Sunday, February 17, 2008

Natural help, Adult ADD, BiPolar

Can help children as well....

Somewhere about 1985 or so, and on to 1993, I have been finding nutrient deficiency a problem for people with so-called ADD, ADHD, and the ever increasing catch-all diagnosis called bipolar.

The first case I reviewed clearly showed a nutrient deficiency state because the person was lucky enough to have a vitamin testing profile.

I always see some degree of trauma as well, added to thyroid impairment and a few other health issues.

Natural treatment is available and effective. Check with us for options.

But also remember that vaccines, drugs, food, lifestyle(EMF exposure) fluoride exposure and more do their job of setting you up for this and many other health problems.

See also

What is making people so manic?
By Oliver James
Last Updated: 11:21pm GMT 16/02/2008

Will, 35, is a leading psychiatrist who also happens to be a multi-millionaire businessman living his 18-hour days at breakneck speed.

His big issue regarding himself is whether he is suffering from adult ADHD or a minor form of bipolar disorder.

My view is that, like so many other modern people, he is someone lacking identity, craving a label for his unhappiness.

advertisementThis widespread hunger for identity through diagnosis enables drug companies and their close cousins, the psychiatric profession - who are the diagnosticians - to peddle the ideas that genes cause illness at a physical level and chemicals are the solution.

That neither idea is well-established, and the fact that there are well-proven social causes and treatments, is much less highly publicised.

Yet, far from investigating whether adults need drug treatment for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, it might be better for the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence to examine what is making people so manic and inattentive.

The environmental origins of ADHD start before birth. In several studies, children whose mothers were stressed or anxious in pregnancy during the last trimester were significantly more likely to have ADHD symptoms at ages seven and 10, as well as behavioural problems and anxiety. The effect of prenatal stress is still there even after other postnatal causes of these childhood disturbances, such as depression and marital disharmony, are taken into account.

The mechanism by which the prenatal stress is converted into ADHD is the hormone cortisol. Prenatal stress activates the mother's fight-flight system, jacking up cortisol levels which are passed via the placenta to the foetus - maternal and foetal levels correlate.

In itself, this should lead the National Institute for Clinical Excellence (Nice) and the Department of Health actively to pursue policies that protect pregnant mothers from stress during the last trimester - such as stopping work at six months.

But that is only the tip of the environmental evidence iceberg. Many other studies show that having a depressed mother who does not respond to your needs, or being in a dodgy day-care set-up as a baby or toddler, creates a permanent insecurity which becomes electrochemically enshrined as abnormally high or low cortisol levels.

Even after this damage has been done, it can be repaired without resort to dangerous drugs. Talking therapies are highly effective and preferable, because drugs like Ritalin are very close in their effects on the brain to small doses of illegal Class A drugs such as cocaine and amphetamine. Why is it safe to give the equivalent of a large daily dose of such drugs to children with developing brains but illegal to consume them as an adult?

Although Will's affliction, however labelled, almost certainly has its roots in his early childhood nurture, what has to be added to the equation is that he lives in an English-speaking nation.

World Health Organization studies show that we have twice as much mental illness, 23 per cent at any one time, as mainland western Europe, on 11.5 per cent.

The difference? One is that, from pregnancy onwards, throughout education and into our careers, workaholia and speed of delivery always take priority in our crazy world.

• Dr James is a psychologist and the author of 'Affluenza' and 'The Selfish Capitalist: Origins of Affluenza'


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