Saturday, October 31, 2009

Melatonin, Cancer and Your Cell Phone

LONG-TERM mobile phone use could lead to 1,500 new cases of brain tumours a year over the next two decades a study shows.

Dating back to the mid 90s it seems that -
There is strong evidence that pineal melatonin is involved in controlling neoplastic processes. We have reported that physiological, but not pharmacological or sub physiological, concentrations of melatonin enhance intercellular communication in normal C3H/10T/2 fibroblasts. Gap junctional intercellular communication intervenes in the control of cell proliferation and differentiation, and seems to play a crucial role in suppression of tumor promotion. A number of in vivo studies have shown that extremely low frequency (ELF) magnetic fields (MF) can act as cancer promoters or co-promoters. In vitro, 60 Hz MF have been reported to block melatonin-induced inhibition of cell proliferation in human breast cancer cells. The mechanisms responsible for the observed interactions of MF at the cellular level remain unknown. In the present study melatonin was added to confluent fibroblasts at a concentration of 10(-10) M. Twenty-seven hours later, a fluorescent dye was scrape-loaded into groups of cells and the transfer of the dye to adjacent cells through gap junctions was quantified. Under these conditions melatonin induced a significant increase of dye transfer; this increase was not observed when the cultures were exposed to the MF for 30 min before the previously reported results suggesting that the in vivo oncostatic action of melatonin could be exerted, in part, through modulation of the levels of gap junctional intercellular communication. Also, the data indicate that ELF-MF could counteract the melatonin-induced enhancement of junctional transfer.

Recall too that fluoride seems to be a major contributor to calcifying the pineal gland.
Lest we forget about how much the EPA, and the cellular industry, really is withholding from the public!
And in other new reports on health risks and your cell phone
Two Swedish scientists, Professor Lennart Hardell and Professor Kjell Hansson Mild, found that longterm users had double the chance of developing a tumour on the side of the brain they held the handset. And, more frighteningly, just one hour a day on the mobile was enough to increase the risk.

It isn't enough to be aware of the cell phone risk to thyroid problems and breast cancer, now its osteoporosis
Do you wear your cell phone on your belt? Well, here's some news for you-the electromagnetic rays from mobiles lead to decreased bone density in an area of the pelvis that is commonly used for bone grafts.

A study by Dr. Tolga Atay and colleagues of Suleyman Demirel University, Isparta, Turkey, found that with long-term exposure, electromagnetic fields from cell phones could weaken the bone, potentially affecting the outcomes of surgical procedures using bone grafts.
Complete article - Cellular phones 'lead to bone weakening'

Women who are pregnant and rely on cell phone use may want to know that back in 1994 it was determined that an embryo, and of course the developing fetus, could be irretrievably altered by exposure to extremely low EMF.
Chick embryo development can be irreversibly altered by early exposure to weak extremely-low-frequency magnetic fields.

ReThink Vaccines

In a series of investigations over seven years in to all the new and commonly-prescribed vaccines (including HPV), autism, immune diseases and allergies, Dr Richard Halvorsen spoke to health officials, researchers, fellow doctors and parents. He discovered that vaccines are being given to children without knowing enough about them. Parents are regularly being misguided about vaccine effectiveness and their safety. Doctors are not being provided with the right information. They even live in fear of being seen to challenge perceived wisdom. Medical researchers often find that impartial vaccine research is impossible – those who dare speak out, risk being discredited.

ReThink Pink

As the pink madness of the October 2009 programming winds down, because today is October 31, I am pleased to provide readers with this very good article from an MD with an open mind.

As more and more doctors and other health professionals start to get the idea that mammogram really isn't good for health or breast cancer screening, sanity will creep slowly back into women's health care.

A Closer Look at Screening Mammography

Until then, become your own best health advocate.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Is Swine Flu Really a Pandemic?

Growing Doubt Among Experts

German Government Flu Expert Advising Pharma 'Lobby Group'
A German government flu expert is advising a group funded by the pharma industry. The European Working Group on Influenza says it wants to raise awareness of the dangers of a pandemic. But epidemiologist Luc Bonneaux says ESWI is a lobby group "that has as much to do with science as McDonald's with healthy nutrition." By Gerald Traufetter more...

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Top 10 Links of the Week: 10/23/09 – 10/29/09

Great googly moogly, there are just a ton of quality links this week, many Halloween-related. A quick, exciting reminder, too: CHG now has both Facebook and Twitter accounts. Hooray for inconsequential-yet-amusing methods of modern communication!

1) Eater: Rachael Ray Starts a Rock & Roll Hall of Fame Petition
In what can only be described as a national travesty, Hall & Oates have not yet been inducted to – or even NOMINATED for – the RRHOF. But one little-known television chef is pulling for them. Sign up! Private eyes are watching you!

2) New York Times: Living for Candy, and Sugar-Coated Goblins

It’s every kid’s dream: Paul Rudnick is 51, and has eaten nothing but refined sugar foods since he was six. Somehow, he’s not dead. A recent day’s menu: “a plain bagel, a three-pack of Yodels, a small can of dry-roasted peanuts, some Hershey’s Kisses, and some breakfast cereal, which he eats by the handful, dry, out of the box.” You gotta read it to believe it.

3) The Atlantic: Meatless Mondays Draw Industry Ire
Y’know, I don't usually swear on CHG, but this is some bullhockey. Horsecrap. Buffalo Chips. A big bag of fertilizer. Summarized: kids in Baltimore are getting chili and lasagna for lunch one day of the week. Meat industry execs are peeved. One in particular - Janet Riley of the American Meat Institute - should be ashamed of herself.

4) Slate: Supermarket Sweep - Using coupons to get free groceries.

Writer Alicia Barney dives headfirst into hardcore couponing, and comes out a winner/owner of many canned soups. This might change some minds about the viability of the process.

5) Planet Green: 50 Ways to Never Waste Food Again
Save your cilantro! Repurpose your potatoes! Blanch it, baby. Over four dozen totally food-related ideas for saving food and cash, brought to you by people who like the environment. Also, the letter “G.”

6) Zen Habits: The Anti-Fast Food Diet
Nine tips on how to embrace the Slow Food movement without quitting society and taking up residence in a yurt. My favorite: “when drinking tea, just drink tea.” In other words, be present. Do what you’re doing. Twitter will still be there later. (...I think. That thing breaks a lot, doesn't it?)

7) Metromix: NYC Chef Survey – Worst kitchen injury ever witnessed?
Oh, man. Hot cooking oil is a bad, bad thing folks. But still not as evil as the man-eating pasta maker. Fingeroni, anyone?

8) The Simple Dollar: Ethical Frugality Week – Serving Leftovers
Reader Jim writes in, disgusted that friends dared to serve him dressed-up leftovers when they had him over for dinner. Trent suggests that this isn’t too bad for close friends, but it shouldn’t go beyond that. I believe it’s all in how you dress it up. Chicken and potatoes straight from the Glad Disposables won’t work, but it’s okay to use leftover breast meat for a noodle dish, or as part of a curry. Readers, what think you?

9) Slate: Against Apple Picking - Why pick-your-own orchards are a wasteful scam.
Essentially, the most cynical essay about cider donuts ever written. I wonder if he hates babies and nuns, too. Read it to roil up the blood.

10) Reuters: New York study says menu labeling affects behavior
Contrary to all those other studies, a new report from the NYC’s Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (Mental hygiene? Brush your brains, kids!) claims that fast food labeling DOES get people to buy food with fewer calories. Works for me.


