes at a price.

Fluoride destroys salmon too.

And wasn't it corrupt politician Gary Locke that moved to ban these toxic metals from fertilizer over in Moses Lake before he crafted his way into the governor's mansion?

My how things change, maybe...Afterall it is Gary Locke who defends state agencies that lie to him about the facts. It is just like I was told during the time I served on the Superior Court Juvenile Diversion panel, "Don't say anything that will hurt the system".

So you see it is the system that gets protected, not citizens, and certainly not children.

Fluoride does much more damage than causing arthritis! Check out PFPC or FAN for more information on what it really is and what it does.

FDA Approves Fluoride In Bottled Water
Food Chemical News

FDA announced last week it will allow fluoridation of bottled water to assist in the prevention of dental caries (cavities), prompting praise from the American Dental Association and concerns from anti-fluoride groups.

Bottled water containing between 0.6 and 1.0 mg/L total fluoride will be eligible to bear the following claim: "Drinking fluoridated water may reduce the risk of [dental caries or tooth decay]." The claimis not allowed with water intended for infants, FDA said.

The American Dental Association immediately praised the agency's decision. "Whether you drink fluoridated water from the tap or buy it in a bottle, you're doing the right thing for your oral health," saidADA executive director James Bramson. "Thanks to the FDA's decision,bottlers can now claim what dentists have long known--that optimallyfluoridated water helps prevent tooth decay."

However, FDA's decision didn't please groups opposed to fluoridation, who claim that fluoride can cause negative health repercussions even in the small quantities present in water. "Modern studies also link fluoride to arthritis, allergies, kidney and thyroid dysfunction, bone damage and cancer even at the low levels dentists claim is optimal to reduce tooth decay," said Paul Beeber, president of the New York State Coalition Opposed to Fluoridation, Inc. "Adding fluoride to bottled water implies to the American public that FDA studies give fluoride a clean bill of health--and that's not true," he said.

New Fluoride Warning for Infants

Does your drinking water contain added fluoride? If so, keep it away from infants under the age of one. This directive was issued recently by an unlikely source: the American Dental Association (ADA).

In a November 9th email alert sent to all of its members, the ADA noted that "Infants less than one year old may be getting more than the optimal amount of fluoride if their primary source of nutrition is powdered or liquid infant formula mixed with water containing fluoride." The ADA went on to advise: "If using a product that needs to be reconstituted, parents and caregivers should consider using water that has no or low levels of fluoride."

The ADA issued this advice because babies exposed to fluoridated water are at high risk for developing dental fluorosis—a defect of the teeth which can result in staining and even corrosion of the enamel. In addition, on October 14th, the Food and Drug Administration stated that fluoridated water marketed to infants cannot claim to reduce the risk of cavities.

Dental fluorosis is not the only risk stemming from a baby's exposure to fluoride. In the same week that ADA issued its advisory, an article in the British journal, The Lancet, reported that fluoride may damage a child's developing brain. The Lancet review described fluoride, along with the rocket fuel additive perchlorate, as an "emerging neurotoxic substance" due to evidence linking fluoride to lower IQs in children, and brain damage in animals.

"Newborn babies have undeveloped brains, and exposure to fluoride, a suspected neurotoxin, should be avoided," notes Hardy Limeback, a member of a 2006 National Research Council panel on fluoride toxicity, and former President of the Canadian Association of Dental Research.

Fluoride is linked with other health problems as well, including weakened bones, reduced thyroid activity, and possibly, bone cancer in boys, according to a recent report from a team of Harvard scientists, the US National Research Council and other recent studies.

While most of western Europe has abandoned the practice of adding fluoride to water, most US water supplies remain fluoridated. In addition, some brands of bottled water sold in the US, such as Nursery Water, specifically market fluoridated water for young babies.

A recent investigation by the Environmental Working Group (EWG) found that over-exposure to fluoride among infants is a widespread problem in most major American cities. EWG's study found that, on any given day, up to 60% of formula-fed babies in US cities were exceeding the Institute of Medicine's "upper tolerable" limit for fluoride.

"Water is supposed to be safe for everyone. Why add a chemical that makes it knowingly unfit for young children? The US should follow Europe's lead and end fluoridation," says Michael Connett, Project Director of the Fluoride Action Network.

For additional information, see: and

Source:Fluoride Action Network (FAN) & Environmental Working Group (EWG)

FDA considers Celebrex for children as young as 2
Monday, November 27, 2006


WASHINGTON -- Despite Celebrex's well-documented link to higher heart risks, Pfizer Inc. wants permission to sell its painkiller to treat children as young as 2 who have arthritis.

Even as critics call for the drug to be removed from the market, Food and Drug Administration advisers will meet Wednesday to consider the company's request to expand Celebrex use.

Celebrex was the first of a class of new painkillers, called cox-2 inhibitors, approved in December 1998, and it is the last one to remain on the market. Merck & Co. pulled Vioxx from the market in 2004 after its studies showed the painkiller doubled the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

Arthur Levin, an FDA adviser who has been invited to the Wednesday meeting, has already said sales of Celebrex also should be halted.

In considering applications such as Pfizer's, the FDA balances a product's risks against its effectiveness. The drug maker is expected to present the results from clinical trials involving children to support its application.

Pfizer has already faced criticism for heavily promoting the painkiller, transforming Celebrex into a blockbuster product before all its risks were known.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Oprah needs to do better, Round II

I am amazed at the number of self-agrandizing 'health' pundits who gloat over what they believe to be the wonder food of the ages - soy.

Soy is not your friend, except in certain fermented foods such as tempeh and miso.

Soy is highly allergenic and very toxic to health. Most soy products are blended with toxic additives (SILK for instance). Soy has been connected with health problems in boys and men. For women it is risky too. And babies should not be given soy based formula.

Soy does suppress the function of your thyroid. And the carton, oddly enough, has plastic film linings containing fluoride, another thyroid suppressing element.

So Oprah, just because a guest has MD after their name might not mean they know the science.

On Dr. Roizen's diet shake recipe, leave out the soy milk.

And make sure to pass on any aspartame, neotame, acesulfame K and Splenda (this is a chlorinated hydrocarbon first developed as a pesticide). These are harmful synthetic chemicals that promote poor health.

(We have noted in the past that RealAge gives medical information that is not factual on many topics. They also do not respond well to criticism when better science is presented.)


For years we have warned against the over use of antibiotics, especially those containing aspartame (children's amoxicillin for example) and fluoride. Other concerns we have raised is the over use of SSRI anti-depressants and their association with the development of diabetes.

I guess we are not far removed from medical experimentation akin to that used at Tuskeegee Institute or in the Nazi regime.

Dr. Lisa Landymore-Lim, a PhD chemist specialising in immuniology, believes that a cause of insulin dependent childhood diabetes may be certain prescribed medical drugs. She's author of "Poisonous Prescriptions" in 1994. She was at first banned from entering Australia because of her research.
Two of the best known chemicals capable of damaging pancreatic beta cells - which produce insulin - are the antibiotics streptozocin & allaxan.
She was the first to notice that mothers who were prescribed more than 3 antibiotics during pregnancy were more likely to have asthmatic children. The Wellington Asthma
Research Group over a decade later finally reported that the earlier a child is exposed to antibiotics the more likely he is to develop asthma.
Some medical drugs displace zinc in the pancreas & attack the insulin-making cells. Such changes might activate the body's immune-defence system, resulting in antibodies directed against the beneficial beta cells, seeing them as a foreign body. She noticed big differences in diabetes rates in different UK areas & looked into doctors prescribing practices. East Anglia with the highest diabetes also has the highest
antibiotic prescribing rate compared with North West Thames area with the lowest diabetes & the lowest prescribing rate. Fourteen regions are listed in descending
order in the article.
Among the drugs suspected of being linked to diabetes are antibiotics such as amoxycillin & erythromycin; tranquillizers such as benzodiazopines & some blood pressure-lowering pills containing nifedipine.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Stretching Limits and a comment on those '0' second visitors

In this day of canned news it makes it hard to figure out what is meaningul information. Years ago something called "equal time: was available from media outlets. Not so true anymore.

Maybe this concept of "equal time" has something to do with the BLOG.

That's what we hope here.

We try to provide both sides of the story. We hope it gives you something to ponder, especially when it is on something as important as your health. The media and the government agenda are not always what you need to know.

Any most of all we hope you can benefit from our encouraging you to think.

Drivin' a Fast Car, Going Greater Distance

Check this out too - Acetone In Fuel Said to Increase Mileage

300 MPG of Gas ? - HATE CRIMES
Energy Information

The Washington Post, Washington Times, Richmond Times Dispatch, Potomac News, Manassas Journal Messenger and many other print, radio/TV media outlets will not inform you of this information. After you read the following information, do you wonder why they won't inform you?

If you can, please help to distribute this information.

Please send suggestions and comments to:

So you think we have an energy problem? No, we have a political problem.

I want to relate to you some facts concerning various suppressed energy devices and the difficulty in informing the public of these devices. I hope that you can add some additional information.

