Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Chemo Recipients Benefit from Vitamin E

In a new report of a study involving people treated with cisplatin chemotherapy and provided with daily vitamin E, good benefits were found.

Participants were randomly assigned to receive vitamin E supplementation (alpha-tocopherol 400 mg/day) or placebo. Treatment was started orally before chemotherapy and continued for 3 months after the suspension of cisplatin.

The results of our study indicate that vitamin E supplementation significantly protects against cisplatin peripheral neurotoxicity and reduces the incidence and intensity of neuropathic signs and symptoms.

Another important point is that vitamin E supplementation does not interfere with cisplatin antitumor activity.

No side effects were noted in any of the study participants.

Report published in the journal, Neurology, 2010;74(9):762-6. 47824 (5/2010)


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