Casual Kitchen: The Pros and Cons of Restaurant Calorie Labeling Laws
Pro: healthy! Con: are we becoming a nanny state? Mary Poppins would love that, wouldn’t she?

Clever Dude: – How we got a lot of food for a little money
CD explains the ins and outs of the oft-criticized site, recounts his own (excellent) experience at a local Ethiopian joint.

Consumerist/Jezebel: Budget Bytes
Fairly new blog with CHG-like philosophy and nice, clean design.

Culinate: Get your sear on - How to cook restaurant-perfect fish
Salt, pepper, oil, heat: GO!

Eat Me Daily: Turkey Totality - Thanksgiving Magazine Roundup Smackdown Spectacular
Saveur wins! Semi-Homemade loses.

Food Politics: Smart Choices Suspended
Last week, it was in trouble. This week, Smart Choices is kaput.

Get Rich Slowly: The Pitfalls of Buying in Bulk
Delves into a rarely-mentioned bulk problem: sometimes, when you have 250 of something, you get sick of eating it.

Hillbilly Housewife: Menu Planning around Budget Foods and Leftovers
A challenge! Prep a big meal on Day 1, and then use the leftovers to eat for the rest of the week. Godspeed.

The Kitchn: One Big Kitchen Tool We Have... But Never Use
A.k.a. Giant Wastes of Cash and Space, or What Not to Buy.

Money Saving Mom: Becoming a Mystery Shopper
Good summary of something I know zero about.

Neatorama: Bloody Brain Shooters
Gross, but effective. Happy Halloween, drunks!

Problogger: How Would You Monetize This Food Blog?
Lots of good ideas here, for those interested in making mad cash.

Serious Eats: Costco Will Accept Food Stamps Nationwide
Half the stores by Thanksgiving!

Urlesque: Internet Meme Cakes
Rick Astley and Keyboard Cat! In cake form!

Wise Bread: Five Potluck Parties That Help You Share the Wealth
Take potlucks one step further with related fun activities.

Wise Bread: 19 Tips to Cut Costs by Using Your Oven Efficiently
Turn that highly efficient machine into a highlyer efficienter machine … er.

Happy weekend, everybody! Enjoy Halloween/All Saints Day/whatever marathon you’re running. (Good luck Stan, Travis, and Ian!)

(Hall & Oates photo from AllMusic.)

Veggie Might: Make Your Own Mustard

Penned by the effervescent Leigh, Veggie Might is a weekly Thursday column about the wide world of Vegetarianism.

What do you do when you need a quick meal, have veggie dogs leftover from camping, but the only mustard is the fancy balsamic garlic mustard you picked up in at the New England Maple Museum in Vermont? (Oh, we’ll visit there again, CHG campers, don’t you worry.)

If you’re me, you wonder if you could make your own mustard out the beaucoup yellow powder taking over your spice cabinet. (Then you eat the veggie dog with the fancy mustard.) But it got me investigatin’.

I read up on mustard making at Mother Earth News, a blog called Montana Jones, and the trusty How to Cook Everything Vegetarian cookbook by Mark Bittman.

Turns out, you get pretty weak mustard from just adding water and vinegar to commercial mustard powder. But with only a touch more effort, you can get some sinus-clearingly fantastic mustard with yellow and brown mustard seeds.

Chow simplifies the mustard seed situation better than anyone, but here’s a quick breakdown:
  • Yellow mustard seeds can vary in color from brownish yellow to white. Yellow mustard seeds are best known and most readily available to Americans.
  • Brown mustard seeds are dark brown or black and easily found in spice shops and Indian groceries.
  • Black mustard seeds also range from dark brown to black but are smaller, more pungent than the other two varieties, and primarily used in Indian cooking. Black mustard seeds will also confuse your enemies!
The making is simple: soak the mustard seeds in the water, vinegar, spice mix for a few hours to overnight, puree, and TADA! Mustard. The nuances are only slightly more complicated.

Mustard loses its power over time. If it’s too strong at first, let it sit a while—a few hours up to a week—before you serve. Store your homemade mustard in glass, ceramic, or even plastic containers. Mustard will ingest a metal container. Mmm….ore-y. Fresh ingredients will affect shelf life, but homemade mustard will keep for a couple of months or longer.

Whether you use a blender, food processor, or mortar and pestle, Mark Bittman warns you will not get commercial smoothness with home equipment. He’s right, as far as I can tell, but I like mine with a coarse texture.

I made two batches and let them sit overnight: one just straight-up the MB way, though I used garlic powder instead of fresh, and one with horseradish. Both were explosivo when I zapped them in the morning before work but had mellowed to perfection by lunchtime. My tofu sandwich rocked my socks.

Once you have the basic recipe down, you can be creative and experiment with spices and sweeteners. Soon you’ll be making your own fancy mustard and selling them at museums all across the northeast.


If you like this recipe, you might always like:

Spicier Brown Mustard
Yields 8 oz, or approximately 24 teaspoons
Adapted from How to Cook Everything Vegetarian.
NOTE: Alas, Leigh’s camera perished in Lake George last week. This placeholder photo comes from Cookthink. It's a nice site, and you should visit there.

2 tablespoons yellow mustard seeds
2 tablespoons brown mustard seeds
1/4 cup apple cider vinegar
1/4 cup water
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
Generous pinch of salt

Horseradish Mustard
Yields 8 oz, or approximately 24 teaspoons

2 tablespoons yellow mustard seeds
2 tablespoons brown mustard seeds
1/4 cup apple cider vinegar
1/4 cup water
1/2-inch cube of fresh horseradish, chopped
Generous pinch of salt

Instructions are the same for each recipe.

1) Combine ingredients in a glass or ceramic container with a lid. Plastic is okay, but metal is a no-no.

2) Let stand overnight or at least 2–3 hours.

3) Puree in a blender or food processor until the desired consistency is reached. (I tried one batch in each and found the blender to have a slight edge on smoothness.) Add a drizzle of water to keep the blades whirling.

4) Pour back into glass container and let it mellow for a day or so.

5) Serve on your favorite sandwich or veggie dog and know spicy mustard.

Approximate Calories, Fat, Fiber, and Price per Serving
9.2 calories, 0.5g fat, 0.3g fiber, $0.02

Calculations (for horseradish version)
2 tbsp yellow mustard seeds: 104 calories, 6g fat, 4g fiber, $.19
2 tbsp brown mustard seeds: 104 calories, 6g fat, 4g fiber, $.19
1/4 cup apple cider vinegar: 12.5 calories, 0g fat, 0g fiber, $.04
1/2” cube of horseradish: negligible calories, fat, and fiber, $.07
[1/2 tsp garlic powder: negligible calories, fat, and fiber, $.02]
generous pinch of salt: negligible calories, fat, and fiber, $.02
TOTALS: 220 calories,12g fat, 8g fiber, $.51
PER SERVING (TOTALS/24): 9.2 calories, .5g fat, .3g fiber, $.02

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Lead Health Issues Remain Major Concern

UPDATE: May 2010 - Heavy Metals Poisoning Part 1

While lead levels in face paint and toys remain a focus, more impetus needs to be placed on the impact of lead and other heavy metals and how they impact people the health of those living in N. Idaho's Silver Valley where EPA is moving ahead with its toxic waste dump adjacent to the National Historic site and Sacred Native lands at the Cataldo Mission.
SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 28 (UPI) -- Before children apply face paint for Halloween, parents should know that some face paints contain lead and other heavy metals, a U.S. advocacy group says.