On October 1, 1990, I began to keep a list of people contacted concerning energy devices. The list is now 51 pages long. The list includes the President and vice-president; 121 Members of Congress and other politicians; 21 government and state agencies; 215 members of the print and electronic media; 62 environmental groups; The President of United Auto Workers and 14 other UAW officials; The President of The American Automobile Association; many members of the clergy, including Mr. Pat Robertson, Christian Science Monitor; and numerous other "public interest" groups. Most of the people contacted do not respond to communications.

My own Congressman, Representative Frank Wolf, will not respond to a letter and 182 pages of documentation that I put in his hand on August 25, 1993. I wonder just who he does respond to? Could it be that money talks?

Note: In several of the following references information is followed by a (?) symbol, or a statement that the original material was stolen from me in 1986. This is because in those cases I am working from very poor copies of the original material. In 1986, I was visited by an intern reporter for the Washington Times who wanted to take my material back to the paper to make copies. What he did was steal my material and take it back to college with him. Had it not been for an Editor at the Washington Times, and the Dean at this intern's school, I would have lost a lot of my collection of energy material.

Here are the facts. Please verify this information for yourself. My comments are identified as [Comment: ].

1. Some folks at Shell Oil Co. wrote "Fuel Economy of the Gasoline Engine" (ISBN 0-470-99132-1); it was published by John Wiley & Sons, New York, in 1977. On page 42 Shell Oil quotes the President of General Motors, he, in 1929, predicted 80 MPG by 1939. Between pages 221 and 223 Shell writes of their achievements: 49.73 MPG around 1939; 149.95 MPG with a 1947 Studebaker in 1949; 244.35 MPG with a 1959 Fiat 600 in 1968; 376.59 MPG with a 1959 Opel in 1973. [Comment: The Library of Congress (LOC), in September 1990, did not have a copy of this book. It was missing from the files. I bought my copy from Maryland Book Exchange around 1980 after a professor informed me that it was used as an engineering text at the University of West Virginia.]

2. The book "Secrets of the 200 MPG Carburetor" is by Allan Wallace and was available, about 198(?), from Premier Distributing, 1775 Broadway, NY, NY, 10019. Page 18 has photocopies of three 1936 tests by the Ford Motor Co. (Canada) of the Pogue carburetor (U.S. Patent # 2,026,798). The worst case test achieved about 171 MP(US)G. [Comment: I can not provide any other publishing information because the book is among the material stolen from me in 1986. My copy of page 18 is very poor.] (click for U. S. Patent Office search engine)

3. Argosy Magazine, August 1977, has a five page article about Tom Ogle and the media witnessed test of the "Oglemobile". Tom Ogle, on that test run, achieved more than 100 MPG in a 4,600 pound 1970 Ford Galaxie. [Comment: When I attempted to find a copy of that Argosy Magazine, it was missing from LOC files in 1980. Argosy ceased publication, I was informed, a short time after the Ogle article was published. I could not find a copy of that Argosy issue at any library within 200 miles of my home. An Editor at the company that purchased Argosy, found and mailed a copy to me. While attempting to verify statements in the article, I spoke with Doug Lenzini(SP?) with the EL Paso Times. Mr.Lenzini informed me that he knew Tom Ogle, and the Oglemobile achieved more than 200 MPG. When I contacted the El Paso NBC affiliate that filmed the test run described in the Argosy article, I was informed that the person who had filmed the test had left the station and taken all the records with him.]

A. The Ogle U.S. Patent, #4,177,779, has this statement "I have been able to obtain extremely high gas mileages with the system of the present invention installed on a V-8 engine of a conventional 1971 American made automobile. In fact, mileage rates in excess of one hundred miles per gallon have been achieved with the present invention." According to the Argosy article, a Shell Oil Co. representative asked Ogle what he would do if someone offered him $25 Million for the system. Ogle responded "I would not be interested" He later said, "I've always wanted to be rich, and I suspect I will be when this system gets into distribution. But I'm not going to have my system bought up and put on the shelf. I'm going to see this thing through--that I promise." According to an article in The Washington Post Parade Magazine, March 4, 1984, Tom Ogle died of a drug and alcohol overdose in 1981. Other articles concerning Tom Ogle can be found in the El Paso Journal, January 16, 1980, and also, The Hamilton Spectator, June 24, 1978.

B. The Oglemobile, in simplification, ran on fumes extracted from a heated tank in the trunk (See the Ogle patent.) A very simple method of extracting gasoline fumes is described in a book, published in 1900, "Gas Engine Construction". This book was reprinted by Lindsay in 1986, ISBN 0-917914-46-5.

4. There are many U.S. Patents granted for vaporizing gasoline. NASA Patent 3,640,256; General Electric Co. Patent 3,926,150; Robinson Patent 4,003,969; Harpman Patent 4,023,538; ButlerPatent 4,068,636; Totten Patent 4,106,457. [Comment: Pete, "The Tree Man", was researching the Fish carburetor while staying in my home during the early 80's. He later sent me a 6 page list with more than 240 U.S. Patent numbers for vaporizing gasoline, other fuels and water.]

5. During the mid 70's, physicist Don Novak traveled all over the U.S. lecturing and teaching in his seminars how to achieve 100 MPG. He also testified, October 15, 1979, before a Wichita, KS, Congressional Committee on "Reinventing the Automobile". [Comment: I have known Don for many years. Once he brought to my home, in the late 70's, two carburetors; one got more than 200 MPG and the other more than 100 MPG. I contacted a local politician, who lives in my town, and was on the Virginia Energy Subcommittee. I tried to have this politician meet Don and see the carburetors. The politician was not interested.

6. In the London, England, Daily Telegraph, 10/20/83, on page 9, there is an advertisement for a production Pugeot Diesel that gets 52.3 MPG in urban driving. In the Washington Post, 9/19/83, page 37(?) is the 1983 U.S. EPA fuel economy list of various vehicles. The U.S. model Pugeot Diesel gets between 22 and 27 MPG. The Washington Times, 8/9/91, published an article, "Gas saving engines hit streets in fall". This article is about two engines, the Mitsubishi MVV engine, and the Honda VTEC-E. According to the company spokesmen, the Mitsubishi will get up to 50 MPG; the Honda, up to 88 MPG. [Comment: I visited a local Honda dealer and got a brochure on the production automobile with the VTEC-E engine, the specified MPG, as I recall, was 53 MPG. I know of no produced Honda that gets 88 MPG. I have no information on the production Mitsubishi MVV engine. I wonder if there is something that happens to fuel economy when an automobile is transported to the USA. Is it possible that these engines "un-tweak" themselves during transit?]

7. The U.S. Government supported (Grant No. DTNH22-91-Z-06014) a study of automobile fuel economy by the National Academy of Sciences. This study, "Automotive Fuel Economy--How Far Should We Go?" (ISBN 0-309-04530-4), was used by the staff of my then Congressman George Allen, to refute documentation proving that an automobile had exceeded 376 MPG. Nowhere in this "fuel economy study" is there any reference to the work of Shell Oil Co. or any other reference that could refute the conclusion of this report. The report concluded, Page 4, that a subcompact car might achieve between 39 and 44 MPG by model year 2006. Many committee meetings were held from May 15, 1991 to December 14, 1991, prior to the April 1992 publication of this report. Prior to publication of this report, I previously sent documentation to several participants of these meetings. The documentation proved that automobile fuel economies of between 49 and 376 MPG were achieved. None of the participants responded to my letters. Documentation was sent to: Jerry R. Curry, Administrator, National Highway Safety Administration, on 3/16/91; Senator Richard H. Bryan, on 3/7/91; Congressman Philip R. Sharp, on 2/18/91; Steve Plotkin, Office of Technology Assessment, U.S. Congress, on 4/4/91; Charles Mendler, Energy Conservation Collation, on 11/2/90; Fred Smith, Competitive Enterprise Institute, on 4/16/91; Brian O'Neal, Center for Auto Safety, on 3/16/91; Clarence Ditlow, Executive Director, Center for Auto Safety, on 1/6/92. Previous documentation was also sent to members of organizations participating in these meetings, they are: John Koenig, Product planning Manager, Toyota Motor Co., on 3/18/91; Peter Clausen, Union of Concerned Scientist, on 10/28/90; John Morrill, American Council for Energy Efficiency, on 10/4/90. None of these people responded to my letters. [Comment: I know that at least one of my letters was received. The Union of Concerned Scientist keeps trying to get me to support their organization.]

8. An article "Automakers Move Toward New Generation Of Greener Vehicles" was published in "Chemical & Engineering News", August 1, 1994. This article is about "The Partnership for a New Generation of Vehicles", a partnership between the U.S. Government and the auto industry that has a goal of an 80 MPG automobile by 2002. [Comment: In 1992 a government funded study concluded that a subcompact car might get between 39 and 44 MPG by model year 2006 (See #7 above). In 1994 the goal is 80 MPG by 2002. Is it possible that someone read the Shell Oil book? Or could someone have actually read my February 13, 1992 letter, and 95 pages of documentation, sent to then Candidate Clinton?] I wrote, September 8, 1994, to Deborah L. Illman, the author of the article, and to the editor, Michael Heylin of Chemical & Engineering News, on September 11, 1994 . No response was received from them. On September 11, 1994, I also wrote to Mary L. Good, Under Secretary for Technology, (USA) Department of Commerce. I received a response from Ms. Good. It was an undated, unaddressed, form letter. [Comment: I guess the fact that a vehicle could get 376 MPG or burn water for fuel would not be a politically correct finding. How could someone explain to the American people that it was necessary to send more than 600,000 of our citizens to the Mideast to defend oil wells if these facts were public information?]

9. Hybrid Diesel/Electric automobiles (A Diesel/Electric locomotive uses the same principle.) The Manassas Journal Messenger, April 4, 1981, has an article about a MG sports car converted by San Diego State University. The car gets 110 MPG. The Steven R. Reed Automobile Manufacturing Corp., Newport Beach, CA, issued a press release dated February 14, 1983. This release announces the February 23, 1983 showing of the 200 MPG, two passenger, II Millennium Cruiser at the Ambassador Hotel. The press release also states that the company will file "...a major class-action lawsuit involving a considerable number of giant American corporations within the automotive and petroleum industries, plus numerous branches and agencies of the U.S. Government responsible for regulating these companies." [Comment: Don Novak informed me that when none of the major news media attended the Millennium show, the company drove the car to CBS Television, Los Angeles, and parked it on the lawn. No one came out of the building to inspect the car. Don also stated that the president of the Steven R. Reed Corp. has been in hiding for some years.]

10. Mother Earth News, November/December 1977, has an article "Can This Transmission Really Double Your Car's Mileage?". This article is about a Ford Granada modified by Vincent Carman of Portland, Oregon. In simplification, Mr. Carman removed the transmission and drive shaft from the car and bolted a hydraulic motor to the differential. He then bolted a hydraulic pump to the engine to pressurize a storage tank. The storage tank is also pressurized when the car brakes or slows down. The article states that the U.S. Post Office is interested in a whole fleet of vehicles using this principle. In 1990, after reading an article in "Federal Times", I contacted Mr. Robert St.Francis, U.S. Postal Service, who was searching for alternative fuels for use by the Post Office. Mr. St.Francis said that he had never heard of Mr. Carman. I wrote two letters, October 18 & 21, 1990, to Mr. St.Francis concerning Mr. Carman's vehicle. I received no response. Another article in Mother Earth News, March/April 1976,8(?), titled "This Car Travels 75 Miles on a Single Gallon Of Gas", is about a project by the Minneapolis Minnesota's Hennepin Vocational Technical Center that converted a Volkswagen to a system similar to that of Mr. Carman. The idea for the conversion came from a 1920 magazine article. The car, with a Bradley GT body and a 16 horsepower Tecumseh engine (The original VW engine was too powerful), achieved more than 75 MPG at 70 MPH. [Comment: Could we combine the technology of Tom Ogle, 200 MPG, and the hydraulic drive cars and have a 400 MPG 4,600 pound car ?]

11. The St. Paul Pioneer News, August 22, 1990, has an article about a group that 11 years previously modified a Dodge half-ton pickup furnished by a local dealer. This modified truck got more than 35 MPG. Test stopped on this modification when a member of the group was told that he would receive a pair of cement boots if testing continued.

12. Hydrogen fuel. There are many U.S. and foreign patents for extracting hydrogen and oxygen gasses from water for use as a fuel. Some Patents are: July 2, 1935, Garrett, # 2,006, 675; April 3, 1945, Klein, # 2,373,032; February 25, 1975, Chambrin, French Patent Request # 75 06619; July 6, 1976, owner unknown by me, # 3,967,589 (This is a patent for an electrical power generator that burns water); 1976, Horvath, # 3,980,053. This statement is on the Horvath patent, "This invention relates to internal combustion engines. More particularly it is concerned with a fuel supply apparatus by means of which an internal combustion engine can be run on a fuel comprised of hydrogen and oxygen gasses generated on demand by electrolysis of water".; June 28, 1983, Meyer, # 4,398,981. Mr. Meyer has at least eight other patents relating to hydrogen and oxygen gasses extracted from water for fuel.

A. Popular Science, about 1978,9(?), published an article "Hydrogen bus- could also heat its own garage". This article is about the work of Dr. Helmut Buchner of Mercedes-Benz. He is quoted "We are ready now. We could save our city of Stuttgart over one million gallons of petroleum fuel a year by converting its fleet of 300 urban busses to run on hydrogen. Heating--and air conditioning--would be free spin-offs, consuming no extra energy.".

B. Popular Science, March 1978(?), published an article "Hydrogen-demonstrates fuel of the future". This article is about the work of Dr. Billings, Billings Energy Corp., Provo, Utah. and others. The article states that a home, all the appliances, and vehicles, can be run on hydrogen. Dr. Billings converted a Cadillac Seville for duel fuel use. This Cadillac, burning hydrogen, was in President Carter's inaugural parade.

[Comment: I had a photograph of Dr. Billings drinking the exhaust, water, from one of his engines.]

13. Completely sealed reciprocating engines. I visited the patent office years ago, when they still had the open stacks of "shoe boxes". While there, I read the application files for the Papp patent, #3,6(?)70,4944. Papp applied for a patent on his engine, and the patent office, after consultation with the old Atomic Energy Commission, refused to give him a patent because his device could not possibly work. Papp responded with test results, photographs and depositions from, I think, 16 people. Papp said that maybe the patent office didn't know how his device worked, and that theyalso didn't know how the atomic bomb worked, but used it anyway. This statement is on his patent "...2. To provide a two cycle reciprocating engine which does not use fuel intake valves or exhaust valves, does not require an air supply and does not emit gasses. 3. To provide a precharged engine of the character stated in item 2 capable of generating power for a period of from 2,000 to over 10,000 hours continuously or until mechanical breakdown without the addition of fuel injection of airor discharge of gasses...".

A. Papp has a similar patent granted in 1984. Unfortunately, the patent # is missing form the only sheet that I have.

B. Britt, August 31, 1976, has a patent, # 3,977,191, for a similar sealed engine. In the patent application file, Britt accuses the Patent Office of deliberately delaying his application to give a major manufacturer time to file on top of him.

14. Permanent Magnet Motor. Howard Johnson was granted U.S. Patent # 4,151,431, for a motor that is powered only by permanent magnets. An interesting thing about the first page of this patent is the chart of a magnetic field VS electromechanical coupling. The chart is from U.S. Patent # 4,151,432 which has nothing to do with the Johnson patent. Science and Mechanics, Spring 1980, published an article " Amazing Magnet-Powered Motor" about the Johnson patent. The article tells of his difficulties in having the device patented. The patent problem was solved when Johnson took working models of his device to the patent office. The magazine Science 83, May, published anarticle ridiculing perpetual motion machines, one of them was the Johnson motor. The Science article purports to quote from the prior Science and Mechanics article about Johnson. Because had both articles, I compared them, then called the author of the Science 83 article. When I stated that the information that he quoted was not in the prior article, he hung up saying "I will not be interrogated by you." . The editor of Science 83 also declined to speak with me. [Comment: Others have informed me that there are three other permanent magnet motor patents.]

15. The Moray device. Tom Moray, in the late 20s, had a device that could sit on a kitchen table and produce 50,000 Watts of power from a field that surrounds the earth. The operation of thisdevice was endorsed by many people. Moray's son, John, after the only copy of his father's book was stolen, wrote a book "The Sea of Energy in which the Earth Floats". The book is about his father's work. During the early 80s, I visited many congressional offices in an unsuccessful attempt to have any Member of Congress do something about the technology hidden from the American people. When I visited Congressman Ron Paul's office, a staffer said to me "I have something that you should read, come to my residence on Saturday." This staffer gave me a letter to Congressman Paul from Tom Bearden, and the 40 page document attached to the letter. The document is a book that Mr. Bearden has written. In this book, Mr. Bearden states that the Moray device could produce 1.5 megawatts of power. Also that the Russians had adapted the Moray device to power a weapon. The weapon statement is supported by a drawing from "Aviation Week and Space Technology", July 28, 1980. [Comment: Do you think that the local power company could justify a price increase if the power came from a field around the earth? This book was also missing from the LOC in 1990.]

16. The Energy Machine of Joe Newman. I have spoken with Joe many times over several years. He has recently published the seventh edition of "The Energy Machine of Joseph Newman" (ISBN 0-9613855-7-7) The book is available from: Joseph Westly Newman, Route 1, Box 52, Lucedale, Mississippi, 39452, Phone # (601)-947-7174. [Comment: I have no doubts that his machine works as he describes it. To learn of the problems that this man has had with "The Establishment" read his book. Joe filed suit against the U.S. Patent office because they would not grant him a patent. According to Joe's book, pages 274 to 279, the Court appointed a Special Master, Mr. William E. Schuyler, a former Commissioner of the U.S. Patent Office , to advise the Court. The findings of the Special Master were that Mr. Newman had invented a machine that had more output than input. The Court refused to accept the findings. I urge you to read this 471 page book. This machine is not "bogus" as stated by others. On February 5, 1996, I was one of several hundred people, in Mobile, AL, to see the Newman Energy Machine in operation. The machine was pumping water while running a power meter, similar to the one on your house, backwards.]