Lisa Archer, national coordinator of the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics at the Breast Cancer Fund, says the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics sent 10 children's face paints to an independent lab to test for heavy metals and review ingredient labels of Halloween products sold at a seasonal holiday store.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that parents avoid using cosmetics on their children that could be contaminated with lead, Archer says.

The report, "Pretty Scary," found:
-- Ten out of 10 children's face paints contained lead ranging from 0.05 to 0.65 parts per million.

-- Six out of 10 children's face paints contained nickel, cobalt and/or chromium, which are top allergens in children. The metals were found at levels ranging from 1.6 to 120 ppm -- many of them far exceeding industry safety recommendations of 1 ppm.

To learn more about the study see:
To learn more about the issues surrounding the nation's largest lead Superfund site read more here -

Silver Valley Action

Silver Valley Action Photo Album


Heavy Metal

Even if you do not live in the 1500 square mile area of this Superfund site you can help by supporting the work and signing the petition.

In a related article, Why your doctor should know where you have lived, environmental exposure is listed as a health risk.  This question was always included in the process of taking a complete health history when I worked as a nurse practitioner.  It is part of what I taught my students when I was teaching at the college level.  Why it has been lost in the process over the years is a mystery I am sure, but it is important.  It still is just one part of what a complete health history should include; what you are exposed to in your work is as important, and also what you use at home and in your garden.  Reason why you should have a running copy of your own medical record in your possession, just as people do in other countries.

Alkaline Substances Take Toll on Tooth Enamel

Exposure To Alkaline Substances Can Result In Damaged Teeth

ScienceDaily (2009-10-27) -- It has long been known that acids can erode tooth enamel but a new Swedish study shows that strong alkaline substances can damage teeth too -- substances with high pH values can destroy parts of the organic content of the tooth, leaving the enamel more vulnerable. ... > read full article

10 Modern Food Myths, Busted

Salt helps water boil faster. An avocado pit will keep guacamole from browning. Soda will eat through basically anything, Alien-style.

We’ll hear hundreds of food myths in our lifetime. Some, thank Snopes, will be inarguably disproved, while others will remain as persistent as head colds, altering both what we eat and how we cook. And still more myths will be made up as we go along, as technology develops and kitchens change with the times.

Today, we’re focusing on a few of those newer myths; modern-day legends spawned by newspapers, TV shows, and those accursed enemies of truth, e-mail forwards. Will açai berries speed up weight loss? Does microwaving plastic cause cancer? Are bananas really going the way of the dodo bird? We'll explore and answer these questions and more, once and for all.

When you’re done perusing the myths themselves, head on over to the comment section to continue the discussion. Do you agree with these verdicts? What are the most outrageous food myths you’ve ever heard? Which ones would you like answered, in addition to these? Do tell.

Disclaimer: Many of these myths deal with health and diet issues, so I took special care to cite reputable resources. However, I’m not a medical professional, and nothing should be taken as expert advice. If you have any questions about the following, please consult your doctor.

Myth: Açai berries will help you lose weight.
Ruling: False.
Why: You know those internet ads? The ones with pictures of generic-looking women claiming to have dropped 30 pounds in 30 days? Click on them, and many will take you to websites promoting açai berries. While the berries aren’t bad for you, there’s very little scientific data to back up those outrageous dietary claims. Açai have no more antioxidants than several more common fruits and vegetables, and won’t aid in weight loss more than any other berry. P.S. Oprah does not endorse acai berries.
Instead: If you’re concerned about antioxidants, try packing more blueberries, plums, kale, spinach, and strawberries into your meals. However, know that antioxidants aren’t particularly well researched yet, and that adding more produce to your diet will always promote better nutrition.

Myth: If a food is “made with” healthy ingredients, it is healthy.
Ruling: False.
Why: Something “Made with real pineapple!” or “Made with organic ingredients!” isn’t necessarily comprised 100% of that component. Take this Wal-Mart grape drink for example, which claims to be “made with real fruit juice!” Concentrated grape juice is only the third listed ingredient, behind water and high fructose corn syrup. “Made with” in this case, as in many others, is attached only to sell the product.
Instead: A whole food will almost always be healthier than its more processed counterpart. (Meaning: if you want something with fruit in it, eat a piece of fruit.) However, if you find a product you think you might like, read the ingredient list. It’ll give you all the information you need.

Myth: Drop food on the floor? No worries. If you eat it within five seconds of letting it fall, you’re good to go.
Ruling: Sadly, false.
Why: So famous it scored its own episode of Seinfeld, this cousin to the hallowed Five-Minute Rule claims that edibles can’t be contaminated by floor/ground germs if it’s snatched up fast enough. Alas and alack, it ain’t so. According to the New York Times, “Quick retrieval does mean fewer bacteria, but it’s no guarantee of safety.”
Instead: If it can be washed, wash it! If not … do you have a dog?

Myth: Water infused with vitamins or supplements is healthier than regular water.
Ruling: Usually false.
Why: Health claims made on infused water labels are almost never medically substantiated, and frequently, the drinks contain almost as many calories as soda. Even creators admit, “It’s 100 percent marketing.
Instead: If you’re in a rush and in the mood for something flavorful, try seltzers or bottled drinks with minimal added sugar and short ingredient lists. Or, y’know, pack a thermos of tap water. It’s healthy, plentiful, and free.

Myth: Baby carrots are treated with deadly chlorine, making them deadly orange spears of death. You can tell by the deadly white film that appears on their death-causing surfaces as they age.
Ruling: True, then false.
Why: This has been a popular e-mail forward the last year, so we’ll go straight to Snopes for the debunkification: baby carrots are just larger carrots cut up. And they can, in fact, be treated with chlorine. But so are lots of other ready-to-eat vegetables, and they’re all washed before being shipped to stores. The white stuff you see on older baby carrots (middle-aged carrots?) is merely their cut surfaces drying out.
Instead: If you’re still worried, buy full-sized carrots and cut them down yourself. It’s cheaper anyway.

Myth: Microwaving plastic causes cancer.
Ruling: Largely false.
Why: If the plastic is meant specifically for use in a microwave, there should be no problem. This comes straight from the American Cancer Society: “[The FDA] does say substances used to make plastics can leach into foods. But the agency has found the levels expected to migrate into foods to be well within the margin of safety based on information available to the agency. As for dioxin, the FDA says it has seen no evidence that plastic containers or films contain dioxins and knows of no reason why they would.”
Instead: While I wouldn’t nuke a container unintended for the microwave (like a peanut butter jar or hummus tub), go ahead and use the other stuff. Still unconvinced? Try a glass microwaveable dish or bowl.

Myth: “If I can do this, anyone can!”
Ruling: Well…
Why: I love The Biggest Loser, largely for its central message: if the contestants can drop 5, 10, or even 15 pounds each week, us Joe Sixpacks can, too. And to a certain extent, it’s true; with the correct exercise regimen and diet, many people will lose weight over time. However (and here’s the catch), it’s highly unlikely it will be at Biggest Loser pace. BL participants shed quickly - maybe too quickly - for three reasons: first, the ranch is a closed culture. Family, friends, work, and other daily responsibilities aren’t around for distraction. Second, the BLs are in the gym eight hours a day, have their food closely monitored by the show, and receive multiple forms of psychological support. And finally, most are very large to begin with, which means they’ll lose more from week to week anyway. A 410-pound man can drop 22 pounds in a week. A 130-pound woman should not, unless she’s giving birth.
Instead: Keep watching! It’s a good show. But when it comes to your personal approach, keep in mind that moderation is everything.