17. Cold Fusion. Despite the rejection of some in the USA, cold fusion is a going operation in other places. The monthly magazine "New Energy News", P.O. Box 58639, Salt Lake City, UT 84158-8639, has information on many successful results in cold fusion. The magazine also has information on "free energy devices".

18. "The Energy Non-Crisis", published in 1980 by Worth Publishing Co., P.O. Box, 1243,Wheatridge, CO 80033, is written by Chaplain Lindsey Williams. Chaplain Williams was on the Alaska Pipeline during the construction and got so fed-up with the deliberate lies of the media, he came back to tour the "lower 48", and tell the truth. According to Chaplain Williams, (Chapter 16) Gull Island, has a pool of oil as big as, and maybe bigger, than Purdhoe Bay. Our Government ordered ARCO " seal the documents, withdraw the rig, cap the well, and not release the information about the Gull Island find." A video tape of a speech that Chaplain Williams gave to a group at Salt Lake City, about 1980, is possibly available from: The National Center For Constitutional Studies, 1-800-388-4512. [Comment: I sent the Williams tape and a lot of other information to our current Secretary of Energy. The response that I received, after a second letter, was, essentially, no response.]

I hope that this information will raise questions as to why we are dependent on foreign oil. All our government has to do, to take more money from our pockets, is to have an energy crisis or raise the cost of energy. The only financial interest that I have in any of above devices is that of a concerned consumer who is tired of the deliberate lies and cover-ups.

Byron Wine, May 24, 1996
2006 - from e-mail, page now at:

Saturday, November 25, 2006

We Ask You To Say No, To Prove You Really Care


Dear Friends -

When connecting with family and friends it would be a good time to discuss the flu vaccine. CDC is gearing up for a new event -- National Influenza Vaccination Week -- slated for November 27 - Dec. 3.

Writing letters to the editor or simply sharing with those you love the following is a good way to show you truly CARE.

We are continually receiving stories of people dying or being hospitalized shortly after receiving this year's flu vaccine....

Following are some flu vaccine facts -- most people have no idea!

A few flu vaccine facts
* Approximately 115 million doses of flu vaccine will be available during the 2006-2007 flu season from 4 different vaccine manufacturers
* Studies show that flu vaccines do not prevent the flu in both children and the elderly. To determine the value of flu vaccines to children, Tom Jefferson, MD, and colleagues at the Cochrane Collaboration, an international organization that evaluates medical research, looked at over a thousand studies. They selected 14 high-quality clinical trials in which vaccinated children had been compared with unvaccinated children. The combined results of these 14 trials were reported in the British journal The Lancet (2/26/05). Their conclusion: “We recorded no convincing evidence that vaccines can reduce mortality, [hospital] admissions, serious complications, and community transmission of influenza.”
* The CDC now recommends flu vaccines for babies 6-23 months because they tend to suffer more complications once they get the flu, however no evidence supports the recommendation. The Cochrane reviewers found that vaccines had little effect on bronchitis, ear infections, and hospitalizations, compared with the babies given placebo vaccines. In short, the CDC recommendations are irresponsible given the fact that the only two studies that involved babies found no benefit and little is known about adverse effects of these vaccines for babies.
* The review follows on the heels of a study that looked at three decades' worth of data and found that vaccines for the elderly are not as effective as previously thought. And contrary to conventional medical wisdom, vaccines do not reduce flu-related deaths in elderly people.
* More than 90% of this year's flu vaccine supply will contain 25 micrograms of mercury, which means there is not enough mercury-free flu vaccine available for children under the age of 3 and pregnant women (8 million being made versus a 15-20 million estimated need)
* A Sanofi-Pasteur spokesman, the only vaccine manufacturer making thimerosal-free flu vaccines, confirmed that enough vaccine to supply all children could be made, and he was quoted as saying "he had no idea why health officials were not ordering more mercury-free vaccine."
* The CDC's cost for a mercury-containing vial of flu vaccine is $9.71. A comparable mercury-free package (each with 10 doses) costs $12.02
* Thimerosal (49.6% ethyl mercury) has never been tested for safety and no proof exists that it is safe. On the contrary, there are thousands of documents in the literature that discuss its extreme toxicity, starting with Thimerosal's own Material Safety Data Sheet that, amongst other things, states:
"Exposure Guidelines: Thimerosal - no known occupational limits established... Exposure to mercury in utero and in children can cause mild to severe mental retardation and mild to severe motor coordination impairment... Target Organ Effects: Mercury - Nervous system effects (insomnia, tremor, anorexia, weakness, headache), liver effects (jaundice, digestive effects (hypermotility, diarrhea)."
* A single mercury-containing flu vaccine given to a 6-month old child will exceed the EPA's safe daily limit for mercury by 33-fold
* The Centers for Disease Control released a study in Pediatrics that cited a correlation between Thimerosal-containing vaccines and both "tics" and "language delay" in children
* On Friday, October 27, 2006, the Coalition for Mercury-free Drugs (CoMeD) filed an amended complaint in U.S. Federal Court, disputing the FDA response it received on September 26, 2006, defending the use of mercury in medicine. CoMeD is asking the court to compel the FDA to: comply with the law, follow existing regulations, and provide proof of the safety and efficacy of mercury in drugs. The lawsuit was originally filed in August 2006 because the FDA had failed to answer the issues raised in a CoMeD citizen petition (FDA Docket: 2004P-0349), filed on Wednesday, August 4, 2004, by representatives from CoMeD. Of concern is that mercury, which is second only to plutonium in toxicity, remains in at least 45 different prescribed and
over-the-counter drugs (according to the FDA), including various eye ointments, ear solutions, nasal sprays, vaccines, biologics, and perhaps most importantly, in flu vaccines currently being administered to millions of pregnant women, children, and the elderly.
* The record 115 million flu vaccines available for this year’s flu season has CDC officials worried they will have more vaccines than people willing to receive them. The previous record of 95 million vaccines produced for the 2002-2003 flu season left 12 million unused vaccines at the end of the season that had to be disposed
of [in a hazardous waste dump??] CDC officials said they want to prevent a repeat of that experience and are promoting Nov. 27 – Dec. 3 as “National Influenza Vaccination Week.”

Facts: from and
Flu Shots -

Necessity, Luxury or Detriment?

Do you know that over 90 percent of this years' 115 million flu shots contain mercury? Only eight million mercury free shots were manufactured which are about half of what is “recommended” for the nations' children under 2 years plus pregnant women.

Health officials are afraid several million shots of flu vaccine will “go to waste” this year and are pushing to sell this “excess” but is there any scientific evidence that a flu shot is beneficial?

From 1900 to 1979, deaths associated with flu and pneumonia declined by about 90 percent. Because flu vaccine was little used in that era, it is obvious that natural immunity to influenza exists and the primary way we protect natural immunity and thus decrease death from flu and pneumonia is through a combination of sanitation and nutrition.

Does vaccination boost natural immunity to the flu? Or do we need more improvements in sanitation and especially nutrition? From 1980 to 2000, several related events occurred: The number of all US seniors over age 65 increased about 40 percent. Yet deaths from flu and pneumonia in the over 65 almost doubled. And flu vaccine usage in this time more than tripled.

Obviously, the flu vaccine is ineffective in the older age group, but what about the other end of the age spectrum? An international organization that evaluates medical research found two studies involving 1000 toddlers that indicated that the flu vaccine is no more effective in this age group at preventing the flu than does a placebo.

Research flu vaccine issues at:
Paid for by: DRD, MT
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, DO
November 20, 2006

Just as busy shoppers start scrambling to put together their Christmas lists, the government will be urging them to add one more thing to their packed "to do" list: Get a flu shot.

CDC officials are planning a massive media blitz during the week of November 27 to December 3, 2006 to promote "National Influenza Vaccination Week." The flu shot campaign, which usually begins in August, has once again been derailed by delivery delays. Shots are normally given in September ostensibly to allow time for people to develop the antibody that is to protect them throughout the flu season. But the CDC has apparently rationalized that any time to get the shot is better than not getting it at all.

The director of the Centers for Disease Control, Dr. Julie Gerberding has gone on record saying, "We are concerned that we're going to have more doses of flu (vaccine) than we might use."[1] With all the hype that occurred earlier this year over the potential of a bird flu pandemic, manufacturers anticipated an unprecedented demand for the shot. In preparation, a record 110 million doses were produced for the 2006-07 season. Fearing that millions of those vials will be tossed in the trash-literally money down the drain-the CDC is pulling rank and pushing for a massive vaccination campaign to inject us will begin right after Thanksgiving.

The previous record, 95 million doses, was manufactured for the 2002-03 season. When 12 million flu shots went unused, one manufacturer quit making them. To prevent manufacturers from backing out of the flu shot business-the government will need them if a human form of bird flu arrives in the US-the CDC and other medical establishments, such as the American Medical Association and the American Academy of Pediatrics, will push hard to get everyone to roll up their sleeves and get in line. The organizations that claim to put public health first are showing their hands: Their role is to protect the profits of the pharmaceutical companies at the expense of the health of general public.

Guillian Barre: A real risk

A report was released on October 9, 2006 by the American Association of Neuromuscular and Electrodiagnostic Medicine (AANEM) called, "Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) After Vaccination in United States." Of the 54 cases of documented GBS that occurred in 2004, 57% (31) of the patients had developed the condition after receiving an influenza vaccine.

GBS is an inflammatory disorder of the peripheral nerves (those outside the brain and spinal cord) characterized by an acute onset of weakness and paralysis. Called "ascending paralysis," it starts in the legs and moves up the body eventually attacking the muscles that aid in breathing. The result is often respiratory failure. Treatment frequently involves long term hospitalization in the intensive care unit, with most patients needing the assistance of a respirator. Residual neurological deficits can remain in up to 40% of people, and mortality ranges from 5%-10%.[2]

While officials downplay the actual risk, stating that the risk is negligible compared to the number of shots administered, if you happen to be the unfortunate one to contract this illness, the results can be horrific. An excerpt from a story reported on November 18, 2002 in The Public Health Reporter, published in Canada,[3] brings the vivid details to light:

"A 47-year old executive, Brain Claman, thought he was too busy to bother with the flu, so when his company offered the shots on site, he was one of the first in line. Two weeks later, he woke up with a severe headache and leg weakness, and by that same afternoon, he was placed in the intensive care unit and on a respirator, completely paralyzed. After eight months in the hospital, he had to relearn to walk. The report said that, in his own words, "Never in my wildest dreams -- or maybe I should say nightmares -- could I have imagined almost losing my life to the flu shot."

Like the expression "all politics is local," the reality of a vaccine reaction is personal. Vaccine research is designed to look for injury trends in large populations. One has to wonder if the epidemiological studies are specifically designed to dismiss the significance of an injury when it occurs in an individual. The VAERS database reportedly logs more than 12,000 injuries from vaccines per year. This does not prove causality; in fact, causality is difficult to prove. In my opinion, that is because the medical literature and the Vaccine Injury Compensation Table are stacked against identifying causality.

Injuries such as GBS are dramatic, and fortunately, they are uncommon overall. But knowing what comes through the needle of a flu shot should make each person pause. What is the bigger risk, the possibly getting the flu or the flu shot itself.

Flu Shot Production: What's In That Needle?
(The following information is excerpted from Chapter 9 of FOWL! Bird Flu: It's Not What You Think entitled "What's Coming Through That Needle.")

After the influenza viruses are separated from the eggs they are grown in, they are inactivated (killed) with formaldehyde, a known carcinogen. The surface antigens, (H) and (N) are then "split" by a detergent called Triton® X-100. The process spreads the surface antigens apart, increasing the probability of developing an antibody response. Traces of Triton X-100, made by Dow Chemical, can remain in the vaccine solution. Product information on this compound states the following: "Excellent detergent, dispersant and emulsifier for oil-in-water systems. Uses: Household & industrial cleaners, paints & coatings, pulp & paper, textile, agrochemical, metal working fluids, oilfield chemicals.[4]

The suspension of viruses and chemicals is further concentrated in a centrifuge using a sucrose (table sugar) solution and then suspended in sodium phosphate-buffered isotonic salt solution. In one of the final steps, a 0.05 percent concentration of gelatin is added as a stabilizer, and in many cases, thimerosal, the mercury-based preservative, is still added to the multidose vials of the flu vaccine.[5] Some types of influenza vaccines also include 500 micrograms of gentamicin, a broad-spectrum antibiotic, added during the production process to inhibit the growth of bacteria that may be in the suspension.

Two other chemicals, tri-butylphosphate and polysorbate 80, then become part of the "chemical soup" of the vaccine. Tri-butylphosphate, a detergent and polysorbate 80, also known as Tween80™, is an emulsifier. Both are used to disrupt the surface of the virus, making the (H) and (N) antigens more accessible to the immune system. Polysorbate 80 is also found in ice creams and other "fake foods." Resin is added to ostensibly eliminate "substantial portions" of these chemicals, but undoubtedly, residuals of these chemicals remain in the vaccine when injected.

By the time the flu shot is ready for packaging, the solution contains the following: various egg proteins, viral contaminants from the eggs, Triton-X100, formaldehyde, resin, gelatin, tri-butylphosphate, polysorbate 80, and in some instances gentamicin. To preserve this chemical brew, in doses of up to 25 micrograms thimerosal (a mercury derivative) is still added to some of the shots. After detailing this vivid description of the manufacture of the influenza vaccine, the thought of injecting this into your body-or the body of your baby-should be repugnant.

For those not repulsed by the idea of injecting the previously described solution into your body, perhaps knowing that the vaccine won't prevent you from getting the flu will add to your perspective.

The fact that the flu shots are ineffective in every age group hardly seems to matter to CDC and others who continually promote their use. Multiple studies published in highly reputable publications have documented that flu shots are ineffective in all ages. For example, The Cochrane Collaboration produced a series of articles in 2005-and again an additional article published in the British Medical Journal, October 28, 2006[6] -that reviewed the published literature to evaluate the effectiveness of the flu shot. Nothing substantiating its usefulness was found. (Read the full story behind the lack of flu shot effectiveness here.

People across the country are waking up and speaking out against what they are allowing to be injected into their bodies, and the bodies of their children. They are no longer accepting that injecting viruses, bits of bacteria and traces of chemicals into their infants is a way to keep them well. Too many have personal experience with adverse effects to continue to accept that high vaccination rates and low infection rates are the only measure of Public Health.

After the Thanksgiving holiday, when the news blares stories about the importance of the getting the flu shot and dutifully lists locations of local flu shot clinics, don't let it interrupt your day. Keep shopping and stay on task with your holiday chores. Both are much more productive uses of your time.


1. CDC Urges More People to Get Flu Shots. By Mike Stobbe. November 11, 2006. Associated Press
2. Fanion, David. Guillain-Barré Syndrome
3. "Flu shot left executive paralyzed," by Andre Picard. Public Health Reporter. Monday, November 18, 2002, Page A1.
4. "Octyphenol Ethoxylate," The Dow Chemical Company. (
5. "Influenza Virus Vaccine Fluzone 2005-2006 Formula," package insert. Aventis Pasteur (company name has since changed to Sanofi Pasteur MSD. Update 14 February 2006).
6, Jefferson, Thomas. Influenza vaccination: policy versus evidence. BMJ 2006;333:912-915 (28 October)
© 2006 Sherri Tenpenny - All Rights Reserved
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny is respected as one of the country's most knowledgeable and outspoken physicians regarding the impact of vaccines on health. Through her education company, New Medical Awareness, LLC, she spreads her vision of retaining freedom of choice in healthcare, including the freedom to refuse vaccination. A portion of this article is an excerpt from her new book, FOWL! Bird Flu: It's Not What You Think, released in April, 2006. For daily updates on the bird flu, including the real reasons behind the hype, and a bi-weekly e-Newsletter with Dr. Tenpenny's commentary go to

Know the facts and save your health.
Read our post on vitamin C in this BLOG for healthy help against the flu.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Reuters reports on nutrition for mental health

Going on seven decades or so, brave medical pioneers have stated that nutrition and supplements are a key factor in preventing and recovering from mental health problems. Now finally in mainstream news, these stories might make people question modern drugs that so quickly lead to dangerous outcomes.
This writer doesn't need to wonder why US drug makers find that more natural treatments "are not effective".
Maybe this "lack of effectiveness" is in the ability of high quality and properly prepared natural products to really do the job.
Fish oils, vitamins, herbs helpful for depression

Diet and nutrition may play a key role in helping people fight depression, Australian researchers report.

A number of nutrients, including polyunsaturated fatty acids, St. John's Wort and several B vitamins, have the potential to influence mood by increasing the absorption of chemical messengers in the brain, Dr. Dianne Volker of the University of Sydney in Chippendale and Jade Ng of Goodman Fielder Commercian in North Ryde, New South Wales note in the journal Nutrition and Dietetics.

There is a wealth of epidemiological, experimental and circumstantial evidence to suggest that fish and the oils they contain, in particular omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid, are protective against depression, Volker and Ng write. They point out that the balance between omega-3 and omega-6 may also be important, given that the latter can prevent the body from absorbing the former.

Another candidate for dietary prevention of depression is the amino acid tryptophan, which is found in foods, including turkey, and is responsible for the drowsiness people feel after eating a hearty Thanksgiving dinner. The body converts tryptophan to the neurotransmitter serotonin, suggesting the amino acid may have modest effects on mood.

But studies investigating whether the B vitamin folate, vitamins B6 and B12, and S-adenosylmethionine (SAMe) play a role in depression have had conflicting results, the researchers write.

And while European studies have found that St. John's Wort has antidepressant effects, US clinical trials have shown the opposite, which some think may be due to the herb's interaction with other medications.

Volker and Ng conclude: "The role of balanced nutrition in mental health should be recognized," thus allowing for the use of nutrition and relevant nutrients in the maintenance of good mental health.

SOURCE: Nutrition and Dietetics 2006.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Will the real cause of peripheral neuropathy please stand up

I was looking at socks in the store the other afternoon. A woman, also looking at socks, and I struck up a conversation. It happened that she stated she is diabetic and suffers from terrible leg pain. She told me she is taking Lyrica (that drug that causes platelet depletion) and it is not working at all. She also told me that she has been taking Lipitor for years.