Myth: A cardboard cup of Tasti D-Lite vanilla dessert contains only 40 calories.
Ruling: False.
Why: Back in 2002, the New York Times discovered it was actually between 140 and 225 calories. (Other flavors held even more.) The dessert was made differently in each store and serving sizes varied, explaining the discrepancy. As a result, Tasti had to tone down its ad campaign, and now lists all the real nutritional numbers on its website. CremaLita, a competitor, had similar false advertising issues.
Instead: Eat small portions of real ice cream, and maybe scale back on the Skinny Cow. Weight Watchers isn’t too happy with them right now.

Myth: In ten years, there will be no bananas.
Ruling: Well, maybe.
Why: In 2005, Popular Science published a piece about the potential extinction of the Cavendish banana, the varietal Americans have come to know and love/slip on in random parking lots. Writer Dan Koeppel argued the Cavendish is particularly susceptible to fungus, which would eventually wipe it out. While this may occur, it’s not expected for quite awhile. In that time, scientists could find another banana resistant to disease, as they did 50 years ago, when the Gros Michel banana was replaced by the Cavendish in supermarkets. Beyond that, a fungus presumably wouldn’t affect other kinds of bananas, of which there are dozens.
Instead: Eat apples?

Myth: If you use coupons the right way, supermarkets will owe you cash.
Ruling: Sometimes true.
Why: We’ve all seen folks like Frugal Coupon Mom on Oprah or Today. They’re the people who go grocery shopping, hand the checkout girl a few slips of paper, and come back with $25 or five free bags of groceries. And while there’s no doubt this is possible, it’s almost entirely dependent on location and time. Geographically speaking, if there’s no nearby supermarket with double or triple coupon days, you’re at an automatic disadvantage. Time-wise, you have to be prepared to devote several hours a week to couponing, making it the equivalent of a part-time job. Again, this is entirely possible, and even preferable for some families, but for most, those kind of savings simply aren’t feasible.
Instead: Shop wisely. Make a list. Buy loss leaders. Purchase food in-season. Stick to the perimeter of the supermarket. Use coupons judiciously.

And for kicks, an extra special bonus!

Myth: Everything you’ve ever read in an e-mail forward.
Ruling: Varies, but largely false.
Why: When it comes to a food forward, take it with a grain of salt. Even if it looks truthy. Even if someone writes, “I checked Snopes, and this is 100% correct!” Even if the Pope sends one to you. Because odds are 99 to 1 that it’s untrue, or at least grossly misrepresented. Onions will not protect against swine flu, Korean soup producers are not soliciting American animal shelters for ingredients, and McDonalds shakes ARE made with dairy products. (Apologies to the lactose-intolerant.)
Instead: If you want information on food or are sufficiently frightened by the contents of a forward, check Snopes or Google the matter. And speaking for all your friends and family, don’t pass on any any e-mail without verifying its accuracy first. That’s how “White House Won’t Allow Christmas Ornaments” rumors get started. (*Hits head on table*)

And that's it. Folks, the comment section is open. Or, for more fun food myths, check out some of these guys:

If you liked this article, you might also dig:
(Photos courtesy of [bellies], Flickr member terry_tu [baby carrots], and Wikimedia Commons [banana].)

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

CHG Asks the Internet: Fat-free Recipes for Gallbladder Surgery?

Hi everybody! Today marks the first installment of an experimental, semi-frequent advice column, CHG Asks the Internet. Alexis writes in:

Q: I just found out I have to have my gallbladder out in three weeks and my surgeon said I cannot eat any fat until then... I usually cook low-fat, but no-fat is a little daunting. Do you have a list of recipes with no fat at all in them? I plain to look through all of your recipes, but if you have a list, it would sure be easier!

A: Alexis, Mango Salsa, Chunky Applesauce, Cranberry Relish, and several of our drink recipes all have less than 0.4 grams of fat per serving, which is a good start. Beyond that, I might check FatFree Vegan Kitchen. It's absolutely friggin' loaded with fat-free dishes, and Leigh (of Veggie Might fame) is a big fan. I’m positive you’ll find something stellar in their Recipe Index.

Readers, what do you think? What are your favorite fat-free dishes? Do you know any good recipe sources for Alexis? This one's a toughy, and the comment section is wide open.

Want to ask the interweb a question? Post one in the comments, or send your query to Then, tune in next Tuesday for an answer/several answers from the good people of the World Wide Net.

Today, the Novelty Gift Book Industry. Tomorrow, THE WORLD.

So, here’s a thing: the Husband-Elect and I wrote a book! A real book! With pages! And art! And an ISBN number and everything! And it comes out today!

It’s called The Emergency Gift Book: More Than 100 Instant Gifts to the Rescue, and it’s not about food whatsoever. But the writing is splendid (if I do say so myself) and the illustrations are even better. For more, here’s the official Amazon product description:
Are you pressed for time or prone to procrastination? Do you hate to shop? Or maybe you simply dislike shopping for other people? Emergency Gift Book to the rescue for the slacker and the stumped alike! This book contains everything you need to acknowledge family, friends, coworkers, cohabitants, and loved ones whenever a special occasion comes out of freaking nowhere. Inside you'll find IOU coupons, nifty gift card enclosures (to use instead of generic store packaging), and hilarious DIY-on-the-fly novelty gifts, all of which you can punch out and present to friends and loved ones (so much better than showing up with nothing but excuses).
We hope the book is half as much fun to read/play with as it was to write. (Because seriously, it was pretty fun.)

And that’s it! Thanks for the aside, and now back to our regularly scheduled food writing.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Gary Null and Forced Vaccination

Videos of Gary Null's speech against forced vaccination and related Big PhARMA issues.

Part 1.

Part 2.

Part 3.

And about another vaccine issue: A good news article on the need for sckepticism with AIDS vaccine.   I would rather see a study using the 4 supplements that block conversion of HIV to AIDS.

Butternut Squash Risotto: Transcendence in a Bowl

Today on Serious Eats: Butternut Squash Apple Cranberry Bake. Mmm ... autumn.

It’s tough avoiding cliché when attempting to explain Chez Panisse’s Butternut Squash Risotto. Not because it’s lame. Nope. Rather, it's because the dish assaults your senses, leaving them huddled in a corner, murmuring happily to themselves about how they never had it so good.

So, you gotta resort to phrases both tried and true: “best recipe ever,” springs to mind, as do “NOM,” “mmm … risotto,” and, “I would marry this food.” All of them are overused and a bit hyperbolic, but in this case, totally appropriate. Because this risotto? It’s a Sunday meal. It’s a birthday dinner. It’s something you’d make to impress the bejeezus out of your parents. And it’s cheap and relatively healthy, natch.

You’d never expect such a creamy richness from a recipe that’s less than 400 calories per serving, but that’s risotto for you. The Arborio rice gives off starch, creating a smooth texture and eliminating the need for Paula Deenesque quantities of butter. Instead, you’re only adding a few tablespoons of unsalted, plus a half cup of parmesan. It tastes positively sinful, but your soul remains miraculously clean.

Of course, if you don’t make it to eat, then make it to whiff. As a rule, sage smells like Xanadu. Sauté it with onion and white wine, and it creates an aroma Yankee Candle would kill for. I swear, while I was cooking, one of my roommates floated into the kitchen on a cloud of fragrance, Bugs Bunny-style. It was a sight.

The only drawback to the dish is that it can’t be abandoned. Risotto needs constant vigilance, so expect to be tethered to the stove for a little while. Look on the bright side, though; it’s not great for socializing, but it’s excellent for not socializing. Picture it: “Aunt Myrtle, how are you? Oh, your hiatal hernia’s been acting up again? And PBS keeps repeating the same episode of Lawrence Welk? And the America you used to know doesn’t exist anymore? I’d love to talk about it more, but my risotto needs stirring.”

In conclusion, make this. Make it now. You will win friends and influence people.


If you like this, you’ll also dig:

Butternut Squash Risotto
Makes 6 1-1/2 cup servings.
Adapted from Chez Panisse via The Wednesday Chef.

1 medium butternut squash (about 1 pound whole or 12 ounces cut up)
24 sage leaves
Salt and pepper
7 to 8 cups fat-free chicken (or veggie) stock
1 medium onion, diced small
3 1/2 tablespoons unsalted butter
2 cups uncooked Arborio rice
1/2 cup dry white wine
1/2 cup parmesan, grated

1) Peel squash, then dice into very small (1/4- or 1/3-inch) cubes. Combine squash, a few sage leaves, 1 cup stock, and a little salt in a heavy-bottomed pot. Bring to a simmer and cook until tender (but not too soft) about 5 to 10 minutes. (You want the cubes to keep their form when they’re stirred into the risotto.) Drain and reserve liquid, just in case.

2) While squash is cooking, add the rest of the stock to another pot, bring to a simmer, and keep it there. Meanwhile, finely chop 6 large sage leaves.

3) In another, larger, heavy-bottomed saucepan, heat 2 tablespoons of butter over medium until melted.  Add chopped sage and cook about 1 minute. Add onion and cook until translucent, about 5 minutes. Turn heat to low, add rice and a pinch of salt and cook for 3 minutes, stirring often, until rice has turned slightly translucent. Turn the heat back up to medium, and add the white wine. Once the wine has been absorbed, add enough hot stock to cover the rice. Stir well and reduce the heat back down to medium-low.

4) Gently simmer the rice, stirring occasionally, until stock is absorbed. Add another 1/2-to-3/4 cup warm stock, and stir occasionally until new stock is absorbed. Repeat the process until all the stock has been absorbed by the rice, and rice is tender. This could take anywhere from 15 to 30 minutes. (It took me closer to 30.)

5) While all this is going on, sauté 10 sage leaves in a 1/2 tablespoon of butter until crisp, about 30 to 60 seconds, turning once halfway through. Rest on paper towel.

6) When rice is mostly tender, add cooked squash, parmesan, and the remaining tablespoon of butter. Cook 3 to 5 minutes, until dairy is melted and squash is heated through. Salt and pepper to taste. Serve hot, using sage leaves as garnish.

Approximate Calories, Fat, Fiber, and Price Per Serving
371 calories, 10 g fat, 1.4 g fiber, $1.77

1 medium butternut squash (12 ounces cut up): 153 calories, 0.3 g fat. 6.8 g fiber, $0.72
24 sage leaves: negligible calories, fat, and fiber, $1.50
Salt and pepper: negligible calories, fat, and fiber, $0.03
7 to 8 cups fat-free chicken (or veggie) stock: 120 calories, 8 g fat, 0 g fiber, $3.00
1 medium onion, diced small: 46 calories, 0.1 g fat, 1.5 g fiber, $0.18
3 1/2 tablespoons unsalted butter: 356 calories, 40.3 g fat, 0 g fiber, $0.21
2 cups uncooked Arborio rice: 1280 calories, 0 g fat, 0 g fiber, $2.49
1/2 cup dry white wine: 96 calories, 0 g fat, 0 g fiber, $1.23
1/2 cup parmesan, grated: 172 calories, 11.4 g fat, 0 g fiber,
TOTAL: 2223 calories, 60.1 g fat, 8.3 g fiber, $10.72
PER SERVING (TOTAL/6): 371 calories, 10 g fat, 1.4 g fiber, $1.77

Discord on Mammography Roils the ACS

Ralph Moss is an active educator regarding cancer issues.  I am pleased to see his newsletter this week and read his coments on issues surrounding mammography.

Of concern to me is the focus on the American Cancer Society's resistance to consider the impact on breast cancer rates attributed to mammogram screening.

As Moss writes, "According to a front-page article in the New York Times, the ACS intends to abandon its rigid advocacy of mammography screening of the age 40+ female population."

My concern is that elsewhere throughouit the world where breast cancer rates are lower, many attribute this to avoidance of radiological screening in the under 50-60 age group.

As you know from reading articles here at Natural Health News, Creating Health Institute has been a strong proponent for thermography and ultrasound for more than two decades.

Listen to our recent 2 part series "Pink May Not Be Protective"
Listen to Herbalyoda Says! on Blog Talk Radio
Read more of the many articles here (use blog search), at Natural Healing through Natural Health and at GreenMuze.

Gardasil: an untested failure

UPDATE: 12/14/09  Gardasil causing MS like syndrome in some girls
One more article added to the 32 already on Natural Health News regarding the serious issues with another unnecessary vaccine.
Gardasil Researcher Drops A Bombshell
Harper: Controversal Drug Will Do Little To Reduce Cervical Cancer Rates

By Susan Brinkmann, For The Bulletin, Sunday, October 25, 2009

Dr. Diane Harper, lead researcher in the development of two human papilloma virus vaccines, Gardasil and Cervarix, said the controversial drugs will do little to reduce cervical cancer rates and, even though they’re being recommended for girls as young as nine, there have been no efficacy trials in children under the age of 15.

Dr. Harper, director of the Gynecologic Cancer Prevention Research Group at the University of Missouri, made these remarks during an address at the 4th International Public Conference on Vaccination which took place in Reston, Virginia on Oct. 2-4. Although her talk was intended to promote the vaccine, participants said they came away convinced the vaccine should not be received.

“I came away from the talk with the perception that the risk of adverse side effects is so much greater than the risk of cervical cancer, I couldn’t help but question why we need the vaccine at all,” said Joan Robinson, Assistant Editor at the Population Research Institute.

Dr. Harper began her remarks by explaining that 70 percent of all HPV infections resolve themselves without treatment within a year. Within two years, the number climbs to 90 percent. Of the remaining 10 percent of HPV infections, only half will develop into cervical cancer, which leaves little need for the vaccine.

She went on to surprise the audience by stating that the incidence of cervical cancer in the U.S. is already so low that “even if we get the vaccine and continue PAP screening, we will not lower the rate of cervical cancer in the US.”

There will be no decrease in cervical cancer until at least 70 percent of the population is vaccinated, and even then, the decrease will be minimal.

Apparently, conventional treatment and preventative measures are already cutting the cervical cancer rate by four percent a year. At this rate, in 60 years, there will be a 91.4 percent decline just with current treatment. Even if 70 percent of women get the shot and required boosters over the same time period, which is highly unlikely, Harper says Gardasil still could not claim to do as much as traditional care is already doing.

Dr. Harper, who also serves as a consultant to the World Health Organization, further undercut the case for mass vaccination by saying that “four out of five women with cervical cancer are in developing countries.”