I guess this is the 64 thousand dollar question - Is it Lipitor or is it Diabetes?
Neuropathy is well known to be associated with statin drug use. David Gaist was one of the first physician researchers to report this to the medical community in the journal, Neurology, in the year, 2002.

In his original paper he expressed concern for the increased susceptibility to neuropathy among diabetics placed on statin drugs.

He estimated that diabetics had as much as a sixteen fold increase in risk of neuropathy when statin drugs are used but stressed that non-diabetics also are susceptible.

The symptoms of numbness, tingling, burning and pain are now known to thousands of statin users. Any peripheral nerve can be involved.

The mechanism of action appears to relate to the ubiquinone depletion resulting from statin drugs in what might be called collateral damage from the effect of statins on the mevalonate pathway.

One of the important functions of ubiquinone, in the form of ubiquinol, is the maintenance of cell wall integrity. Every cell in our body depends on ubiquinol for cell wall turgidity and stability.

When inadequate for whatever reason, cell wall integrity is compromised and breakdown of the cell results. Neuropathy, myopathy and even liver cell inflammation all appear to be based upon ubiquinone depletion. Ubiquinone is perhaps better known as Coenzyme Q10 or just CoQ10**.

Certainly no mainstream medical practitioner would dare suggest the use of high dose natural vitamin E to treat and prevent neuropathy. Those who follow biochemistry and orthomolecular approaches to remedy health problems just might.

Afterall, these colleagues of mine, not unlike me, actually read the research.

Now consider that statin drugs are implicated in TGA (transient global amnesia). You ask is it the drug or Alzheimer's? And just how many airline pilots are taking these drugs? (a great attorney class action idea, eh?)

Thanks to SpaceDoc Duane Graveline for his energy in documenting so many problems with these drugs. He is one of the few that also recognizes Red Rice Yeast as having similar health risks as the Rx.

** It is recommended that any one taking any statin or cholesterol lowering drug also take CO Q 10, at least 100 mg daily, or more.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Oprah needs to do better

I am not one of those who feign over Oprah, but I happened to watch the re-run of her program on depression and the Crespi twins murder by their father.

I applaud the mother and her actions in this terrible tragedy. I am not so sure I can do the same for Oprah.

I work in legal and forensic nursing, and I have extensive experience with the pharmacology used in mental health, as a therapist.

With all the press on the homicidal and suicical behaviors linked to the currently used anti-depressants, I am surprised at Oprah's lack of understanding of the issues surrounding these drugs.

This is related to some of the older psychotropic drugs coming back into use. And, it includes the too quick change from one SSRI to another, along with the lack of informed consent. This is required by law, and prescribers are not educating patients on the risks v. benefits of the drugs as is their duty.

In the greater Chicago area is an organization that takes a 'different' view of mental health. With the assests of Harpo Productions it would be very easy for Oprah and her staff to invite Bill Walsh, PhD, director of that organization, to be a guest on her program to speak about depression.

The guest she did have on the program, a forensic psychiatrist, gave a very simplistic overview of the problem.

Depression is not just in your brain.

Also consider the problems with our military, giving the same drugs while they serve, and the consequences.

For more information -
Natural Mental Health
Safe Harbor Project
Veteran's Help Page

David Crespi was taken back to prison in handcuffs after a judged accepted his guilty plea and sentenced him to two consecutive life sentences for the murders of his twin daughters.

Crespi did address the court. In doing so, he apologized to his family and his late daughters Tess and Sara.

He said the girls “deserved to grow up” and continued to do what they did best which is, “to give love and receive love.”

He also thanked the doctors who treated him in prison and said “for the first time in my life I have been diagnosed correctly. It made me appreciate the horror of what I have done.”

David Crespi pleaded guilty Friday morning in the January stabbing deaths of his twin daughters in a plea deal that will spare the Matthews father a death sentence.

It is a very trying and emotional time for some of the first officers who arrived on the murder scene. Those officers took the stand and described what they saw.

A 20-year veteran of the police department broke down on the witness stand and his partner said seeing the murder scene was the worst thing he has ever seen.

Officer Valerie Gordon talked to Crespi after the murders at police headquarters. She said Crespi told her that he planned to kill the girls together during a game of hide-and-seek. Crespi told Gordon he stabbed Samantha in the kitchen and that Tessara ran away from him and hid upstairs.

Crespi told Gordon that after stabbing Samantha he went and found Tessara hiding upstairs in a master bedroom closet. Gordon said Crespi pulled Tessara from the closet and stabbed her as she yelled, ‘No daddy no.’”

Crespi tells police he was suffering from severe depression when he killed Tessara and Samantha on Jan. 20. Crespi called 911 and told dispatchers he stabbed the girls multiple times.

Online -

He was a senior vice president of Wachovia and had been on medical leave at the time of the murders. He was home alone with the twin girls. His wife and their other three children were not home at the time.

Officer J.T. Franklin was one of the first officers on the stand Friday morning and talked about finding Samantha in the kitchen. “She had a very large knife sticking out of her chest.”

Franklin then realized she was dead.

“She looked like a little China doll lying there,” he said on the stand.

Officer Andy Motloch also took the stand Friday. He was one of the first officers to arrive at the murder scene. Motloch thought he found a faint pulse on one of the girls and took her outside in an effort to get her to paramedics faster, but she was already dead.

A blood stained knife used in the stabbings was introduced as evidence.

Crespi agreed to an interview with our news partner The Charlotte Observer. Reporter Gary Wright talked with Crespi behind bars during a recent interview at Central Prison in Raleigh.

“I asked him if he had nightmares and said he didn’t have nightmares. But that he woke in the middle of the night crying and asking himself what have I done and how could I have done this?” Wright said.

The sentencing phase in the now underway as part of the plea deal. 6NEWS reporter Mark Boone is inside the courtroom. He said they expect to hear from Crespi himself.

Crespi is expected to face life in prison without the possibility of parole.
She Survived Iraq -- Then Shot Herself at Home
By Greg Mitchell
Published: November 13, 2006 12:10 PM ET

NEW YORK Her name doesn't show on any official list of American military deaths in the Iraq war, by hostile or non-hostile fire, who died in that country or in hospitals in Europe or back home in the USA. But Iraq killed her just as certainly.

She is Jeanne "Linda" Michel, a Navy medic. She came home last month to her husband and three kids (ages 11, 5, and 4), delighted to be back in her suburban home of Clifton Park in upstate New York. Michel, 33, would be discharged from the Navy in a few weeks, finishing her five years of duty.

Two weeks after she got home, she shot and killed herself.

"She had come through a lot and she had always risen to challenges," her husband, Frantz Michel, who has also served in Iraq, lamented last week. Now he asks why the Navy didn't do more to help her.

Michel's story has now been probed by reporter Kate Gurnett in today's Albany Times-Union. It's headlined, "A casualty far from the battlefield."

And yet, in many ways, not far at all.

Why did it happen? "Like thousands of others returning from Iraq, her mental state was fractured," Gurnett explains. "And it went untreated. Within two weeks, Linda Michel would become a private casualty of war. Re-entry into the world of peace can be harder than deployment, experts say. Picking up where you left off doesn't just happen. ...

"Women experience stronger forms of post-traumatic stress disorder and have higher PTSD rates, experts say. In response, the Veterans Affairs Department launched a $6 million study of female veterans.
Seeking treatment -- seen by some as a weakness -- may be even tougher for women, who still feel the need to prove themselves to men in military service."

In fact, this past August, three veterans in New York's Adirondack region committed suicide within three weeks, according to Helena Davis, deputy director of the Mental Health Association in New York.

Michel has served under extremely stressful conditions at Camp Bucca in southern Iraq, a U.S-run prison where guards shot four inmates dead in a 2005 riot -- and an episode of female mudwrestling drew headlines. Michel was treated for depression and prescribed Paxil, but they took her off that medicine when she returned home. Her husband was not informed.

"I just wish the Navy would have done some more follow-up, instead of just letting her come home," Frantz, who is on the division staff of the Army National Guard, told the reporter. "If somebody needs Paxil in a combat zone, then that's not the place for them to be. You either send them to a hospital or you send them home and then make sure that the family members know and that they get follow-up care."

He has pressed the Navy for answers: "Why wasn't she sent to a facility to resolve the issues? Not keep her in Iraq and give her some antidepressant medication and then just send her home. So those are the answers that I don't have. Which makes me a little angry because I know what is supposed to occur."

The Times Union carried another lengthy story on Sunday, by Dennis Yusko, on post-traumatic stress syndome (PTSD) and Iraq veterans. "The number of Iraq and Afghanistan veterans getting treatment for PTSD at VA hospitals and counseling centers increased 87 percent from September 2005 to June 2006 -- to 38,144, according to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs," Yusko revealed.