Ms. Robinson said she could not help but wonder, “If this is the case, then why vaccinate at all? But from the murmurs of the doctors in the audience, it was apparent that the same thought was occurring to them.”

However, at this point, Dr. Harper dropped an even bigger bombshell on the audience when she announced that, “There have been no efficacy trials in girls under 15 years.”

Merck, the manufacturer of Gardasil, studied only a small group of girls under 16 who had been vaccinated, but did not follow them long enough to conclude sufficient presence of effective HPV antibodies.

This is not the first time Dr. Harper revealed the fact that Merck never tested Gardasil for safety in young girls. During a 2007 interview with KPC, she said giving the vaccine to girls as young as 11 years-old “is a great big public health experiment.”

At the time, which was at the height of Merck’s controversial drive to have the vaccine mandated in schools, Dr. Harper remained steadfastly opposed to the idea and said she had been trying for months to convince major television and print media about her concerns, “but no one will print it.”

“It is silly to mandate vaccination of 11 to 12 year old girls,” she said at the time. “There also is not enough evidence gathered on side effects to know that safety is not an issue.”

When asked why she was speaking out, she said: “I want to be able to sleep with myself when I go to bed at night.”

Since the drug’s introduction in 2006, the public has been learning many of these facts the hard way. To date, 15,037 girls have officially reported adverse side effects from Gardasil to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). These adverse reactions include Guilliane Barre, lupus, seizures, paralysis, blood clots, brain inflammation and many others. The CDC acknowledges that there have been 44 reported deaths.

Dr. Harper also participated in the research on Glaxo-Smith-Kline’s version of the drug, Cervarix, currently in use in the UK but not yet approved here. Since the government began administering the vaccine to school-aged girls last year, more than 2,000 patients reported some kind of adverse reaction including nausea, dizziness, blurred vision, convulsions, seizures and hyperventilation. Several reported multiple reactions, with 4,602 suspected side-effects recorded in total. The most tragic case involved a 14 year-old girl who dropped dead in the corridor of her school an hour after receiving the vaccination.

The outspoken researcher also weighed in last month on a report published in the Journal of the American Medical Association that raised questions about the safety of the vaccine, saying bluntly: "The rate of serious adverse events is greater than the incidence rate of cervical cancer."

Ms. Robinson said she respects Dr. Harper’s candor. “I think she’s a scientist, a researcher, and she’s genuine enough a scientist to be open about the risks. I respect that in her.”

However, she failed to make the case for Gardasil. “For me, it was hard to resist the conclusion that Gardasil does almost nothing for the health of American women.”

Copyright © 2009 - The Bulletin

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Ginkgo Found to Protect Against Radiation Damage

This is good news for women, and men, who are exposed to radiation via mammogram, MRI and other scans in standard breast screening and therapy.

Of course we hope that more will stand up to the status quo and demand access to thermography, but in the interim, this information certainly can be of help.

It is also good news for our military, now known to be over exposed to DU.

A report published and October, 2009 issue of the International Journal of Low Radiation added evidence to a protective effect for Ginkgo biloba against radiation damage. Ginkgo biloba is a tree species whose leaves have been used for centuries in Chinese medicine. Ginkgo leaf extract contains antioxidant compounds called ginkgolides and bilobalides which help scavenge free radicals that attack nearly all components of the cell, including DNA.

In their article, Chang-Mo Kang of the Korea Institute of Radiological and Medical Sciences in Taegu and colleagues describe their use of an assay for radiation-induced programmed cell death (apoptosis) to evaluate the protective effect of ginkgo extract against radiation exposure that occurs during accidents or occupational overexposure. In one experiment, white blood cells from human donors aged 18 to 50 were treated with one of four concentrations of ginkgo extract or a 9 percent saline solution before being exposed to gamma rays.

The researchers found a significant dose-dependent reduction in apoptotic cells among those treated with ginkgo. While radiation-induced apoptosis occurred in nearly one third of irradiated cells not treated with ginkgo, the number declined to 5 percent or less in cells treated with the herb.

In another experiment, mice were treated with ginkgo extract or saline before and after receiving whole body ionizing radiation. Mice that did not undergo radiation served as controls. Examination of the animals' spleens found that treatment with ginkgo maintained organ size comparable with that of animals that did not receive radiation, while spleens in irradiated animals that did not receive ginkgo were significantly smaller.

In their discussion of the findings, the authors note that cell-damaging free radicals and reactive oxygen species can be generated in excess under numerous conditions, including exposure to environmental chemicals, specific drugs, and during normal aging.

"These results indicate that the radioprotective effects of ginkgo extracts administered prior to radiation are due to the OH radical scavenging activity," the authors write. "Therefore, ginkgo extract should be useful for the protection of radiosensitive organs against free radicals.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Better to Screen You with Thermography, My Dear...

"Rethink" of Cancer Screening Triggers Comments and Controversy
By Nick Mulcahy

October 23, 2009 — In a comment that has triggered widespread media coverage, the chief medical officer of the American Cancer Society (ACS) admitted that the benefits of cancer screening, especially for prostate and breast cancer, have been oversold.
The advantages to screening have been exaggerated.

"I'm admitting that American medicine has overpromised when it comes to screening. The advantages to screening have been exaggerated," the ACS's Otis Brawley, MD, told the New York Times in an October 21 article.

With this statement, a long-simmering controversy — about how the benefits of prostate and breast cancer screenings are emphasized at the expense of discussion of the harms — seems to have boiled over, at least momentarily. The story has been covered by many major media outlets, including ABC News, NBC Nightly News, CNN, the Jim Lehrer News Hour, and National Public Radio.

Hours after Dr. Brawley's comments were published, the ACS released an official press statement from Dr. Brawley that shifted focus back to the benefits of screening — and away from his earlier candid interview about the downsides of screening.

"While the advantages of screening for some cancers have been overstated, there are advantages, especially in the case of breast, colon, and cervical cancers. Mammography is effective — mammograms work and women should continue get them," reads Dr. Brawley's statement.

The statement also reiterated the ACS's stand that men should make an "informed decision" about whether prostate cancer screening is "right for them."

Dr. Brawley's original comments apparently arose in an interview with the Times about an essay published in the October 21 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association about the need to rethink prostate and breast cancer screening.

The essay argues that new approaches to screening for breast and prostate cancer are needed, because the current methods have not led to a "significant reduction in deaths" from the 2 diseases.

Explaining the Case for a Rethink

The essay, written Laura Esserman, MD, MBA, and Yiwey Shieh, AB, both from the University of California, San Francisco, and Ian Thompson, MD, from the University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio, calls for a rethink on cancer screening and offers a 4-pronged program for improvement.

They decided to write the essay when they realized how similar prostate and breast cancers and their screening problems are.

A central problem with the screenings for both of these cancers seems to be that they have increased the burden of low-risk cancers without reducing the burden of more aggressive cancers, the essayists write.

We need to refocus and figure out how to tailor screening.
Mammography and prostate-specific antigen (PSA) testing, although having "some effect," have led to the well-documented overdiagnosis and overtreatment of breast and prostate cancers, they note.

"We are not saying that screening is bad. It's what you do with the information that makes it good or bad," Dr. Esserman told Medscape Oncology. "We need to refocus and figure out how to tailor screening," she summarized.

The American Cancer Society should not be afraid of Otis's message.
She supports Dr. Brawley for speaking out on this issue. "Otis had a lot of courage. The American Cancer Society should not be afraid of Otis's message."

The messages about cancer screening need to evolve, suggested Dr. Esserman.

"I think people like the simple message that screening is good and are uncomfortable with complexity. I understand that. However, cancer is a complicated disease. We need to expand our messages to say, among other things, that many screen-detected cancers are slow growing and may not need treatment," she said.

Other messages should include the mention of harm and the fact that screening will not find all cancers early, Dr. Esserman added.

With regard to the latter, Dr. Esserman said that a recent study indicates that most stage II and III breast cancers actually turn up clinically, between normal planned screens.

"It's just not true to say that 'if you get a mammogram, all will be well'," she explained.

Problems With Prostate and Breast Cancer Screening

It is estimated that more than 1 million men have been overtreated for prostate cancer since the advent of widespread PSA testing in the mid-1980s.

Furthermore, as the essayists point out, the intensive PSA screening has not resulted in a significant difference in prostate cancer mortality between the United States and the United Kingdom, where PSA screening was not widely adopted.

The essayists also note that although evidence indicates that breast cancer screening saves lives, 838 women, aged 50 to 70 years, must undergo screening for 6 years to avert 1 death. However, this 1 life saved generates "thousands of screens, hundreds of biopsies, and many cancers treated as if they were life-threatening when they were not," they write.

A critic of mammography recently told Medscape Oncology that such mammography facts are in stark contrast with what is most publicized about the screening, namely that "mammography saves lives."

While Dr. Brawley's comments have garnered great attention, another ACS official recently suggested to Medscape Oncology that public education about breast cancer screening is in need of improvement. "We all have to do a better job to best inform the public about the benefits and harms of screening mammography," said Bob Smith, PhD, director of cancer screening at the ACS.

Dr. Esserman believes the time is right to improve both patients' and clinicians' understanding of screening. "If you don't take a hard critical look, then you miss the opportunity to improve things," she said.

A Plan for Improved Screening

In their essay, the authors chart a new 4-point course for breast and prostate cancer screening that will "significantly reduce death and morbidity" from the cancers.

First, more powerful markers that identify and differentiate cancers with significant risk from those with minimal risk are needed.

Second, the treatment burden for minimal-risk disease must be reduced. Methods currently exist to identify low- and high-risk cancers in both the breast and prostate, they emphasize. For instance, in prostate cancer, low-volume lesions with low Gleason scores have a low-risk for death. Minimal-risk disease should not be called cancer; it should be called indolent lesions of epithelial origin (IDLE), they say.

Third, improved tools to support informed decisions are needed. "Information about risks of screening and biopsy should be shared with patients before screening," they write. Currently, an estimated one third of PSA tests take place without even the most basic doctor–patient discussion, as reported by Medscape Oncology.

Finally, a greater emphasis on prevention, including the use of proven cancer preventive agents, such as finasteride for preventing prostate cancer and tamoxifen and raloxifene for preventing breast cancer, is needed.

An estimated $20 billion is spent to screen for prostate and breast cancer in the United States. The essayists call for 10% to 20% of that amount to be invested in an effort to improve screening.

This article grew out of collaboration initiated within the National Cancer Institute's Early Detection Research Network and was supported by grants U01CA111234 and U01CA086402. The authors have disclosed no relevant financial relationships.

JAMA. 2009;302:1685-1692. Abstract

Authors and Disclosures
Nick Mulcahy is a senior journalist for Medscape Hematology-Oncology. Before joining Medscape, Nick was a freelance medical news writer for 15 years, working for companies such as the International Medical News Group, MedPage Today, HealthDay, McMahon Publishing, and Advanstar. He is also the former managing editor of He can be contacted at

Medscape Medical News © 2009 Medscape, LLC

Vaccine Information


Top Ten Links of the Week: 10/16 – 10/22

Today launches the Megalinks in brand new Friday top ten form. While you're scrolling, don't forget to check out the honorable mentions section, a short list of other noteworthy stories and posts. It's a linkapalooza, minus the obligatory Jane's Addiction reunion.

1) Improv Everywhere: Grocery Store Musical
Years ago, I took improv comedy classes at the Upright Citizens Brigade Theater in New York. In addition to it being the most fun thing ever, it’s where I met the Husband-Elect. (Amy Poehler will kind of be responsible for the birth of our kids, in the most roundabout way ever.) Improv Everywhere was created by UCB veteran Charlie Todd, and what they do is just wonderful. Grocery Store Musical is just their latest stroke of genius. If you have time, browse the site (especially the U2 stunt), and I promise you won’t be disappointed.

2) The Atlantic: Preparing for Gastric Bypass
If you know someone going in for bariatric surgery, forward him/her this excellent piece about communicating with medical teams. The first part (regarding complications of a particular case) is a little scary, but the rest really emphasizes the support systems needed to make the procedure a successful one. It’s as much mental as physical.

3) Culinate: How to Buy – and Share – Your Groceries in Bulk
Nice first-person account of families pooling their cash to buy organic food in bulk. Kathleen’s saving mad cash, reducing her garbage, and feeding her kids better all in one fell swoop. Nice work!

4) Huffington Post: Anthony Bourdain – Coolness Factor Wearing Thin
It’s a long, detailed, occasionally condescending argument for eating less meat disguised as an anti-Bourdain missive. And while I essentially agree with Kozloff, it seems like he might want to advocate moderation rather than rail against carnivores. P.S. If I was Bourdain reading this, I’d be most offended at the very first word: “celebrity.”

5) New York Times: A Few Cookies a Day to Keep the Pounds Away?
What John Nemet’s Cookie Diet says: Eat cookies! Get thin!
What John Nemet’s Cookie Diet forgets to say: Pay $56 a week to eat cookies! Get thin temporarily! Become viciously unhealthy! Gain every pound back the second you quit eating the cookies!

6) The Simple Dollar: Ethical Frugality Week - Free Samples
Are you obligated to buy something if you scarf a few free samples at CostCo? I say no, but that’s only because I’m usually in there to buy something anyway. The food is kind of a nice perk. If you’re doing it constantly, it’s another story. Readers?

7) Lifehacker: 10 Simple Freezer Tricks to Save You Time and Money
Want to tame freezer burn? Optimize your cooling coils? Save the information on a fakakta hard drive? Lifehacker tells all!

8) Food Politics: FDA to Clean Up Front-of-Package Mess
Oh, thank goodness. Froot Loops should not now or ever be considered a health food.

9) The Kitchn: What Foods Are Always in Your Fridge?
At Casa el CHG: milk, eggs, cheese, jam, capers, hummus, various condiments. What about you guys?

10) The Simple Dollar: Monday Mailbag
A reader wrote in to Trent regarding a Crate and Barrel advertisement, claiming the store was too expensive to be displayed on a personal finance blog. Rather than get into the ethics of blogs advertising (which I’m kind of new at), I’m gonna defend C&B for a minute. Because seriously, they have some great deals if you know where to look. A lot of their everyday glassware and smaller utensils are under $2 each, and the sales tend to be really solid. Plus, it’s always nice to give somebody a set of glasses in a C&B box, while secretly knowing you only paid $12.