"At least 30 percent of those who fought in Iraq or Afghanistan are now diagnosed with PTSD, up from 16 percent to 18 percent in 2004, said Charlie Kennedy, PTSD program director and lead psychologist at the Stratton Veterans Affairs Medical Center. Of the 400 Capital Region vets in the program, 81 served in Iraq or Afghanistan, Kennedy said, and that number is growing. 'This kind of warfare is devastating,' Kennedy said. 'You don't know who is your friend and who is your enemy.'"
Related E&P columns by Greg Mitchell:
-- Revealed: U.S. Soldier Killed Herself After Objecting to Interrogation Techniques
-- A Suicide in Iraq -- Part II
Greg Mitchell ( is editor of E&P.
Links referenced within this article
Revealed: U.S. Soldier Killed Herself After Objecting to Interrogation Techniques
A Suicide in Iraq -- Part II
Find this article at:

Tuesday, November 14, 2006


or might it be better said, dumb and dumber?
So you buy in to the mass marketing of getting a flu shot, eh?
You feel really lousy or you get the flu in spite of the 'protection' you think you got with the shot...
Even the FDA now says monitoring is necessary.
Flu drug carries new warning after delirium reports,Tue Nov 14

The drug Tamiflu now carries a new warning following reports of delirium among some people, mostly in Japan, taking the medication to treat influenza, the manufacturer and US regulators announced.

The notification to doctors from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which regulates medicine, and the Swiss pharmaceuticals giant Roche, which manufactures Tamiflu, also used to fight the deadly strain of bird flu, was reported on the FDA website Monday.

The antiviral drug's "precautions section" notes that "there have been postmarketing reports (mostly from Japan) of self-injury and delirium with the use of Tamiflu in patients with influenza," according to a copy posted on the FDA site.

"The reports were primarily among pediatric patients. The relative contribution of the drug to these events is not known," the text says.

"Patients with influenza should be closely monitored for signs of abnormal behavior throughout the treatment period," it adds.

There have been 103 cases, 95 of them in Japan, of delirium among people with the flu who took Tamiflu, especially among children and adolescents, the FDA said, adding that 60 percent of the patients were under 17. Suicide was reported in some cases.

The "possible side effects" section of the drug's "patient information" insert now notes: "People with the flu, particularly children, may be at an increased risk of self-injury and confusion shortly after taking Tamiflu and should be closely monitored for signs of unusual behavior."

Roche said that nothing indicated that the drug was responsible for the neuropsychiatric problems.

Millions of doses of Tamiflu are being stockpiled by governments and the World Health Organization in the event of a global flu pandemic, which could be sparked if the H5N1 virus, at present transmissible from birds to humans, mutates into a form easily contagious among humans.

However, a study showed flu vaccine increased the risk of developing Guillain-Barre Syndrome. The syndrome results in a rapid weakness and often paralysis of the legs, arms, breathing muscles and face.The damage can last for years.
Fears over pandemic flu collided with growing concerns over the safety of childhood vaccinations Monday when a parents group challenged the Centers for Disease Control's recent recommendation that infants and pregnant women receive flu shots this year.

The CDC has revised its flu shot guidelines, recommending that all children between six months and five years of age, as well as pregnant women, receive a flu shot. The CDC has launched a major campaign urging Americans to get vaccinated, designating Nov. 27-Dec. 3 as "National Influenza Vaccination Week."

Flu kills 36,000 people and hospitalizes about 200,000 every year, according to the CDC. The American Medical Association reports that between 5 percent and 20 percent of Americans receive flu shots every year.

However an organization called PutChildrenFirst.Org, a parent-led group working to increase awareness of the dangers of mercury in flu shots, held a teleconference Monday in opposition to the CDC's new flu shot campaign and, more specifically, the government's position that flu shots containing thimerosol, a preservative containing mercury, are safe.

Over the past few years, parents of autistic children, as well as other groups, have come to increasingly believe that childhood immunizations — specifically the thimerosol used to preserve the vaccines — triggers autism.

Mercury is an extremely dangerous neurotoxin, which can cause serious impairments of cognitive thinking, memory, attention, language, and fine motor and visual spatial skills. While there is no debate over the dangers of mercury exposure, the question has been whether the amount of mercury present in vaccinations poses a health risk. The debate over the link between childhood immunizations and autism has grown increasingly contentious, as government studies have failed to establish a relationship between the developmental disorder and vaccinations.

However, according to PutChildrenFirst.Org, many people do not think of flu shots as part of the schedule of childhood vaccines and are not aware that most flu shots contain thimerosol. While the CDC does report several studies warning about the dangers of mercury exposure, these reports do not mention that flu shots contain mercury.

PutChildrenFirst.Org is part of a public health movement that has emerged over the past few months that has raised doubts about the government's ability to objectively evaluate vaccine safety, given its public health interest in immunizations, and calling for the establishment of an independent body to evaluate vaccine and thimerosol safety.

A survey of 9,204 people conducted by Zogby International, a public opinion group, between Oct. 27-30 of this year, found that many people are uninformed about vaccinations, but have strong opinions when provided with information. According to the survey, when asked what they knew about flu shots:

— 74 percent of respondents were unaware that most flu shots contained mercury.

— After learning this fact, 74 percent said they were less likely to get a flu shot and 86 percent of parents w/children (17 or younger living at home) said they were less likely to have their children get the flu shot.

— 78 percent agreed that mercury should not be an ingredient in flu shots given to pregnant women and children

— 73 percent said that the government should warn pregnant women not to get a flu shot if it contains mercury.

— More than 70 percent said Congress, doctors, and medical groups such as the American Academy of Pediatrics should take the responsibility to ensure that vaccines do not contain mercury.

— 80 percent of respondents and 82 percent of parents said they are willing to pay additional cost to receive flu shots that do not contain mercury.

In public opinion polling, results over 70 percent can be categorized as "striking" or "remarkable" results, according to Fritz Winzel of Zogby International.

Thimerosol-free flu shots do exist, but patients must specifically request them. Additionally, patients should be prepared to pay more for these vaccines and that their doctors may not have them. Thimerosol-free vaccines are in short supply and some doctors who have ordered them have not received them.

Activists are calling on the CDC to establish a panel to monitor the safety of flu vaccines.
Then they try to slam you with junque science because they just do not understand that Pasteur recanted his theory on his death bed and
Two flu jabs best first time around for older kids,
Thu Nov 2

For children 5 to 8 years old who have never received influenza vaccine, two doses of trivalent inactivated influenza vaccine are more effective than one dose,according to a new report.

Scientific support for two doses of vaccine in infants and young children has been established, the report's authors explain, but the need for two doses of vaccine
for older children to develop immunity is less certain.

Dr. Kathleen M. Neuzil from the University of Washington, Seattle, and colleagues assessed the additional benefit of a second dose of influenza vaccine in 222 vaccine-naive children 5 to 8 years old.

The investigators report that the proportion of children with protective antibody responses to the three antigens of the vaccine was significantly higher after two doses than after one dose of influenza vaccine.

All age groups tolerated the influenza vaccine well after both doses, the researchers note.

The authors say this study is the first to their knowledge to compare the effects of 1 versus 2 doses of modern influenza vaccine in this age group. The results, they conclude, affirm current recommendations for 2 doses of trivalent inactivated influenza vaccine in children younger than 9 years of age receiving influenza vaccine for the first time.

"The 2-dose regimen remains the best strategy to prevent influenza illness in young children," the investigators write. "More resources should be devoted to improving implementation of the 2-dose regimen for previously unvaccinated children less than 9 years of age."

SOURCE: The Journal of Infectious Diseases, October 15, 2006.
But a mother tells us what happens afterward-
Yes, they are since they don't understand that antibody production is a sign of a weak immune system. And they are also in the pockets of the pharmaceutical industry who funded such a study. We just received a few days ago this heartwrenching email from a mom in Florida -- English is her 2nd language and she was clearly unaware of the problems in mainstream pediatric medicine:
I need help, my son was given the flu shot on 11-26-2005, he develope severe
headaches,fever etc.

On 12-7-2005 he went into a coma and was admitted into the hospital with severe swelling of the brain (encephalitis) we were told by his Pediatric Neurologist.

Ten months later a repeated MRI was done and there is 5 areas of concerns that still have swelling. Now the neurologist and the Pediatrician wants my son to see a Neuro Psych which is now pending.
Teacher's and parent's are concerned. My son is now confuse and is not able to do alot of things properly, i.e, speak, put his shoes on right and cannot remember what
happen yesterday.


We just want to encourage you to take responsibility for your health. Ask about risks first and demand an answer, then ask for "benefit".

More people getting the vaccine end up with the flu, and usually it is not mild. Many of these cases have already been reported in the media.

Being healthy is your best protection. Take C(lots)and see!

Better yet chek out cold and flu information here -

Friday, November 10, 2006

A point to remember about soy

Fermented vs. Unfermented

Unfermented soy is not the health food it's purported to be. In fact, in 2002, the British government's expert committee on the toxicity of food (CoT) published the results of its inquiry into the safety of plant oestrogens (or phyto-estrogens), mainly from soya proteins, in modern food.

Their experiments and other studies have found that soy contains toxins and plant oestrogens that could disrupt women's menstrual cycles, stimulate the progression of breast cancer, damage the thyroid, lower testosterone levels and have uncertain effects on the prostate.

From a digestive perspective, soy beans, like other legumes, consist of protein and starch, making them difficult to disgest, especially when stomach acid is low. Fermenting soyfoods can reduce their harmful effects.

Saturday, November 4, 2006

Hep C, a more useful treatment

Hep C seems always to be in the news. It was discussed on US TV last night by Christopher Lawford, son of JFK's sister, author and actor.

This is another one of my "gee mainstream medicine, why aren't you thinking outside the box" moments.

Causes me a lot of frustration because so many people don't need to suffer as much with the side effects of the drugs that really do little to eradicate the dis-ease.

I say this with some lengthy background in the Hep C natural treatment approach. All I've seen is success and recovery. And it is well beyond the 'management' mentality.

Yes, more useful, safe and effective treatments are available! Let's get more of this information in the news. Same for HIV/AIDS.

I'm up for interviews...

Hepatitis epidemic hits Wales

Results of a research programme published today reveal a hepatitis epidemic in Wales.

About 14,700 people in Wales may have been infected with hepatitis C. Around one in five people naturally clear the virus leaving the remaining 12,000 people chronically infected. Three quarters of these may not know they have it.

It is estimated that one in 300 people in Wales have hepatitis B.

Hepatitis B and C are viruses carried in the blood that are both preventable and treatable.

If left untreated, hepatitis C can cause serious liver disease in some patients, including cirrhosis and liver cancer.

The major ways of getting hepatitis B in Wales include sexual intercourse with an infected person or injecting drug use, past or current. However, vaccination against hepatitis B is available and effective when given to those most at risk.

The reports, published by the National Public Health Service for Wales (NPHS), examine the extent of hepatitis B and hepatitis C, in people at most risk, and the services available for prevention and treatment. They include recommendations to prevent infection and improve services for people who are infected.

The risks for becoming infected with hepatitis C include receiving blood transfusions prior to 1991, the date when blood and blood products began being screened. Another risk is past or current injecting drug use. Other people may have become infected with hepatitis C through non-sterile medical or dental procedures, non-sterile tattooing or body-piercing or other forms of blood-to-blood contact. There is a small risk of a child being infected before or during birth if the mother has chronic hepatitis.

The research programme was designed to inform the development of the Blood Borne Viral Hepatitis Action Plan for Wales , which is due to be released in early 2007. It should also ensure that all providers of services have a clear understanding of the current prevalence of illness and the current services available to prevent or treat.

A national conference The Hepatitis Spectrum from Prevention to Treatment is to be held on 17th November 2006. All agencies with a responsibility or interest in blood borne viral hepatitis are invited.

Dr Marion Lyons , Programme Lead for Blood Borne Viral Hepatitis and Lead Consultant in Communicable Disease Control at the NPHS, said, "There are people who injected drugs years ago and who do not realise that they may be at risk from this disease. Any action in Wales must include a strategy for ensuring that all these people are made aware of that risk and the opportunities that now exist for testing for infection and for treatment if necessary.

"The research we have undertaken shows that one in four current injecting drug users in Wales are already infected with the hepatitis C virus, rising to 2 in 5 injectors in the major cities in Wales .

"The harm reduction services have worked hard with service users to encourage safe injecting. We know that there are people who are still sharing needles, spoons, water or other paraphernalia increasing the chance that they will pass the virus to others. Every year, one in 18 injectors will become infected."

The evidence from the research programme shows that there is inconsistency in the provision of preventative and treatment services across Wales . The expert guidance published in January 2005 from NICE (the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence) - has not been uniformly implemented for hepatitis C management. Sixty seven people completed treatment according to NICE guidance in 2005.

Dr Lyons said,"The future challenge will be to ensure that services are equitable across Wales in capacity and delivery and can meet the patients' needs.

"We recognise that there are a number of barriers to accessing and completing treatment. Individuals may not realise they are at risk or may fear the result of a test. In addition, many do not realise that there is effective treatment available. The pathway a patient follows from being diagnosed to treatment needs to be improved so that treatment and appropriate support is available to all. In addition, as part of Health Challenge Wales, all those who contribute to providing services should raise awareness, and encourage testing. They should also improve the knowledge and skill of their staff.

"Monitoring should be improved with the introduction of surveillance systems and evaluation of intervention programmes. Prevention should be strengthened through peer led intervention. There should be increased availability of harm reduction services including enhanced needle and syringe exchange services, substitute drug treatment and hepatitis B vaccination. Finally, levels of shared care provision within prisons, family doctors and Community Drug Teams should be increased..

"Services must continually review their service provision to ensure they are fit for purpose and that issues around access, shared care and supporting community and clinical staff networks are addressed."

The Conference details and the findings and recommendations of the blood borne viral hepatitis research programme will be available on line from Thursday 2 November 2006

The NPHS research on hepatitis was funded by the Welsh Assembly Government.

AASLD: Novel Drug Takes Toll on Hepatitis C

By Neil Osterweil, MedPage Today Staff Writer
Reviewed by Zalman S. Agus, MD; Emeritus Professor at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine.
November 01, 2006

MedPage Today Action Points

* Explain to interested patients that the investigational drug described here is an immune-system enhancer that works with standard therapy to control hepatitis C viral infections in patients with difficult-to-treat disease.

* This study was published as an abstract and presented orally at a conference. These data and conclusions should be considered to be preliminary as they have not yet been reviewed and published in a peer-reviewed publication.

BOSTON, Nov. 1 -- An investigational immunomodulator -- a Toll-like receptor 9 (TLR9) agonist -- has shown early antiviral activity in patients with difficult-to-treat chronic hepatitis C infections.

The compound, called CPG 10101, or Actilon, appears to stimulate both innate immunity, in the form of antiviral cytokines such as native interferon α, and antigen-specific adaptive immunity, reported Ira Jacobson, M.D., of Weill Cornell Medical College in New York, and colleagues.

"The ancient but only recently recognized Toll-like receptor system is widely distributed in nature, and has evolved to allow for immunologic recognition of pathogen-associated molecular patterns," Dr. Jacobson said at the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases meeting here.

The compound directly activates plasmacytoid dendritic cells, the largest sources of interferon α in the body, and B cells. It also indirectly activates natural killer and natural killer T cells, and appears to have synergistic antiviral activity with pegylated interferon and Rebetol (ribavirin), Dr. Jacobson said.

He and his colleagues investigated CPG 10101 in 74 patients who were infected with the treatment-refractory HCV genotype 1 and who had relapsed after a prior response to 24 or more weeks of treatment with Peg-IFN and Rebetol.

The patients were randomized and treated initially for 12 weeks with either Peg-IFN and Rebetol alone or with CPG 10101, and CPG 10101 alone or in combination with either Peg-IFN or Rebetol.

CPG 10101 was delivered in doses of 0.2 mg/kg subcutaneously weekly, Peg-IFN was given 1.5 μg/kg subcutaneously weekly, and Rebetol was given at 800 to 1,400 mg orally daily.

Patients in a treatment arm containing CPG 10101 who achieved ≥2 log10 reduction at week 12 were eligible to continue treatment for up to 48 weeks. All patients in the control (Peg-IFN and ribavirin) group were eligible to roll-over to the triple therapy after completing the initial 12 weeks of treatment, regardless of their viral level.

The authors found that the mean log10 HCV RNA reduction at week 12 was significantly greater among patients treated with CPG 10101 plus Peg-IFN and Rebetol (12 of 14 patients, or 86%) than with standard therapy alone (nine of 15 patients, or 60%).

In addition, 13% of patients receiving standard therapy alone or the CP10101-interferon combination had HCV RNA levels undetectable on an assay with a lower cutoff point of < 50 IU/mL, compared with 50% of patients on the triple-combination (P=0.05).

In all, 20 of 24 patients in treatment arms containing CPG 10101 elected to continue therapy, and of these, two on the triple combination and two on CPG 10101 and interferon head undetectable HCV RNA levels during the continuation phase.

On treatment responses, with HCV RNA < 50 IU/mL at week 24, occurred in seven of 14 patients (50%) on the triple therapy, three of 16 (19%) in the CPG 10101-interferon group, and none of the other groups.

Fourteen of the 15 patients who initially received standard therapy of Peg-IFN and Rebetol were rolled over to receive CPG 10101 after 12 weeks, and five of these patients also had HCV levels that fell off the radar screen.

CPG 10101 alone, however, had no effect on any of the clinical endpoints during the study.

Adverse events were predominantly mild to moderate, and consisted of headache, flu-like symptoms, fatigue and nausea. Injection-site reactions were more common among patients receiving CPG 10101, and there were two dropouts, one because of rash, and the other to injection-site cellulites and necrosis.

The investigators plan to follow patients for end of treatment response and sustained viral response out 48 or 72 weeks, Dr. Jacobson said.

Dr. Jacobson is a clinical investigator for Coley Pharmaceutical Group, maker of CPG 10101.
Primary source: American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases
Source reference: Jacobson IM et al. "Early Viral Response and On Treatment Response to CPG 10101 (ACTILONTM), in combination with pegylated interferon and/or ribavirin, in chronic HCV genotype 1 infected patients with prior relapse response." Presented Oct. 30.

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