Casual Kitchen: The Priming Reflex - How to Control Your Appetite (And Turn Your Back on a Million Years of Evolution)

Eat Me Daily: Food Art – ‘Eat the Art’ Group Exhibit at BHCC in Boston

Eat Me Daily: The Future of Print - The Rival Predictions of Ruth Reichl and Regina Schrambling

Epic Self: How to Master Portion Control for Life

The Kitchn: Best Quiet Snacks for Eating in Class

Money Saving Mom: Stretching Your Dollars Online With Coupons and Cashback

New York Times: Show Off Your Vegetables With Pasta

Seattle Times: Guide to the rice selection at your local market

Serious Eats: All About Curry

SFGate: Pumpkins – Going Beyond Pie

Readers, any other sweet links I missed? Feel free to add them in the comments section, and have a great weekend!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Veggie Might: Vegetarian Miso Soup

Written by the fabulous Leigh, Veggie Might is a weekly Thursday column about all things Vegetarian.

Hi Readers! I thought of you every time I went grocery shopping or cooked a meal over the last month. I’m so happy we’re back together.

Back in June of 2008, I wrote an article about hidden meat that can trip up vegetarians and vegans, warning particularly of fish and chicken stock in soups. Blinded by my own ignorance, and probably the good-faith assurance of some waiter at some restaurant in 1991, I’ve been contentedly slurping down fishy broth at sushi joints across America, alongside my avocado rolls and edamame.

God bless the child that knows it all.

Miso soup is not vegetarian. I stumbled on this shocker last winter while reading the charming Japanese home cooking blog, Just Hungry, and I’m just getting around to sharing it.

Luckily, the mourning period was short-lived. The blog’s author, Maki, clued me in and gave me a vegetarian alternative in one fantastic post. I chose not to dwell on the amount of bonito fish flakes I must have consumed over the last 18 years.

Miso soup is made from a standard Japanese soup base called dashi, which combines water, kombu (dried seaweed), and bonito (dried fish flakes). Dashi can also be made with shitake mushrooms added to the mix.

The vegetarian/vegan version is just dashi without the bonito flakes. Yes, just two ingredients: water and kombu seaweed. I was able to score kombu at a fantastic price from a Korean grocery near my office. You can also find kombu at gourmet markets, health food stores, and larger grocery stores with a Japanese foods section.

Making dashi is an overnight process, but the soup that follows is so easy, light, and flavorful, you will want to make it by the tanker truckload. However, I must advice against that. Miso doesn’t stand up well to boiling and should be served right away. Otherwise, it gets angry and bitter.

You can add whatever veggies you like to your miso soup. I used scallions and a few button mushrooms, along with strips of the soaked kombu instead of the traditional wakame seaweed. It turned out to be too tough, so I’ve left it out of the recipe. Play around and see what you come up with. It’s a whole new fish-free world.

~ ~ ~

If you like this recipe, you might also like:
~ ~ ~

Vegetarian Miso Soup with Mushrooms
Yields 6 1-cup servings
Adapted from Just Hungry.
LEIGH NOTE: Please excuse the camera phone picture. My camera and I took an accidental swim in Lake George (brrrrr!) while canoeing a couple weekends ago. Fingers crossed it will dry out yet.

8 cups cold water
1 12” strip of kombu (wide, black seaweed)

Miso soup
8 cups of dashi
1 cup button mushrooms, sliced
2 scallions, chopped (white and light green parts only)
1/4 cup yellow, white, or blended miso

The dashi part
1) Soak kombu in water overnight (or at least an hour) in the refrigerator.

2) Bring to a simmer in a large heavy bottomed pot for 5–10 minutes. Do not allow it to boil.

3) Remove kombu and discard. (Or it can be saved and cooked for other dishes if desired. It’s rather leathery, otherwise.)

The miso soup part
4) Add mushrooms and scallions to dashi. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat, cover, and cook for about 10 minutes.

5) Ladle out about 1/2 cup of broth into a small bowl. Stir in miso until dissolved. Remove soup from heat and stir in miso mixture. Taste and repeat, adding more miso if desired.

6) Serve immediately alongside avocado rolls and edamame across America.

Approximate Calories, Fat, Fiber, and Price per Serving
26 calories, 0g fat, 0.9g fiber, $.32

8 cups of dashi (12” strip of kombu + water): 0 calories, 0g fat, and 0g fiber, $.3

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Dangerous, Deadly H1N1 Vaccine Scam

UPDATE: 10/21/09
I've been listening to current news regarding the lack of availability of the "swine" flu vaccine in the various forms, Liquid Tamiflu, and the "approved" masks.

Of course we have been assured from the beginning of this "pandemic" alert that there would be no problem with adequate supply of these products as Secretary Sebelius has repeated many times in mainstream media.

Obviously there is a public health problem that may not be flu but more like manufacturing and distribution.

In light of the lack of liquid Tamiflu, HHS and CDC is authorizing compounding of the liquid by pharmacists.

A second move is the importation of foreign drugs.

Now of course we know that our members of Congress have tried vehemently to stop importing foreign drugs under the guise of many excuses, and they have tried to stop any compounding activity in pharmacies.

Here is a great mixed message and one I hope isn't forgotten quickly.

We have just had another great give-a-way to Big PhARMA in the health insurance "reform" effort in Congress over Plan D in Medicare thanks to Obama.

Now we have a precedent to fight their stupidity for cost saving and health saving action.

And if you'd like information about what to do in the interim, make sure you wash hands frequently with regular - not antibacterial - soap, keep well hydrated, and maintain good levels of garlic, vitamin C and vitamin D (the 3 basics), and cover your mouth or nose if you need to cough or sneeze (then wash your hands).

Make sure to check out all of the information we have here at Natural Health News on this flu conundrum by using the search window at the top of the right column.

If H1N1 is really Asian flu, or regular seasonal flu, as it seems to be stated by the CDC, one has to wonder what all the flap is about.

Dr. Horowitz provides some enlightening information in his article; things you do have the right to know.

It is also good to be aware of the fact that this is an egg based vaccine so if you have any allergy to eggs be vigilant. The vaccine also contains mercury and aluminum which can cause heavy metal toxicity and other problems.

Flu Scams
WHO Issues H1N1 Swine Flu Propaganda Reports BigPharma Is Testing 'Mock' Viruses In Vaccines
By Dr. Leonard Horowitz

The World Health Organization (WHO) is spreading propaganda like the flu to convince people new, genetically engineered, live "mock" influenza viruses in vaccines are safe.

On August 6, 2009, following news that more than half the world's health professionals will refuse vaccinations this fall, the WHO issued a directive to governments to reassure people the new flu vaccines, still being tested, are "safe." A major U.S. media blitz followed featuring Barack Obama telling Americans to get vaccinated, and network broadcasts maligning vaccination opponents.

"From the White House to, H1N1 swine flu vaccine promoters and promotions, costing taxpayers tens of millions of dollars, are serving 'BigPharma' advancing a genocidal agenda," reports public health expert and media analyst, Dr. Leonard Horowitz. "Dismissing harmful vaccine side effects that may sicken millions of people following injections of immune-system intoxicating chemicals, heavy metals, viral proteins, and foreign genetic materials reflects gross criminal malfeasance," he says.

A WHO expert committee defended its global vaccination program writing, "Special safety issues will inevitably arise . . . when vaccine is administered on a massive scale," but "manufacturers have conducted advance studies using a so-called 'mock-up' vaccine."

Mock-up vaccines are made from live genetically-engineered viruses that spread like the flu after injection. So the threatening pandemic may include genetic parts, and whole new viruses, from these new laboratory produced pathogens.

Complete article...

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